PROGRAM NAME: Safeway Food Truck

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Brand Ambassadors will assist in food preparation and service. In all locations 1500 – 3000 free samples will be distributed.


STAFF REQUESTED:  20-40yrs old  (25% male, 75% female - doesn’t have to be exact, but would prefer more females). 


STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES:   We are looking for fun, fearless, engaging, inviting, corporate conservative looking staff. Staff must NOT have any major face piercings, visible tattoos or brightly (pink, blue, green) colored hair.  Must be enthusiastic and willing to encourage participation, promote Safeway brand awareness, and get involvement in a family friendly environment.


MUST BE FOOD HANDLER CERTIFIED.  Certification is reimbursed for those willing to obtain it. (email for details)


STAFF ATTIRE: khaki pants with no embellishments or cargo pockets, black t-shirt, and black closed-toe shoes. No hats.



October 27  

Time: 7:30am - 1pm

PARKING: public transportation is preferred, will reimburse up to $10 per person if receipt is submitted to booker within 3 business days.


RATE: $13.00 per hour

If interested email us back ASAP at

1- Name
2- Age
3- Put "SAFEWAY" in email header