This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

Utah New short Film

April 11, 2012

Seeking Male and Female Actors ( 25-60) for short film (Downtown SLC)

We will be auditioning at the Main Library in downtown SLC on April 13th from 2-5pm. Because we only have the audition space reserved for a few hours I will need your talent to contact me with an audition request.
If interested email Chad at
3-part you would like to audition
4-that you are represented by Craze Agency
As of now our budget is very small and probably won't be able to pay our actors anything at all. If this changes I doubt that we will be able to pay more than the SAG minimum for a short film.. What info do you need to help me out. We have two main rolls. Carter, Male, 30-50 and Kathrerine, Female, 30-40. We have several other rolls for both males and females between the ages of 25-60 and all who audition will be considered for either the main rolls or the supporting rolls.
All males Do the first Carter sides below


Have you figured out four across yet? (peering over her shoulder as he pops a handful of painkillers into his mouth) Oh good. But look --no,

I told you-- eight down is hubris. And you’ve spelled fifteen down wrong. Achilles is spelled with two L’s. (teasing) It’s a good thing you use a pencil. (he sits across from her. Katherine raises her gaze in thought)

Oh come on, don’t give me that look. I’m only teasing. You know you can’t spell. (teasing again) Don’t worry, I like my women hopelessly flawed.


I’m not doing too good, Kat. I tried. I tried for a long time ... to learn to live without you. But how do I do this? How do I accept half a life? Why should I? You’re the one who showed me who I am and ... I’m terrified that he doesn’t exist without you.

And then these happened. I thought they were a miracle... I was stupid.

I thought I could have you back. But I can’t. Not like this.

I know-- There’s only one thing I can do now, Kat. I understand. I’ve been fighting it for too long, but it’s time... time I let go.

All Females including Kathrerine do the Ingrid sides below


Carter Matheson?


(standing) Yes.


(balancing her stacks of papers as she extends her hand to Carter)

I’m Ingrid James- it’s nice to meet you. Sorry if you’ve been waiting long,

I’m sure you’re busy-


(interrupting) It’s fine.

Carter sits back down as Ingrid takes her place behind the proletarian desk.


This is my favorite part, you know. Putting a face to the name. Fitting the last piece into place.

Carter smiles politely

INGRID (cont)

(taking a breath and gathering a professional demeanor) How much did they tell you?


Only that my Great Uncle Edgar died and that he left me something.

There are some papers to sign?


Is that all? Ah-




How well did you know Dr. Selby?


I didn’t. I only met him once or twice as a kid. Why? Is there a problem?


No, no. It’s just that- (taking a breath) Dr. Selby was alone when he died.




Like many unattended deaths it was some time before he was found.


How long?


It’s hard to say. The state of the body was... well... the coroner’s report couldn’t be specific, but there were indications that Dr. Selby’s passing may have been... (tactfully) less than peaceful. I’m sorry-


It’s fine. Really. Like I said, I didn’t know him.




(attempting to get back to business) So, there’s an inheritance or something?


Dr. Selby didn’t leave behind a will or any family, so by law his estate passes on to his next of kin... which is you.




It took us months to track you down.


The whole estate?


Yes. The home, it’s contents, and -here- these documents list all of the assets. It could be quite a windfall. What do you do, Mr. Matheson?

Carter is briefly lost in perusing all the DOCUMENTS.


I’m sorry?


I asked what you do... For a living.


