Project:  Church History Library video “The Story Lives Here” narration

Auditioning Narrators for the Documentary, “The Story Lives Here.” 

Looking for a variety of Adult Male and Female International-sounding voices which may include native Polynesian, Asian, or African accents. The Director is particularly interested in a very resonant Male voice that sounds clearly African American.

All submissions must be from Temple worthy members of the LDS Church.

Talent selected will be paid $500 for one voice over session to be completed about the third week of April. This Film will be shown in a Kiosk at the Church History Library.

For Voice Actors wanting to apply:

Talent individually will need to submit an electronic audio file via email by Monday, April 6, 2009.  (MP3 or .wav formats preferred).

If you are interested in submitting your Audio File, email your:



We will then send you the Audition Script and where to send it to.

The sooner we get your Submission, the better.

Craze Agency