May 12 - 13 -- Boise Parks & Recreation and Boise Little Theater hold auditions for the 13th annual Youth Summer Production, "Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka Junior". This production is directed by Autumn Kersey, with Musical Direction by Becky Turner Duggan and Choreography by Clay Lee.
Auditions open to young actors, singers and dancers ages 10 - 18, by appointment only. Please register via their
website for an audition. There is no cost to audition, however, if you are cast you will be asked to pay a $20 fee which is applied toward a show t-shirt, cast party and administrative expenses.
Anyone interested in auditioning must prepare a 2-minute song (preferably from a musical) that may be sung acapella, with an accompaniment/karaoke CD, or you may bring an accompanist. Please note, we will provide a CD and MP3 (ipod) player and an electric key board. We do not have access to a full piano.
All auditioners will be taught a short movement piece. Dress comfortably in clothes that you can move, bend, stretch, and roll on the floor in. Shoes should tie, velcro, or otherwise stay on your feet. No slip-ons, sandals, or flip flops, please. Auditions are held in groups of 10 and take approximately 1.5 hours. Parents are welcome to wait in the lobby of Fort Boise Community Center but auditions (like rehearsals) are closed.
Please direct any questions to
Let Craze know if you are chosen!!