The Reno Bighorns will hold dance team auditions
at 2 p.m. Oct. 15 at the South Reno Athletic Club, 9393 Gateway
Necessary qualifications include: a strong
background in dance, significant experience in choreographing routines and
knowledge of the flow of basketball games.
Dancers must be 18 or older and able to commit
to all 24 home games. They also must be available for weekly scheduled
practices, attendance at special events and community appearances.
The Reno Bighorns home opener is Dec.
Cost: Preregistration $25. Preregistration
deadline is 5 p.m. Oct. 14.
Day-of-audition registration is $30.
Details: 775-284-2NBA.
Let Craze know if they are interested in using you! Thanks so much!