Utah Film audition Various parts

April 11, 2012
Local production company is holding auditions this Saturday April 14th starting at 3pm -5:30 pm. at the taylorsville library, utah
4870 South 2700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84118
This may lead to paid positions.
Parts they are looking for
Simon (age 10): Lead: He is the younger version of the villain, Must be African-American
Max (age 10): Lead: He is the younger version of the hero: Must be caucasion
Manny: (Age 20's-30's): He is a fighter that works for the villain
Jim: (age 20's): A magician that quarrels with the villain
Female 18 plus for action scenes ( must be able to be trained for fighting scenes.)
Magicians (will train)
There are other sub roles that include assistant to the magicians, stage hands, and plenty of room for extras
If you are interested email Nathan at
3-That you are represented by Craze Agency
Sides are available at request
Please let Craze know if they are interested

All Craze Markets 18-50 $ up to $80,000

April 11, 2012
Seeking staff to work as port and shopping guides and TV hosts to market luxury goods on cruise ships worldwide.
Producer states: "Are you looking for that 'next big thing' to happen in your life? Are you tired of hitting the pavement every day and not seeing the results? Are you sick of waiting tables? Do you know that you have amazing potential and just want to live up to it? If you are ready to earn a considerable income so that you can hit the ground running (with a bank account to support you), then consider this: How would you like an exciting job that takes you to exotic travel destinations such as the Caribbean, Mexico, the Bahamas, and Alaska? Are you ready to be the envy of your friends and family, with a flexible travel schedule? As a port and shopping guide, you will be entertaining while educating and speaking/performing in front of audiences every week. You will be running and starring in your own onboard TV channel, which will help you build a killer demo reel! You'll become a celebrity onboard a cruise ship traveling to exotic places. Your entrepreneurial spirit will be allowed to blossom. You will be in charge of your own domain and manage your own business while working for a top media and advertising company, learning a business that can take you anywhere in the future. You'll be making contacts and networking with high-end brands and companies, and living in a world where everyday is new and exciting.
Positions begin immediately.

Seeking—Onboard Port and Shopping Guides/TV Hosts: male and female, 18-40s. Hiring personnel state: "If you've got what it takes to sparkle in front of a crowd, then we want dynamic individuals like you! Several positions available."

For consideration, email cover letters, pix, résumés & short video introductions to

Intro videos can be sent as Quicktime files and can be recorded with any photo booth app; if you cannot include a video link at this time, be sure to include a recent photo. Producer's salary note: "Earning potential in this position is truly limitless. Most PSGs in the first year make anywhere from $60k-$80k, unusually on the higher end. However, compensation can be dramatically more, even from the onset." Professional pay, plus meals, travel, and lodging provided.

Utah Gear Girls

April 11, 2012


UTAH: Hear Me Friday 97.1 ZHT on the Morning Zoo with Frankie, DB, & Jess talking about Gear Girls!!!

We are getting local and national attention with Gear Girls on TV and Radio. Women for our casting of the show!

If interested in any of our opportunities email

This is all the info. Craze has let us know if you are booked

Utah Student film 20-25 years

April 11, 2012
Production: "Claire" (Working Title)
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Independent/Student
Project Length: Short film (10 minutes)
Project Format: 16:9 HD
Production Company: Mad Animals Studios
Director: Kris Russell
Producers: Kris Russell, Nolan Peacock, KaLeigh Van Vleet
Audition Location: 121 Election Road, Suite 100, Draper, UT 84020, 2nd Floor, Room 230
Shooting Location: Layton, UT
Production Dates: June 15-18
Compensation: Film credit and digital copy of project for reel.

Parts will require a scene of brief nudity. Please only apply if comfortable.

April 20th, 2012
9am-11:30pm, 12:30-5pm

"Claire" is romantic drama where Eric, an anxious young man, is given
the chance to romance the girl he has a crush on. But after their
intimate time together, Eric learns that the relationship he wants
with Claire may not be possible.


Eric (Male, 20-25)
Eric has had his eye on Claire, the waitress who works at the local coffee
shop he frequently visits. While they are well accquainted, Eric has
been cautious about approaching Claire about his feelings for her. A soft-
spoken and shy young man.

