We are casting for a feature length indie film titled "A Disapearance,"
below are the characters we are looking for. We will be holding the
casting call at the University of Utah on Tuesday July 6th at the
Marriott library room 2103 starting at 12pm-4pm. Please send a resume
and head shot to adisapearance@gmail.com and a time you would like to be
audition. We are currently casting the lead roles and will continue to
cast support roles in the next weeks.
Thank you
Ryan Weeks: Male. Early 20's. Film student at the University of
Utah. Lifelong friend and partner in crime of Shae Freedman.
Passionate person but constantly changes what he's passionate about.
Currently obsessed with alien abduction.
Shae Freedman: Female. Early 20's. Undecided major at the University
of Utah. Happily follows the whims of her best friend, Ryan. Bottom
line they have fun together. Romantically involved with Brian Jacobs
but like most things she doesn't take it too seriously. Let's not
confuse care free with unintelligent because she is quite bright.
Brian Jacobs: Male. Late 20's/early 30's. Working on a second degree
from the University of Utah. Boyfriend to Shae Freedman. A man that
knows what he wants from the world. Shae and Brian function well one on
one, but when he's with her friends he feels like an outsider.
- Compensation PR
and experience