This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

All Craze Markets women 25-35 could be big pay!

August 21, 2012

We are searching NATIONWIDE for super hot single women ages 25-35 for a new TV show from a major production company with hit shows on the air. We are searching for unknowns - you must NOT have been on a TV show before.

This is NOT a one-off dating show - you will be featured throughout the entire series.

* Have romantic comedies given you unrealistic expectations when it comes to love and dating?
* Do you keep waiting for the jerks you date to magically change into Mr. Right?
* Do you wish you could rewrite the story and create your own happy ending?

Well, now you can!

"Ladies' Choice" is a dating show for women who want to take the lead in love by making their own rules. We need single ladies who are beautiful, bold, and not shy about telling it like it is. If you can size a guy up and tell him what's not working with his approach, style, attitude, etc., then we're looking for you!!!

If you think you have what it takes to be the lead lifeguard in the dating pool please apply today!

You must:
NOT have been on a TV show before - we are looking for unknowns.
NOT have an attitude
Be single
Never have been married, and not have kids
Be LESS than 5'8" tall
Be confident, and know exactly what you want

There is pay if you're selected to be on the show.

email ALL the information requested below to:
Be sure to include:
1. Your name (first and last)
2. Age
3.City/State where you live
4. What do you look for in a man (short, 1 or 2 sentences)
5.Put6 25-35 in email header

We will submit you and let you know thanks

Twin Falls- Nutcracker

August 21, 2012

Auditions/Twin Falls

CSI’s auditions for The Eugene Ballet’s “The Nutcracker” production, AUG. 24 at the CSI Fine Arts Auditorium. Audition times for ages 5-18: noon for Waltz of the Flowers (advanced female dancers ages 12 and older, over 5 feet 2 inches, a minimum of three years pointe); 1 p.m. for Party Children (ages 11-15, under 5 feet 2 inches, at least three years ballet); 2:30 p.m. for Lady Bugs (ages 9-11, under 5 feet, at least two years ballet); 3:30 p.m. for Angels (ages 7-9, under 4 feet 6 inches, at least one year of ballet); and 4 p.m. for Baby Mice (ages 5-7, no height requirement, one year ballet preferred). Dancers can audition for more than one part. Wear dance clothing and be ready to dance 15 minutes before audition times. Rehearsals are in October and November, with the performance set for NOV. 28. Audition fee is $5. Instruction fee is $5 for those chosen for the show. 732-6288.

This is all the info. Craze has


All Craze Markets girl 7-9 Lead for SAG Film!

August 21, 2012
 Casting for "Goodbye To All That," a feature film.

Shoots Oct. 15-Nov. 15, 2012 in NC.

Seeking—Young Lead Actress: girl, age 7-9, Caucasian, must have brown eyes; LEAD. Casting personnel state: "The role requires a child of great depth and acting ability, and is a great opportunity to a talented young actress."

Professional pay, plus credit, meals, travel, and lodging provided. SAG Low Budget Film Agreement.
Please email to
3-Craze approved resume.
We will submit you and let you know

Utah Asian male 14-20 $250!!!asap

August 21, 2012
Audition tomorrow morning 8-22-12. We will be auditioning at 9 am. They need to be in basketball gear from head to toe. They will need to be able to playing a little basketball and we will be doing some acting scenes with them as well. It should take no more than an hour and a half. They need to be Asian, male High School age (or look high school age).
If you are available and fit the profile email us back asap at
3-Put Asian in email header


Utah Female 45-60 pay $900!!!

August 21, 2012

Educational dvd handed out to patience with heart failure.

We are looking for a 45-60 yr. old woman to be the host.

If you have clients in this demograph please send them to

Audition info:

August 23, 2012 3:00 PM-6:15 PM

SLC Utah audition

Pay $900

This is an industrial shoot.


Narrator (on camera): Hi, I’m Rachel, and I’m a heart failure educator. If you’ve been diagnosed with heart failure, you probably have a lot of questions about what heart failure means—and what you can do to manage it. The good news is that there’s a lot you can do to manage your heart failure, ease your symptoms, and improve your quality of life.

You’re not alone. Nearly 6 million people in the US have heart failure. Many of them are managing their condition so they can enjoy life—and you can too.

If you fit the description email us back at



3-Put 45-60 in email header

We will submit you and let you know if they will see you thanks!


Utah-Middle Eastern Kids ages 8-14 years. paying

August 21, 2012
We are looking for Middle Eastern Kids ages 8-14 years. This is for "Foundation For a Better Life," TV commercial Shoot date will be Friday, August 31st. Rate is $200.
If you fit t he profile and are interested e mail us at
4-Put ME in email header
We will submit you and let you know.

Utah-Female 80 and up Paying

August 20, 2012

We are looking for a woman in her 80s who is Italian or Hispanic to work on August 24th.She will make 200.00.She should have grey or white hair,the work will be very easy.

if you are available a fit the description email us at




We will let you know thanks!


Utah-Male, non-LDS Host $2800!!!!

