March 17 & 18 -- Boise Little Theater auditions "The Pink Panther Strikes Again", directed by Brad Ooley. 2pm in the theater greenroom. Needed are 8 men, 8 women to play about 36 different characters. No preparation or appointment necessary. For more information, please contact

April 1 & 3 -- Daisy's Madhouse auditions "A Contemporary American's Guide to a Successful Marriage © 1959". Needed are 5 adult women, 5 adult men, and one girl age 6 - 9.
Please prepare one rehearsed monologue (1-2 minutes), comic or serious.
Time on April 1 is 1-3pm. On April 3 it is 3-6p. At Idaho Outdoor Association . Show dates are June 8 - 23.
For more information email John Gibbons.

April 5 - 7 -- Stage Coach Theatre auditions "Cockeyed", directed by Jeff Thomson. Needed are 3 men and 1 woman. Apr 5th, 7 p.m. & Apr 7th 2 p.m.
Let Craze know if you are booked