Ages 16 and up Pay is $13 per hour
One of the most fun, exciting and super cool promotional events is coming through your area again, and we're looking for the absolute best staff available to make it all happen!

Do you have extensive experience in events and promotions?! Do you work well with young adults and enjoy a high-energy event atmosphere?! We expect a LOT out of our reps on this project, so if you think you have what it takes...feast your eyes on the details below!!!

Salt Lake City, UT

Sunday, April 29: 7:00am - 3:30pm
Monday, April 30: 7:00am - 4:30pm

4 - 20 PT Staff needed for local events.

Staff should be youthful, good representatives of an athletic and healthy lifestyle, have experience working similar events,  willing to learn general information about the client / event, be personable and engaging.

The U.S. Army will be once again be executing a series of events known as the Strength in Action Tour. There will be multiple activities including a rock climbing wall, an aerial simulator, athletic contests and more!!! All in an effort to promote youth leading a healthy, active lifestyle, and being "Army Strong!"

If you are available and interested and available
email us back at
4-Put US Army in email header

We will submit you and let you know if chosen. Thanks