February 9 - 10 -- Boise Little Theater auditions "The Red Velvet Cake War", by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten, directed by Wendy Koeppl.
    Needed are 3 men and 7 women, all over age 40.
    Auditions are 2pm each day in the greenroom. No preparation or appointment necessary. For more
information, please contact 

February 23 - 24 -- Stage Coach Theatre auditions for "Time Stands Still", a drama by Donald Marguiles, directed by Lindsey Norris.
     Needed are 2 women and 2 men, ages 20 - 50.
     The show runs April 12 - April 27. The play contains strong language and adult situations. For more information, please contact the director, Lindsey Norris