Project: Franklin Covey

Shoot dates: Talent needs to be available June 27-July 2

Audition dates and times: See Below

Rates: $300-$500. Some of these actors may be asked to do background work it pays $120

Audition Location: South Salt Lake City, Utah

Character Name

All of these roles but two of them are silent bits, but they require actors.

WHITE GUY- Out of shape, heavy set Male, Caucasian, 28-35 yrs old. Auditions on Friday, June 17 at 11:30am

HISPANIC RUNNERS- Females, 25-40. Mediterranean (Dark Hair, Olive skin, Dark eyes in good shape, Joggers. Auditions on Monday, June 20 at 9:42am.

ASIAN MEN- Male, Asian, 25-35 yrs old. Auditions on Tuesday, June 21 at 4:12pm

DAUGHTER- Female, 5-10 yrs old. Mediterranean, Dark Hair, Olive Skin, Dark Eyes. Auditions on Friday, June 17 at 12:33pm

EXECUTIVE WOMAN- A high powered executive WOMAN. Lawyer Types (Cuacasian 45-50 yrs old). Auditions on Friday, June 17 at 2:36pm

FEMALE ASSISTANT- Attractive, Caucasian, Female Assistant to a Lawyer. Attractive and in shape, Late 20's. Auditions on Friday, June 17 at 3:39pm

WORKER- Dad, Male, 25-35. Mediterranean, Dark Hair, Olive Skin, Dark Eyes, an international everyman type. Auditions on Friday, June 17 at 4:42pm

BOYFRIEND- Universal type Male, dark hair. good looking 25-35 in good shape. Asking a girl to marry him. Auditions on Monday, June 20 at 10:45am

GIRLFRIEND- Attractive, Late 20's. Universal type girl, good looking. Accidentaly yawns when boyfriend asks her to marry him. Auditions on Monday, June 20 at 11:48am

MOM- Mid 30's, Female, African American. Attractive. Auditions on Monday, June 20 at 2:54pm

HUSBAND- Male, 30-40, African American. In good shape, attractive. Auditions on Monday, June 20 at 3:57pm

DAUGHTER #1- Female, 5-10 yrs old, African American. Auditions on Monday, June 20 at 5:00pm

SCIENTIST- Male good looking, a scientist type, Caucasian, 25-35 yrs old. Auditions on Tuesday, June 21 at 11:00am

LATIN AMERICAN WOMAN- Must sky dive. Female, 30yrs old. Mediterranean (Dark Hair, Dark Eyes.) good looking, attractive. Auditions on Tuesday, June 21 at 12:03pm

LITTLE BOY- 3-5 yr old little boy. Getting his shoe tied by his dad. Auditions on Tuesday, June 21 at 2:06pm

LAURA- Female, Caucasian, Dark hair, Business Woman. In Good Shape (has speaking Lines). Auditions on Tuesday, June 21 at 3:09pm

BOSS- 40's, Cuacasian Male, Business Man type. In decent shape (Has speaking Lines). Auditions on Tuesday, June 21 at 5:15pm

CRAZY BUSY MAN- (African American 30's) working hard at hisdesk (Or running through hall). Auditions on Monday, June 20 at 12:51pm

If you are interested in auditioning, email or with your:



    Character you are interested in

    Your Acting Resume

We will submit your info. to Casting for consideration. If selected, WE WILL EMAIL YOU additional info. including sides for your audition.

Casting is very limited on the number of people they can see per role. If you do not receive an Audition Email please do not get discouraged. We wish they had the time to see everyone but unfortunately that is how it goes.



Craze Agency