Painting Churches

A Comedic Family Drama by Tina Howe and directed by Joseph Wright

Courtesy of Samuel French

Run Dates: Mar 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16
Audition Dates: Dec. 15-16, 2012, 2:00 pm each day

Needs:  1 man- 60s to 70s. 2 women- early 30s and 50s – 60s

On the verge of celebrity, Mags Church returns to her childhood blue-blooded home and a collision of changes.  Determined to capture the long-put-off painting of her eccentric parents before they move from the house and its memories,  Mags is forced to confront her complicated feelings for her flaky, hat-sporting, jabbering mother, and her absent-minded, literary father, who is now tumbling into senility.  In the end, acceptance triumphs neuroses, to permit an aesthetically and emotionally honest portrait, of the two unusual people who raised her, and of the artist herself.

Stage Coach Theatre is now at our new, permanent location at 4802 W. Emerald, Boise, ID

Information and Reservations 342-2000.