Casting session on Tuesday 08.23.11 from 11:10am -12:10pm

Auditions will be 10 minutes each spot.
Please do not pair talent w/multiple partners/group, we only want to see the talent once.

Here are the specifications...

Client: Xango
Rate: $350.00 featured
$150.00 featured extras
$150.00 head shot extras
Buy: Industrial use only, not broadcast, but it will be on client website.
Shoot: August 29-30th 2011 (half day)

Talent... (all Caucasian)

3 women (featured extras): mid-late 20's, non speaking, great hair, skin & excellent smiles

"365 Kids"
boy (featured): 8 years old, speaking, (Wally Beaver type look)
mother (featured extra): early-mid 30's, non speaking, (Betty Draper look)
dad (featured extra): mid 30's, non speaking, (classic Sears catalog dad look, dashing)
4 kids (head shots extras): ages 5-10, 2 boys, 2 girls, non speaking, (all American look)

"Go Green"
All American Family
mom (featured): mid 30's, non speaking, vibrant and idealistic
dad (featured): mid 30's, non speaking, good looking idealistic
sister (featured): age 10, non speaking, perfect daughter
brother (featured): age 8, non speaking, perfect son

baseball player (featured): late 20's early 30's, speaking, hero of an era, dashing look
interviewer (featured): 40's, speaking, classic 50's sports caster type

woman (featured); mid 20's, vibrant and confident w/great hair and skin. Must have dancing/lip syncing experience.

 If you are available to audition and for the shoot date email us at by
10pm Sunday
2 Age
3 The spot and part you fit
4-Put Xango in heading

If they are interested we will let you know.