As we weren’t able to completely cast from our first round of auditions for “The Parable of the Good Samaritan,” we will have another round next week, Thursday, May 13th.  We will conduct the auditions from 12:00pm until 5:30pm. 


Departing from our previous practice of hiring the most capable actor, the producer for this project (and all the New Testament projects in general) is very set on finding truly “authentic” looking actors.  The director is also willing to work with less experienced actors if they have “the look”.


We seek talent who strongly resemble the ancient Mediterranean peoples of North Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Europe.  Specifically, we seek individuals with the following physical traits:

• Skin coloration with an “olive” or “brown” tone;

• A prominent nose and bone structure;

• Typically black (or very dark) hair, unless it is graying (or bald);

• Prominent (or full) eyebrows.

If you have any talent who have these characteristics and would be interested to participate, please invite them to come.  For this project, it is not required that they be members of the LDS Church.


ROLES – all male

Merchant:  clearly Jewish; 30’s or 40’s

Samaritan:  large build; darker features (Persian); 30’s or 40’s

Priest & Levite:  clearly Jewish; “of the establishment”; 50’s or 60’s

Inn Keeper:  40’s; a man who appears worn-out; “chief cook and bottle-washer”

Bandits:  all adult male; featured extras


Please DO NOT send talent who fail to match the above criteria!


We will conduct auditions Thursday, May 13th, from 12:00pm until 5:30pm. 

LDS Audiovisual Casting Producer
If you fit the profile and are interested email us back at
2Part you fit.