Casting "T3-New York Nightmare," an off beat musical comedy nightmare tour of New York City with history, songs, and comedy situations. Characters include Native American Indian princess, subway busker, Statue of Liberty as a run-away, Captain Henry Hudson, William McGreedy (Slum Lord), a pigeon afraid of heights, an open mic singer, puppet, etc.

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations

Performs TBD in Las Vegas, NV.

Compensation & Union Contract Details

Pays: $20/hr. for rehearsals and $100/performance.

Seeking Talent Select a role below for more information and submission instructions.

  • Various Characters (Lead): Males & Females, 18-30, All Ethnicities

Company states: "You will change characters that fit you best through the plot. We're looking for 4 singers at first. Dance and comedy talent a plus


April 12th in Las Vegas, NV.

Audition & Submission Instructions

Prepare one song with verse and bring tracks or sing a capella. For song demos, visit
Submit pix and resume to to schedule an audition.

Audition By Appointment:

April 12, 2014, 8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.

Please put T3 in the email header/subject box