Claire (Female, 20-25)
Claire is a easy-going and friendly person at heart. Especially the case
with Eric, who genuinely calls him her favorite customer, and finds him
to be an overall terrific guy. While she also shares some feelings towards
Eric, her wish to leave behind a past she rather forget makes things complicated.
If you would like to attend email for sides.
This is all the info. Craze Agency has

Utah-More Sag deferred Proper Manor casting

April 11, 2012



PROPER MANORS, Season 1, Episode 4 – Mommie Dearest, Episode 5 - Under Pressure, Episode 6 – Model Citizens. (Additional Roles, Still Seeking)



SAG New Media Contract

Creators/Executive Producers: Pietro D'Alessio, Jef Phillips

Directors: Jaison H. Costley, Matt Johnson, Ryan McDonald

Writers: Jason White (Head Writer), Nancey Ahlstromer, Nick Burke, Emilyne Guglietti, Grant Morgan, Cassidy Ward, Henrik Patterson

Executive Producers: Marc Anthony, Theo Caesar, Jaison H. Costley, Mark Loren Fletcher, C. Jacob Deaton, Jennifer Groendal Ph.D, Ashley Eliza Parker, Benjamin Sant, Paul G. Smith, Tracy Townsend, Robin Westover

Producers: Jessica Diekmann, Teresa Gordon, Kimberly McDonald, Jef Phillips

Associate Producers: Orion Hansen, Mary Alice Nelson, Mande Opheikins

Casting Directors: Mary Alice Nelson, Danielle Schwager

Executive in Charge of Casting: Jessica Diekmann


Interview Dates: April 17, 2012

Callback Dates: April 18, 2012          

Shoot/Start Date: May

Pay Rate: 100/day deferred

Location: SLC/ Ogden, Utah area


The story centers on a group of teenagers and their families. Many supporting parts are still available as well as recurring roles.


Important Information:


“Proper Manors” is intended to be a 22-min. Weekly web soap opera.

Many of the lead characters will be “on contract” meaning that, if cast, we must know what is going on with you. The project (in essence a TV series for the web) will be shooting weekly – mostly on weekends but there may be exceptions.


Every character has been developed to be a part of the tapestry in the town of Proper, USA. Even the smallest roles can develop into front burner story lines and lead characters can be written out any time. The show is intended for a mature audience and would probably be categorized as TV-M (Mature Audiences).


There is NO nudity nor will we be using the F-bomb, however there will be other profanity occasionally and adult situations. The characters on the soap, much like the real world, are diverse – all ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and political persuasions. We will not modify characters based on actor's moral or religious input as the characters themselves “live” in a different world and everything, loosely based on reality, is fictional. Of course, the characters will be evolving/developing and changing based on what they experience as a character living in Proper. Any familiarity of any person living or dead is purely coincidental.


To submit talent please send headshot/ resume as well as role interested in to Mary Alice at Please use PROPER MANORS CASTING - Role in Subject line. Thank you!


SEXY MAN FOR PHOTO SHOOT – Male, 21-35 super buff, hot, male model, appears in a photo as a hot super model clad in only his briefs or strategically placed cloth. Please send actual photos. Be prepared to remove shirt during casting call. Non-speaking Role, only used for photo... no acting ability necessary. 


SEBASTIAN STUART - Male, 16-18 - The all American surfer/skater that EVERYONE loves - doesn't have an enemy or a detractor. Gorgeous blonde flowing slightly curly hair and blue eyes. sometime stoner, always a lover, honest, loves and accepts everyone. Good looking, tan


BLAINE HOLLOWAY – 23, aspiring country music artist, genetically inclined to have substance abuse problems, many women seduce him against his better judgment.  Great at talking his way back into relationships after making mistakes, he is mother’s golden boy and does no wrong. 


GRANGE KNIGHTS - 40, Tall, Slender, Good ole boy, southern disposition, friendly, firm, like the ladies and loves his son. 


THORNE ROSE - late 50's, Caucasian, father to Trinity & Victoria Rose, married to Carolina Rose.  Hard working country boy & miner, loving father, loyal husband, doesn't trust the government, great with his hands when it comes to construction, gardening, or making anything more beautiful or practical.  Good looking with salt and pepper hair.  Imagine the Marlboro Man without the cigarette or cowboy hat. 


