(You MUST visit http://www.dwad.net/castingcall.html
for complete details. We have presented most of the information below, but audition sides as well as some additional details are at the above link.)

The Time Traveller

Five Doctors

Seven former companions

And one MONSTER the Doctor has faced throughout his lives, but never this directly...

Celebrating 30 Years of The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

SegalChord Productions is a group of professional, semi-professional, and amateur actors located in Fremont, CA, who have been making The Doctor Who Audio Dramas since 1982. These productions are downloaded for free over the internet. We average thousands of episodes downloaded each month. If you want to get your voice heard, this is the place to do it.

We are currently holding an open casting call for voice actors for our next production, The Time Traveller, a seven episode audio drama.

Audition guidelines:

Auditions shall be submitted either as a high-quality mp3 file which we will download from your web space or sent to us through e-mail. Submit auditions to
dwad@onepost.net. Please label your e-mail subject line as "DOCTOR WHO CASTING CALL". Please use that exact subject line. We use a very aggressive spam filter and sometimes it discards things it shouldn't. Labeling your subject properly will help us find your e-mail. If your e-mail is actually bounced by our spam filter (very rare, but it happens), please post a note on our message board at http://www.dwad.net/phpBB3 and we'll be certain to contact you.
You must have a good quality microphone and a good sound card. Record one second of silence with the microphone turned on before beginning your lines (for noise reduction purposes). Files are to be submitted in mp3 format, 16-bit, 44100 Hz, 128 Kbps, mono, or as close as you can get to that. We try to be as flexible as possible. If your software doesn't have those exact parameters, choose a higher quality rather than a lower one. If you have any questions regarding how to do any of this, please do not hesitate to ask. We know a lot of people are unfamiliar with this aspect of their computers, and we are willing to help. If your software doesn't do mp3, choose another compressed format like wmv or oog. Do NOT send wav files. Those are insanely big.
Please label your audition file as "<Character name> - <Your name>" so we can easily figure out who belongs to what. Your name is your actual name, not your internet nick or e-mail name. Stage names are fine, but please look professional. One word names or silly names will be rejected.
VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure to "audition" your own recordings before sending them in. Many auditions are being sent back because of technical problems. (Distortion, background noise, hiss, and echo are the biggest problems.) By listening to your own sound files, you can find and correct these problems before sending them in. For some basic help in avoiding some of the more common problems, please visit out technical page at
Those selected will be required to record their lines using their own equipment and submit them by a deadline, as well as be available to quickly re-record any lines deemed necessary by the director. Please do not audition if you are not able to meet this commitment. Most personal computers today are very capable of recording very good quality sound files, so there is no need for anyone to be using an expensive studio anymore except for very high-end productions.
Please note that we acknowledge all auditions and everyone who auditioned will be told whether they got the role or not. (Being actors ourselves, we always hated being kept in limbo.) So if your audition isn't acknowledged, something happened and we didn't receive it. If we've received your audition and you still haven't received an e-mail telling you the results, you're still in the running. If more than one week has gone by since auditions closed, you should have had an answer by then. If not, please don't hesitate to ask. It doesn't bother us, and sometimes it's true that some internet black hole eats e-mail messages.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to
dwad@onepost.net. We will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for your interest in The Doctor Who Audio Dramas. Auditioning is not hard. Even if you suffer from the worst stage fright, we'll help you get over it. Remember, part of our mission is to teach, to give people the opportunity to learn. We especially like people who are new or nearly new or who have been typecast. We will give new actors the chance to develop their skills as well as typecast actors the opportunity to break out of the mould.

We look forward to working with you!

The following are the open roles for The Time Traveller. Gender is indicated if a specific gender is required, otherwise the role is gender neutral and anyone can audition for that role. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of lines the character has. The middle column are the lines to be read for the audition. Please read only your lines. Additional lines are provided for context. Please note that, while we do our best to describe characters to give you as much background to go on as we can, we do have fans who read through these audition notices, so we have to hold back to prevent spoilers from leaking out. For this reason, some of the sides presented may not actually appear in the script or may be altered. If you need more information for a character, please feel free to ask.

In the case of child characters (both male as well as female), females should consider auditioning for these types of roles as well. Females have the ability to sound pre-pubesent no matter what their age, and many male child characters are voiced by females in animation.

We do offer a small amount of pay for most of these roles. Payment is offered so that actors may list this production on their resume as a Professional Role rather than an amateur one. Professional roles look much better to casting directors, so every line on the resume helps. We wish we could pay more, but we don't charge any money for these stories, so we lose a ton of money on each production. But we love what we do, so here we are.

Voice actors who have multiple voices in their repertoire are encouraged to give a sample of each in addition to their audition. We may offer you multiple roles if your voices are identifiably different from each other.

British Isle accent is preferred, though we will accept any accent. Roles which require a specific accent are noted.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate in the slightest to ask. E-mail:

Sometimes there are several unlisted roles which have only a couple of lines. For those chosen, we may assign you one of these small characters to play as well. Welcome to the world of voice acting!

Please audition for any role you would prefer. At times, we may offer you a role which you did not audition for if we feel your voice/style better suits that role. If you do not wish to be considered for roles you did not audition for, please make a note of that for us. Due to the size of the cast for this story, all those who audition will automatically be considered for one of the Misc Roles unless you specifically ask not to be.

Male, British, about 40-50 years old. Can be cool, collected, but has a fun, mischeveous side to him. In control of almost any situation. (389)

Male, 50's. Military advisor to the Prime Minister. Not cliche military. The man has intelligence. (34)

Female American, late 60's. Retired widow, bingo player, a bit on the prowl for a rich husband. Her segment is during the 1950's, so should reflect those mannerisms. (33)

Male Australian, mid to late 20's. Computer hacker. (24)

Male Australian, adult. Bartender (24)

Female, 40's. Housekeeper at Hawaiian hotel, 1953. A nice lady, used to being taken for granted by the guests, she appreciates that the Doctor treats her like a person. (23)

Male adult. Rebel leadxer. Has been fighting against the dictator for a long time. (19)

Female British, 18. Karly's roommate at Cantebury School for Girls. Typical 18-year old away from home for the first time. (18)

Male adult, middle aged. Cool, slightly unemotional assistant to the Overlord. (17)

UNIT soldier, adult. (17)

British adult, MP. (15)

Male adult, middle aged. Cool, slightly unemotional assistant to the Overlord (14)

Male British, 20. Becca's boyfriend. (14)

Male American, 20's. Luka's grandson. Family now owns the hotel where his grandmother worked. (13)

Humanoid adult. Assassin. Bitter. (10)

Male, 40's. Scientist (10)

Male, 50's. General. Military. In charge. (9)

Female American. 60's. Retired. (8)

UNIT soldier, adult. (8)

Male, American, 50's. Chief of polics, Hawaii, 1953. (7)

Female, Scottish, 60's. A strong female. (7)

Adult, 50-60. Secretary General of the UN. (6)

Male adult. UNIT soldier. (6)

Female British, 50's. Headmistress of Cantubury School for Girls. Strict, think Catholic High School principle. (5)

Male Scott, 60's.

These roles are generally one-offs, consisting of 5 lines or less. If you are interested in just small roles, just read the side provided and we'll give you one of these.

Audition closes: Monday, February 27, 2012
Lines will be due Monday, March 19, 2012
Expected completion date: Fall, 2012