Casting for a trailer.
This is an unpaid opportunity. Copy and
The auditions will be held on Thursday 11/18/2010 for Craze Talent between
4:30pm- 5:00pm
The location is in South Salt Lake City
No sides are available- Cold Read
Annabelle: 21 - 25, cute, bubbly, girl next door. Great energy.
Intelligent. She is the once in a life time girl. She is more cute than "hot."
Rebecca Hall, Bryce Dallas Howard type. Good Actress.
Montgomery: 40 -
70, odd looking. Think short, strange, mysterious. Not pretty or handsome. Wise
old man type. (one line)
Female Receptionist: 30 - 40, slightly
overweight, always chipper, does everything the boss tells her to do and always
with a smile on her face. (one line)
Shoot date is Sunday
Producer: Brad Johnson
Writer: Allan Groves
Casting: Tina Thorup Casting
Role you are interested in
We will submit you to Casting. If selected, we will EMAIL YOU additional
audition info.
We need your submission by Thursday, November 18,
Craze Agency