This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

Utah-Male 40's modeling Paying!

May 4, 2012
Business Concept at Salt Flats; Friday May 11th. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Pay $135 for shoot
I need one male, 38-52 caucasian.  I will be renting a suburban to drive models out to the Salt Flats, leaving SLC area around 3 p.m.  Salt Flat shots are  great for Portfolio!!!
If you fit the description and are available email us at
3-Put Salt Flats in email header

Utah SAG great role-Russian speaking women 30-40's

May 4, 2012
3 Days in Vegas SAG film Paying great SAG rates is looking for a fluent native Russian speaking Woman 30's-40's
Audition This Monday May 7th!
This is a fantastic role and opportunity.
If you fit the profile email us at
Put Russian in email header
We will submit you and let you know thanks


May 4, 2012
If you have not been paid directly by a client this is not for you .
Commissions are due on all projects where you have been paid directly from the client.
This is a friendly reminder that  Commissions are due within 7 days of receiving your check. 10% of the Gross before taxes are due on all Extra work where compensation is less than $100. Anything over is 15%. Any Acting, Modeling, Dancing, Promotional Modeling, etc. is 15%.
We will be receiving lists of Talent who have worked and on what days. If we do not receive your Commission in a timely manner we will be forced to remove you from the active Craze Agency Database. We do not want this to happen so make sure you take care of this when you are paid.
Normally it can take 2-5 weeks to get paid from the date(s) you worked. Let us know if have not been paid.

If you have paid your Commissions or have recently worked on a project where you would not have received payment yet, disregard this notice and we appreciate your promptness.
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication!!
Craze Agents

Spokane asap!! paying promo

May 4, 2012
for two girls to work with us. Do you think you could get them there by tomorrow morning or afternoon? We are looking for some hardworking girls who have some sales experience and a running background. Here are the details below.

2pm- 8:00 p.m
Saturday, May 5, 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Again, please be at the booth by 8:30am)


Please wear running gear (ie leggings and tee, if you get cold I would wear an under Armour with long sleeves), all black without logos. I will provide you with a iFitness running shirt once you arrive. Be sure to wear comfy running shoes! Also, you will be wearing an iFitness belt so if you have an ipod/phone/headphones/chap-stick etc bring it with you so we can show customers how we can fit anything in a belt.

The pay is $13 an hour

If you are available and interested email us back asap at



3-Which days available or put both

4-Put Spoky in email header

We will submit you and let you know


Boise-ASAP Sat. JOB Bilingual $16 an hour

May 3, 2012
5 bilingual staff to work in Boise, ID this Saturday 5/5 from 10AM – 8PM
pay $16 per hour ages 17 up
Email us at
2- Age
Put Sat. Bilingual in email header
We will submit you thanks

Utah Kids 12-14

May 2, 2012
Casting Director doing a non-paid commercial for Juvenal Diabetes and they are looking for 3 kids 12 to 14 that look like they could be a bully. They are filming May 11th and call time is about 5:30 pm. it is a night shoot. Please send a headshot for any kid that is interested.

If interested email us at
3-Put Bully in email header thanks!
We will submit you

Boise-Twin falls Males 30-40 Paying

May 2, 2012
Craze Agency client shooting a commercial and are looking for two mid-thirties guys with 1950's style Ward Cleaver good looks. Should be a lot of fun. Shoot will be in Twin Falls Pay is $125 should take just a few hours!
Date is flexible but ASAP
If you fit the profile and are interested email us at
3-Put Twin in email header
We will submit you and let you know. Thanks

All Craze Markets ages 15-19

May 2, 2012
 Casting a 30-second anti-tobacco TV spot featuring two teens debating about the effects of smoking. "The argument gets heated and the smoker (who will never be shown smoking) will say many of the things that smokers usually say, allowing the non-smoker to respond." KC Campbell, prod. Shoot starts early May in San Diego.

Seeking—Two Males: 15-19, must appear to be in high school, any ethnicity, average looking to slightly attractive, smoker; Two Attractive Females: 15-19, must appear to be in high school, any ethnicity, non-smoker. Note: "Although this spot requires two people 'arguing,' the client is sensitive to casting a girl who comes across 'bitchy' or 'mean.'

Professional pay and travel provided.

If you are interested and fit the profile
Email  to
3-Put Anti Tobacco in email header
We will submit you and let you know.

