ID, 'The Red Velvet Cake War'The Boise Little Theater is casting "The Red Velvet Cake War," a play. Wendy Koeppl, dir.
description: "A non-union comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, and
Jamie Wooten. Story revolves around 3 cousins from the American South,
who put on a family reunion on the hottest day of July, smack-dab in the
middle of Texas tornado season. Things spin out of control when a
neighbor’s pet devours everything edible, a one-eyed suitor shows up to
declare his love and a high-stakes wager is made on who bakes the best
red velvet cake."
Production runs April 12-27, 2013 in Boise, Idaho.
Actors: males and females, 40+, any ethnicity. Note: Most roles require ability to speak with a Southern Accent.
auditions will be held Feb. 9-10, 2 p.m. at The Boise Little Theatre's
Green Room (located at the back of the building), 100 E Fort St., in
Boise, ID 83712.
No memorization required. Cold readings from
script. Arrive early for audition to fill out paperwork. Bring hard
copy of pix & resumes, if available.
For more info, call Wendy Koeppl, Director, at (208) 342-5104 or visit