Actors and Crew Members that work in Utah.

We would like to invite you to the Motion Picture Association of Utah(MPAU) Forum On Wednesday, July 7th 2010. It will be held at Redman Movies & Stories, 1075 South 700 West, Salt Lake City, Ut 84104.

This year is a very important year for the Motion Picture Industry, we need to make sure our voices are heard. We need to keep our incentives going and hopefully have them grow in order to attract a TV Series and bring more work to the state.

Please come and listen to Spencer Eccles and if you are not a member of the MPAU, Please Join, we need to keep the film industry growing, so that there will be Jobs for actors and crew members for years to come.

We have pasted a letter from the MPAU President Don Schain about the forum.

Please support your industry, come to the forum and join the MPAU.


Craze Agency

Letter from Don Schain

Dear MPAU Member,

I am happy to report that Spencer Eccles, Executive Director of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, has accepted our invitation to speak to us at our Forum on July 7th, 2010.  Mr. Eccles adjusted his schedule so that he could be with us, and I think it is important that we hear his message.  Basically your Board has asked him to share his thoughts regarding the 2011 Legislative Session, at which time SB 14 is up for review.  As many of you know, GOED is responsible for reviewing and approving applications for Utah’s Motion Picture Incentive and administering the program. 

It is important that as many of you as possible attend this Forum so that Mr. Eccles can have an indication as to the size of our membership, as well as the fact that we represent a true cross section of our industry.  I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, July 7th at 7:00 p.m. at Redman Movies & Stories, 1075 South 700 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. 


Don Schain
