Short film to be submitted to local and out of state festivals

Synopsis: Peter is trying to figure out where his future is going to take him. When Peter stumbles into a warehouse, he runs into the one thing that can put his life into motion. A whiteboard. Through writing Peter is able to communicate with Emma, who unfortunately lives in a parallel universe. Being in the same place at the same time, but not being able to physically interact takes it's toll. This is a short story about discovering love in someone you can't see or even touch.
There are six speaking roles:
-Peter (main): 21 year old college student living at parents house. A little eccentric, but still cute. To look good with Emma.
-Emma: 21 year old college student. Cute. A little spontaneous/eccentric as well. To look good with Peter.
-Allie: 22 year old college student. Pretty. The cheerleader in high school. A brat to those around her. Always gets her way.
-Mike: 22 year old. Jock. Works out. Is good friends with Allie.
-Peter's dad. Hates peter. Is not successful in life. Jumps from job to job. Gets very angry and aggressive easily.
-Peter's mom. Subdued housewife. Abused by husband. Does what husband tells her to. Keeps up her appearance and fakes a smile. 
Peter $100 total for the two days of shooting. 
Emma $30 for 7 hours of shooting. 
Shooting Friday, June 24 and Saturday, June 25
Lunch and Dinner will be provided. There will be craft services.
Copy and credit will be given.  
This will be submitted into local and out of state festivals.
Submit by email to with name, headshot, and resume. A reply e-mail with further instruction will be sent including place, what is needed, and scheduled time and place.

Auditions will be held on the 18th of June, from 12:00 to 3:00pm. Accommodations can be made for actors who are unable to attend in that time frame. It will be held at UVU. 
Craze Agency