They will be  casting "Thank You for the Music: A Modern Tribute to ABBA," a four person, high energy tribute to the Swedish pop super group. Mark Perkins, dir.; Stevie-Lea Smith, choreo.; Blake Pullen, mus. dir.; April Kidwell, wardrobe. The Branson production will run in repertory with a separate production called "California Dreamin," a musical tribute to the folk and pop music of the late Sixties, to be performed by the same cast.

Rehearsals will be held in Las Vegas, NV; initial touring performances in March and an eight month run in Branson, MO from Apr. 1-Dec. 6, 2013. The 10-month contract runs from Feb. 11-Dec. 6, 2013.

Seeking—Singers: males and females, 21+, any ethnicity, excellent pop singers with movement ability. Girl 1: intense pop belter with great high notes. Girl 2: rich, pop belter with great low extension, some comic acting ability preferred. Guy 1: high pop tenor with great high notes, and ability to flip to head voice or falsetto easily, naturally charismatic, leader of the group, should be comfortable addressing the audience. Guy 2: pop tenor with great comic timing.

Auditions will be held by appt. only Jan. 8, 2013, 10 a.m.-4 p.m

Professional pay ($500/wk with additional merch., attendance and touring bonuses). Favored nations. For engagements outside of Las Vegas, housing and travel are provided

.If you would like to be submitted to audition email us at
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