Feature Film
SAG Ultra Low Budget
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah; Fairview, Utah
Start date: July, 2011
STORY LINE: This is a mockumentary depicting the making of a cursed/doomed/inept ultra-ultra low-low budget Star Wars knockoff, during which the cast and crew is both trapped in the boondocks and decimated by a ravenously hungry monster...
SPENCER- 22 to 26 years old, a slim, handsome-ish young man, Spencer fancies himself a movie director, but he's more Ed Wood than Cecil B. De Mille, infamous for directing jinxed movies. Currently directing a less-than-zero budgeted Star Wars-derived fan film about zombie Jedi, Spencer is an amiably self-deluded guy who hopes that one day, in spite of multiple flagrant copyright violations, he'll make it into Sundance. But after taking his cast and crew (mostly a gang of horror movie geeks) into the boonies, Spencer finds his band of brothers under attack by a genuine monster, a ravenous Bigfoot-style Beast that picks off his chums one by one and chews them into...well, chum. Torn between the urge to flee like hell and the more powerful urge to capture a real monster on film, Spencer tries to achieve both goals, and gets just about everyone killed...LEAD (1) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

STACY- 22 to 26 years old, the film's script supervisor, Stacy is a lovely young woman who got her job thanks to Andrew, who has a bit of a crush on her. A Dungeons And Dragons fan, Stacy has found it a very small jump from playing D&D to working on a Stars Wars fan film. Like Eric, she's a bit more level-headed than the other people on the cast and crew, who tend to be either self-deluded or otherwise out of touch with cold reality. A good archer, Stacy finds that her skill might come in handy when it comes to battling the feral, cannibalistic Beast that is picking off the members of the company, one by one...LEAD (7) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

WILL- 27 to 31 years old, very tall, Will is one of the film's supporting actors (he plays Wookies), and he's a world class horror movie obsessive, the kind of guy who has seen WHITE ZOMBIE and can slot it easily into the long history of zombie movies. Best buddies with Jacob, Will's a bit of a motormouth, and he manages to relate every godawful, horrible thing that befalls the cast and crew to some longstanding horror movie cliche...LEAD (4) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

ERIC- 27 to 31 years old, pleasantly plump, Eric is the producer-cinematographer of Spencer's films, and he's the most level-headed person on the set. Not apparently driven by obsessive geekery or obsessive self-interest, Eric hopes that his next film with Spencer will finally get them into Sundance. Having rented an extremely expensive camera, Eric is rather more protective of the equipment than he is of his cast member's lives. But Eric has a firm grasp on reality, and when the crap starts to hit the fan, Eric thinks clearly in the face of chaos and death -- not that he escapes either...LEAD (2) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

MATT- 22 to 26 years old, the lead actor in Spencer's movie, Matt plays a rough but lovable Bounty Hunter named Griff, and isn't a particularly memorable performer. Not too happy about the fact that Spencer's movie is keeping him away from paying jobs, Matt soon has much more important things to worry about. For The Beast regards Matt as his favorite meal, and appears determined to gobble Matt down, one delicious bite at a time. Increasingly bloodstained and chomped upon, Matt gets weaker as there's less and less of him, but he nobly agrees to be staked out as bait for The Beast -- again and again...LEAD (6) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

ANDREW- 27 to 31 years old, the film's writer and resident Star Wars expert, Andrew is a humorless, defensive geek when it comes to his work; he's convinced that Spencer is his "nemesis" and that Spencer exists only to interfere, meddle with and ruin his creativity. A bit of a sullen defeatist, with a bone-dry sense of humor and a veteran screenwriter's bone-deep bitterness and loss, Andrew knows quite a bit about screenwriting (when he's not leading a Dungeons And Dragons marathon), but probably needs to know more about fighting off monsters without lethal weapons at hand...LEAD (6) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

JACOB- 27 to 31 years old, Will's best friend, Jacob is a stout man who is the production assistant / extra / gopher / everything else on the crew. Another horror film aficionado, but inclined to let the over-obsessive Will do all the talking, Jacob is straight -- but he and Will have been constant companions for four years now. The least talkative member of the group, he's inclined to play Xbox in silent communion with Will. Jacob winds up slain by the Beast, an incident that brings deep grief to Will...LEAD (4) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

DAVEY- 25 to 30 years old, a small, mousey man wearing lots of flannel, Davey is a documentarian, making a piddling little movie about the making of Spencer's piddling little movie. Forced to work with a pathetic mini-dv camera, he records the trials and tribulations of Spencer's "cursed" project, only to find himself stranded and under attack by the Beast, along with all the other members of Spencer's cast and crew. Normally an "objective observer," Davey is reluctantly obliged to step out from behind the anonymity of the camera, and run for his effing life...LEAD (1) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

AMY- 21 to 25 years old, Amy is the sexy star actress on Spencer's film, and she knows the shoot is a complete waste of time. Barely interested in what's going on around her, she spends her considerable free time texting or chatting on her cellphone. She plays a Space Princess in the movie, and is so icily uninterested in the proceedings that the others give her a wide berth. But when the other cast and crew members start getting picked off, Amy looks up and finally pays some attention to her situation -- and even shows a well-buried streak of personal bravery...LEAD (6) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

PAIGE- 21 to 25 years old, Paige is a new addition to Spencer's crew, an aspiring filmmaker who gets a small gig working on the production staff -- but nobody can remember her name or come up with a job for her. She is the first victim of the Beast, scooped up while no one is watching, and it's some time before she's missed...1 speech & 2 lines, 3 scenes (9) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

OFFICER- This local police officer interrupts a scene with his siren blaring, angrily barking orders at the film scripted lines, 1 scene (18) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

If you are interested in being considered for an audition, email or with your:



    Character you are interested in

    Acting Resume

We will submit you to Casting for consideration. If selected for an audition, we will contact you with details.

We need your submission by Monday, June 13, 11:00am

Craze Agency