Casting "Evil Dead the Musical." Synopsis: Endorsed by Bruce Campbell and embraced by Sam Raimi, "Evil Dead the Musical" is the official live stage show of the cult classic film trilogy. It is a multi-media over-the-top campy musical comedy experience featuring an undead horde, a hero with a chainsaw for a hand, and a pit called the Splatter Zone where die-hard fans are covered in gallons and gallons of fresh warm blood every night.

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations

Rehearses at end of January and continues through February in Las Vegas, NV.

Compensation & Union Contract Details

This is for non-union contract positions. Pays: $40/performance for swing performers; $50/performance for principal performers.

Seeking Talent Select a role below for more information and submission instructions.

    Performer : Males & Females, 18-60, All Ethnicities

    talent must meet the following criteria: be located in Vegas; able to sing (ability to read music is a plus but not mandatory); have comedic... more


Seeking submissions from: Las Vegas, NV

Audition & Submission Instructions

Male and female performers are being sought for positions. Ages vary. 
If you are interested and fit the profiles email us at
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