All Craze Markets Mother's Day Marathon.

May 2, 2012
Youtoo Cable Networks is casting Mother's Day Marathon. Producer states: "Would you like to be on nationwide TV? Youtoo Cable Networks wants you to wish your mom a Happy Mother's Day on TV by recording a 15 second message." Danny Ohman, prod. Video recordings accepted May 1-11.

Seeking—Participants: to record a Mother's Day message.

Visit, or download the Youtoo app on your mobile or tablet device, and record a message for free. Check local listings for times and tune into Youtoo TV on May 12 & 13. Call your cable provider if you Youtoo is not available. For more info, email
Let them know Craze Agency sent you.

All Craze Markets talent 16 and up who are Bilingual

May 2, 2012
 Utah and Boise talent 16 and up who are Bilingual.
We have a bunch of clients who need you for Promos. Pay is usually $15 per hour and are generally on the weekends. If you are Bilingual and interested email us at
3-City  and State you live in
4-Put Bilingual in email header
We will submit you and let you know


May 2, 2012


As most of you know the Craze Agency database is a database we use to sort all of our talents and submit them if you fit the description and qualifications that our clients are looking for on each different job.

Our public website is totally different.

The website will help greatly increase your odds with increased exposure and the opportunity to be booked on more paying jobs both locally and nationally!

We get quite a few direct bookings just from photos and resumes of the website!!!!

We highly recommend that you get on the WEBSITE!

If you have already paid to be on the website you do not need to read any further just keep your resume updated.

If you call today your agent today at 801-438-0067 or 208-4339511 they can give you a one-time lifetime cost to be added to the site as long as you are in good standing with us and still represented by the Craze Agency. This is an incentive special and a fantastic deal and you must act before 5-15-12

The price will go back to $295 per year after May 15th. (This discount does not apply to previous purchases)

*This technology is very expensive and goes directly to the Webmaster to create your section on the website and individual page you can give to clients or the public. They also continually maintain and improve the site, we are currently adding some fantastic new features to the site.

Once you are on you will have your own web address that you can give to anyone here are some examples.

We highly encourage you to be on our website, most of our clients use the website constantly and we have seen a continual shift to using the Internet to get you auditions. Like everything we additionally offer the talent, it is not mandatory, but highly encouraged that you are on the website for us to promote you more effectively.

Please call your agent today at 801-438-0067 or 208-433-9511 to reserve your spot.

Craze Agency


Utah-Male Stock photo 40 years and up!!!!

May 2, 2012

ASAP Utah-Male stock photo 40 plus asap paying

We would prefer a mature male 40+ age, any ethnicity. We would like to slot him into the 12:00 spot on Friday May 4th shoot will take 2 hours or less. Pay is $50
If you fit and are available

Email Craze Back asap to
2-Put Friday Shoot in email header

We will submit you and let you know. Thanks

Utah-RC WILLEY ages 25-50 Featured Extra, non speaking Great pay $500

May 1, 2012
Client: RC Willey
Market: Utah, Nevada and 1 market in California
Buy: Buyout, television, print & web
Shoot Dates: Monday 05.07.12 & Tuesday 05.08.12. Only 1 half day for each talent.
Rate: Featured Extra, non speaking $500.00

We need all ethnicity's, If possible couples 25-50 in age
If you are available and interested email us back asap to
3-Put RC WILLEY in email header
We will submit you and let you know thanks

Boise Bilingual Brand Ambassadors Paying!

May 1, 2012
Seeking 5 bilingual Brand Ambassadors ages 16 up! to work this upcoming weekend May 5th 10AM - 8PM to promote products for a cell phone provider. Pay is $15 per hour! Boise!
If you are interested and available email us at
3-Put Boise Bilingual in email header.
We will submit you and let you know

Utah female 20's

May 1, 2012

Very late notice, but needing an actress this Wednesday night for a viral video commercial for the local restaurant chain, Wing Nutz.
Looking for upstart female actor who is looking to build her acting resume through professional credit.
Actor will play the part of a "wing-sauce crazed girlfriend," aged mid-20's.
Unfortunately this project is on a very limited budget so the compensation would be professional credit and some Wing Nutz shwag.
Please email me a headshot and resume asap to
Let Craze know if they are interested


DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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