A local Salt Lake City based company is looking for Females for a quick ad for their company.
Talent: 18-26 years of age, attractive Female Models or Actors
Setting: Simple reciting lines on a small set with a grey background and lighting. This video will be a humorous ad for a small film business. All personality types are welcome.
Compensation: Full credit and HD copy of ad. At this time they cannot compensate monetarily but Craze has worked with this compnay in the past on PAYING projects so this could be a great opportunty to meet them and introduce yourself by working on a project for them.
Shooting can be based around talent selected and their schedules.
If you are interested, email crazeagency@sisna.com or bookings@crazeagency.com your:
We will submit your info. to them for consideration. If selected, we will contact you with further details.
We need your submission by Wednesday, November 17, 1:00pm.
Craze Agency