The longest-running show on the Las Vegas Strip invites male and female singers, dancers and showgirls to audition.

Donn Arden's Jubilee! at Bally's Las Vegas is seeking new talent for the show.

The auditions will take place Monday, July 22:

Male Dancers: 10:30 a.m.
Female Dancers and Showgirls: Noon
Male and Female Singers: 2 p.m.
Principal Dancers: 3 p.m.

Bally's is located at 3645 Las Vegas Boulevard South.

WHO: Showgirls as well as female and male dancers and singers. Dancers who demonstrate dance experience in tap, jazz and ballet. Female and male singers must perform two types of music: Up-tempo Broadway style and ballad. All female dancers, singers, showgirls must be 5'8" and taller and all male dancers and singers must be 6 feet and taller.


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