August 18, 2012

PROJECT: Documentary about Modern-day Mormons for the Legacy Theatre

NEEDED: Male, non-LDS Host

 Dear Craze  Agency,

This is an unusual request coming from us.  We are searching for someone who is NOT a member of the LDS Church to Host a special documentary about people of our faith.  Attached, you will find an overview of this project in greater detail.


Gender:  Adult Male, any age.

Body Type: Any.

Ethnicity: Open.

Religious Views: Any, except members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Please do not send LDS actors.


Experience: Must have extensive experience presenting to camera.  Improvisational skills or a comedic background would be a PLUS.  News or on-camera reporting experience may also be valuable.

Other:  Must be personable and approachable.  Must be alright with working for the LDS Church, although he does not need to promote it.  We’re looking for true and honest statements, with a bit of humor intermixed.

Union:  This is not a union project, although we are willing to work with a SAG actor through the union if he is best suited for this role.

Rate:  $700/day

Work days:  4 days of anticipated work: 2 on location shoot in NYC and 2 in voice-over sessions at our Studio in Provo.

AUDITION:  Tuesday, August 21, 2012 between Noon and 6:00 pm.  Applicants may schedule at 15 minute intervals.

Preparation:  Please prepare all of Part 1 and the last portion of Part 2, beginning at "So here’s a thought…” until the end.


CALL BACK:  Thursday afternoon, August 23, 2012

Preparation:  If called back, you will need to prepare all parts of the entire side (fully memorized).

 As our time is extremely limited, please send ONLY your best options who meet this criteria.  This is not “a great audition experience” for a novice.  Do NOT send us unqualified actors.  If you have no one who fills this criteria, please send no one. 

 We will notify your talent of their call back by 8:00 pm. Tuesday evening.  We request that you please ask your talent to notify you if they received a call back.

 Thank you for your help and support of LDS Casting!  We look forward to meeting your talent!

If you are interested and meet the criteria email us ASAP at



3-Best time to audition between noon and 6pm

3-Put NON LDS in email header.

We will let you know if you can audition thanks!!!


Craze Agency promotional tools for you to follow

August 17, 2012

Craze Agency Facebook and Twitter

Craze Agency has a fan page on Facebook and is growing daily , if you or your family and friends are not already a fan you are invited! Go to and click become a fan.
Craze Agency

Utah Voiceover male asap good pay

August 17, 2012
  Craze client looking for 2 male speakers for a two minute Voice Over. I need a native German and Native Italian speaker. Do you have any one who fits these descriptions?
Pay is $200
If you fit the profile email us back at
2-Whick language you speak
3-If you have a voice demo of you speaking this language that would be great!
4-Put voice demo in email header
We will submit you and let you know


Idaho-Season auditions for Homegrown Theater

August 17, 2012
August 30 - September 1 -- HomeGrown Theater auditions for their general season. Auditions are 12-2pm, 813 S. 8th Street (Opera Idaho’s Studio).
     Their season includes:
          "The Basement Company" by Adam Harrell, directed by Sarah Gardner; "A Horrific Puppet Affair" by Janessa Nichole White, Josh Gross & Chad Shohet; "Holy Musical B@tman!" by Matt and Nick Lang, directed by Chad Shohet; "The Magical World of Wonders" by Janessa Nichole White and Josh Gross, directed by Janessa White.
     Please bring a headshot, resume and be prepared with an one minute monologue.  To sign up or for more information please e-mail

Utah -Women early 20's film

August 16, 2012

Looking for two women in their early 20's and in good shape to play competing love interests to a return missionary who is struggling to adjust back to normal life and reconcile the challenges to his faith. Film is NOT an attack on the LDS church, but will not shy away from church sensitive topics.

The first is the ex-girlfriend, who the missionary got Dear Johned by. "Church princess" type.

The second is the gentile, "hippy chick" who the missionary never really noticed until he got back from his mission.

Production is currently in Limbo, so no set time frame for shooting or auditions. If you're interested the email me at and we will schedule an audition. Unpaid


Utah-Last Chance to work with Catrine!!!!!

August 16, 2012

Utah-Major Local and National Casting Director!!!

I get asked all the time about great acting workshops, well this is one of the best, please don’t miss your chance to work with and get to know Catrine!!!!
Troy Lee
CEO Craze Agency

Please read all of the posting

Craze gives Catrine our highest recommendation!!! She has booked Hundreds of Craze Agency talent in the past and will be doing projects in the future. Don’t miss out

Learn Catrine McGregor’s auditioning psychology that puts you in control while gaining the Casting Director’s respect!

· Role play casting director/actor: See the audition through the casting director’s eyes

· What about your headshot and resume grabs the Casting Director’s attention?

· 90% of the callback decision is made before you start to audition - why?

· It’s more than a perfect read - learn the other minute details that can lead to a callback

· What to ask - what NOT to ask - and the importance of each.

