Thanks to everyone that has followed the directions below it has already helped us to promote each of you! If you have updated your profile and it is current you do not have to read any further.

If you are newer to Craze Agency or have not yet followed the steps below please do not wait any longer!!!! If you do not follow these steps you will not get work and will eventually be taken off the agency list! We have been emailed a lot of questions on this email and most of them can be answered in this email so please read it carefully. You must read the entire posting!

Please make a copy of this post for future reference! 

WE need your updated information in our database!!!

This is how we choose and our clients choose who goes on AUDITIONS AND BOOKS JOBS! It is URGENT that you read and follow these simple directions; this will insure that we can promote you more successfully. The process is fast and easy.   

We are now using an amazing database system that will allow us to generate and send out a very detailed list to our hiring clients on you the talent. You must go into our website and fill out as much of the information that it asks. Here are a few examples of the thousands of ways this will help all of us to increase your bookings and auditions.

If a client is looking for an Male Asian experienced actor age 40-55 5'10"- 6'0" or if the client is looking for a Female Model 5'8" to 5'9" age 16-19 size 4-5 with Blonde hair and Blue eyes with runway experience it will pull up a detailed list of all the people in the agency that exactly meet this criteria. This will also pull up an individual list of Extras or Models, Actors, Females, Children, Caucasians, etc.

We asked our clients what we could do to help them book you more and this is what they want.  If you do not input the information requested you will never show up on the searches and this will dramatically hurt or eliminate your chances. We are now advertising this technology to our hiring clients and are the local leader in this detailed technology.

This database does not cost you anything!

FOLLOW THESE STEPS!!! Please remember to read the entire email so that you will not be confused about the difference between the database and website!

Go to  and on the top left side of the page you will insert your user name. Your user name will be your first name with the first letter capitalized and then your last name no spaces in between your names with the first letter in your last name capitalized.

Some examples would be Steve Smith user name is SteveSmith, or Janet Thompson user name JanetThompson.

Now put in your password, it will be the first three letters in your first name with the first letter capitalized and then with no space put in your full last name. An example would be Steve Smith would have a password of SteSmith or Janet Thompson would be JanThompson.   Now click login.

This will pull up a new page welcoming you and at the top left corner you will see edit profile, click that and it will pull up your page. Now you can enter your important data. Please accurately update this information anytime it changes. Fill in as much data as possible. You will see there are columns for things like your address and phone and email etc. This is how we will contact you; it must be up to date. If it ever changes you need to update it immediately also email us and let us know. The vital information is only for Craze Agency and will never be given out to clients except your phone number if they need to directly call you and they have our permission

If you are new with Craze or it does not work give it about 7-14 days if it does not work then, email us at and we will put you in. Be patient we have been putting in over 100,000 statistics on all of you the last 7 months! If you have a really long name it may need us to adjust it for you the first time!

After you have accurately entered all of your information you may change your password if you wish, so that no one except you and the agency can get into your information. Please write down your password and save it, we do not have time to look up login and passwords! Finally after you have inputted all of your information you must scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE CHANGES.

This is a database system that Craze uses to help our hiring clients know more about you. This is not part of the Craze Agency website.

We have worked overtime to keep this as simple as possible. Please follow these directions we do not have time to direct you and answer questions, we want to be are busy promoting you.  If your user name does not work and you have followed the directions exactly or if there are any bugs you find, email us at .  If you have been with the Agency less than 2-3 weeks you may not be in the system yet, please wait until that time before you contact us. With the amount of data being put into categories, there may be a few bugs in the system so please patient!  We are confident that with this system we have more vital information that hiring clients need than anyone else. Print a copy of this post and save it in a safe place.