Seeking unique characters, groups, and families for an untitled reality show. Casting director states: "Have people always told you that there should be a reality show about you? Our Emmy Award winning TV production company is looking for amazing characters and/or families for a potential new show for a major cable network. We are a very well established production company, producing high-profile, prime time cable shows for everyone from HGTV to CBS."

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations

Shoots dates and location TBD.

Compensation & Union Contract Details

Pays TBD.

Seeking Talent Select a role below for more information and submission instructions.

    Reality Star : Males & Females, 18+, All Ethnicities

    you or someone you know is incredibly charming, funny, has high energy, and is a true character.


Seeking submissions nationwide/worldwide

Audition & Submission Instructions

2-A brief description of you, your business, your co-workers, and your family, along with any home videos and pictures  Casting director states: "100% of all who apply will be reviewed by at least two of our producers. Nothing will be lost in the shuffle."
3-Put Reality Star in email header

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