Project: Patriarchal Blessing Submission System Training Video


What:  The Audiovisual Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is creating a video to help train Patriarchs, Stake Presidents, and Bishops on the new system for submitting Patriarchal Blessings electronically.  They are casting for people to appear in the video.  All roles are non-speaking.

When: Monday, May 24th, 2010. 

Where: A meetinghouse in Kaysville, Utah

Who:   Patriarch (male 50+)

            Bishop (male 30+)

            Stake President (male 40+)

            Scribe (Patriarch’s wife-female 50+)

            Young Man-(14-20)

            Young Woman (14-20)

            Three (3) other Bishops (only ½ day commitment)

All ethnicities. 

All participants must be temple worthy members of the LDS Church and legal to work in the United States.

Rate:   Patriarch, Bishop, Stake President - $250

            Scribe, Young Man, Young Woman - $200

            Three other Bishops - $100


Step 1:  Please email a current photograph taken within the last 3 months to  (Subject: “Patriarch”)by 5:00 pm Thursday, May 20th.  Please save the photo as the applicants name.( .jpg and .bmp formats preferred.)

Step 2:  Go to and fill out and submit the form. Make sure you fill out all info. including Agency info. This way we can oversee your booking and make sure you are paid in a timely manner if selected.

Craze Agency