As always let Craze know if cast commissions due thanks!

Night Willow Productions


"Slave" is an extremely hard hitting slice of the dark side of the human mind.  This production requires strong physical capabilities.  The production will be rehearsed in Las Vegas and performed in an EQUITY waiver theatre in Hollywood.  All actors are expected to understand the professional demands of theatre and be willing to commit to the project.  These roles are extraordinary and involve the full spectrum of emotions.  Timid, inhibited, judgmental, or actors lacking personal confidence should not submit.  If you want the role of a life-time submitting should be a near primal need for the actor.  Casting in December 2013 in Las Vegas, rehearsals start in January 2014. 
  • Fight training is a plus but willing to adhere to fight guidelines is a must.  
  • Auditions will be scheduled in December 2013 with rehearsals starting in January 2014



 $500 for the entire rehearsal period plus $100 per performance and 25% of the box office. In addition transportation to and from Las Vegas, hotel accommodations, and meals in Hollywood will be provided.   (Casting and rehearsal in Las Vegas. No travel, hotel or meals in Las Vegas.)

Professor Drake Rollins
Gender: Male
Age Range: 40-55
Race: Caucasian
Drake is a college proffesor.  He must be very strong and at least 6' tall but should not look like a weight lifter or even an athlete but should be professionaly presentable.  Must be capable of extreme mood swings and emotional range.  A horrible human being that we have to fight to hate.
Nicki Lyle
Gender: Female
Age: 25-35
Race: Caucasian but might consider Asian
Nicki is an attractive woman but not a skinny model type.  She must be strong, athletic but not over 5'8" tall.  We instantly like her and just as quickly realize that she is capable of many things her first impression did not give us.  Can not be afraid of physical contact but extreme care will be taken in all fight scenes to avoid even the slightest of injuries. She must be able to play a sweet and lovable young woman, seductress, and have a violent side that is shocking.

For more information or to submit for this audition please go to