· The homework you must do for the Audition

· Tips for face-to-face auditions - and even more crucial tips for the on-camera audition

· That nasty one-liner audition - giving it the respect it deserves

· All about the unions - no holds barred

· Q&A session

INVEST in your acting future - this workshop can be written off of your taxes and will tremendously increase their bookings!
Catrine McGregor has been working in the film and television industry as a producer and casting director for over 30 years and is a member of the prestigious Casting Society of America (CSA).

Date of workshop Tues. August 21st 5-7pm

Cost $65

Location: Sandy Utah Craze Office limited seats. 10 years and up or for parents only if your child is under 10

Call today at 801-438-0067 to reserve your spot.


You must take the previous class to take this one or have taken Catrine’s workshop in the past

CREATING THE CALLBACK-Part 2 of the Insider’s Audition Tips workshop series

Painting outside the lines to define your character

· Be grounded, grounded, grounded…and HOW!

· Keep your comfort zone even when the casting director is being a jerk!

· Sinking your teeth into a bad script.

· Keeping your cool when the reader can’t (read, that is…)

· Props or no props?

· Cold reading a different role on the spot (and doing it well…)

· Staying in character when the ceiling falls in

· Multiplying your chances of getting the role - with simple tips

· Understanding the dynamics of the callback - the relationship between all key players, and how it affects YOU

· Q&A session

Date of workshop Tues. August. 21st 7-9pm

Cost $65

Location: Sandy Utah Craze Office limited seats 12 years and up or for parents only if your child is under 12 call today at 801-438-0067

If you take both classes back to back the total cost is only $100 for both seminars CALL ASAP



August 16, 2012
Mark & Quote Quote 
Date of the audition: September 22nd from 9 am to 1 pm
Location of the audition: Salt Lake County Fairgrounds - Pioneer Building
Auditions: September 22nd from 9am to 1pm

To schedule an audition, please email with DICKENS AUDITIONS as the subject line and a two hour window of time during which you'd be available.  (EX: DICKENS AUDITIONS, Andrea Fife, 10 am to noon)

Callbacks: Wednesday, September 26th from 7 pm to 10 pm

Please keep this night open so you will be available for callbacks as needed.

Cast meeting: Saturday, September 29th

9 am to 10 am OR 10 am to 11 am, based on role


December 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 with matinee performances on both the 8th and the 15th.

About the Dickens Festival:

The Dickens Festival is a truly unique experience with street vendors set up a la Victorian England.  You can wander through stores like "Ye Olde Knife Shop" and get your picture taken with Father Christmas.  And nestled in a cozy corner of one of the Salt Lake Fairgrounds' buildings, you'll find the Queen Victoria Stage.

At 6:00 pm sharp, the cast of Oliver (a shortened, 50 minute revue) take to the main stage.  After a one hour break (and costume changes), the same cast reappears as different characters for Scrooge (a shortened, 50 minute revue).  Our performers are done by 9:00 pm each evening.

In addition to performing in the opening number of Oliver, our youngest performers form our Orphan Choir which will perform at scheduled intervals on an additional stage.  For many Dickens Festival patrons, the Orphan Choir is the highlight of the festival!  These orphans are done by 7:00 pm on many evenings and by 8:00 pm at the latest, leaving time for sleep and homework.

Our rehearsal schedule is family-friendly and generally adheres to the following outline:

Wednesday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm - Adult chorus numbers and small scenes

Thursday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Pickpockets (16 of the elite teen and pre-teen auditioners)
Thursday from 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm - Adult chorus numbers and small scenes

Saturday from 9:00 am to 10:30 am - Orphan Choir
Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm - Full chorus numbers and run-throughs

We have traditionally had participants from the Ogden area, the Salt Lake Valley, and the Alpine/Lehi area.  Carpools are often available for those traveling from further distances.

If you are a seasoned performer, you will find challenging, athletic choreography, fast-paced shows, and a professional environment.  For those new to theater, you'll find ample opportunities to learn and to succeed at your skill level.  We especially love families and traditionally have related performers spanning multiple generations sharing our stage.

Come be a part of an annual tradition at The Dickens Festival!

Updated information always available at

This is all the info Craze has let us know if you are cast!

Boise -You tube series new details various ages

August 16, 2012

Auditions for you tube series Eligible For Prom. Eligible For Prom is a spoof of the bachelor, But instead of dating it's for a chance to go to prom with a really pretty girl named Katy Klifton. This series will be filming in the first week of September. Auditions are Saturday, August 25th from 12pm to 3pm. Please send me a email and we will arrange a time. Here are some character descriptions:

Host: Male/Female 30-50
Katy: Female 14-20
Topher: Male 14-20, Athletic
Bex: Male 14-20, Short, Funny
Glen: Male 14-20, Tall
Dustin: Male 10-14, Smart
Mike: 14-20 Average
George: 14-20 Socially awkward
Norman: 14-20 Nerd
Nathan: 14-20 Mr. perfect

unfortunately at this time it is no pay. But we will give you lunch/ dinner. And we are only going to be filming 1 episode. If that goes well we will continue with series. Contact me at with your info if your interested.
Let him know you are represented by Craze Agency


DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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