CYNTHIA BRIGHTMAN - 42, Caucasian, petite, stay at home wife to Matthew Brightman, mother to Samantha Brightman.  Spends all of her time involved in non-profit community organizations.  Baptist but sneaks a drink when no one is a around.  aware her husband is not as perfect as he seems, but plays the role of a loyal wife to maintain their position in the community.  Always polite, never one to create a stink, excellent mother.  Family has been in Proper for generations.  Well dressed, conservative hair, make-up and jewelry but it's clear that she has money. 


MATTHEW BRIGHTMAN- mid 40's, father to Samantha Brightman, Caucasian, married to Cynthia Brightman.  Politician in Proper and is part of the "good old boy" network.  He is given more leadership in the community than he should have based on his lack of worthiness.  He is easily influenced and is somewhat corrupt, based on his prior choices in his 20's, strives to create a perfect community and home yet battles his own demons that sabotage him when he tries to break free or think differently.  He is attractive, polite and a great spokesperson, but has become so mired down in his family name and what it means in the history of Proper that he's unable to embrace change out of fear that he will lose his role in the community.


APRIL BODELL - early 40's, Caucasian, somewhat matronly, conservatively dressed, graying hair, a bit of a busy body.  She is married to Rhett Bodell, mother to Erin & Amelia Bodell.  Overly involved in her children's scholastic endeavors. 


ANNA SORRENTO (Recurring) – 23, attractive, sports-minded, Italian, brunette, petite, hopeless romantic, emotionally unstable, sharp wit and finds humor in every situation. She is open to suggestion, easily trusts others and is often misled. Needs a stable family to feel complete. Her life is filled with tragedy.


INEZ MONTGOMERY - mid 70's or older, African-American, aunt to Douglas Summerfield.  She is a quiet, wise, strong woman who remembers the Civil Rights Era as if it happened yesterday.  She is an old school Southern Baptist, sings in the church choir.  Josephine views her as more of a housekeeper than as family.  She is a good role model to the Summerfield daughters.  She is proud of Douglas and loves him like he were her own son.  Never says a cross word about another person but you can tell what she's thinking by looking into her eyes.


FRANK HOLDER (Pastor/Preacher) - late 40's-early 50's, Baptist Pastor/Preacher in Proper, Caucasian, short/pudgy in stature.  He has an overly friendly almost bubbly personality,.  He is very opinionated and very influential among Proper's Christian and Baptist community.  He is always battling against the new bar opening, gay rights, and at the same time building a religious complex that is among the largest of any town of Proper's size.  In his private life he is abusive and controlling.  Publically, his is affable, supporting and friendly.  He is not happy with what he perceives as Proper going in the wrong direction.

SAMANTHA BRIGHTMAN - 17-19, brunette, petite to average shape, polite, kind.  Comes from a prominent family.  Popular, student council/beauty queen type.  Respected and admired by peers. 


TAMMY DALTON  - Caucasian, blonde, 18-19 years old, petite, large busted, quiet religious girl with untapped wild side, raised by a single mother, high school graduate but not very educated, aspires to become a nurse and one day have her own husband and family. 


BONNIE BLACK - 17-18, Caucasian, tall dirty blonde hair, fashion model looks, incredibly popular, cheerleader, homecoming queen, student council officer, will begin a modeling career after graduation. 


ERIN BODELL - 17-18, intellectual redhead with a temper who can quickly take anyone down who makes her uncomfortable.  Sensitive, a swan who hides her looks but wows a room when she wants to - super intelligent, freckles and an amazing smile.  Loyal to her friends and is old money/old school when it comes to knowing the politics of Proper.  

Please submit headshot and resume to with "Proper Manors Casting - Role" in subject line. 
Please let Craze Agency know if they are interested!


Utah film Audition asap!

April 11, 2012
Casting The Wheel of Time. David Skousen is directing, and we have a very experienced crew manning this project.

We still need to cast some of the roles, including the leads. We are holding auditions tomorrow, Wednesday April 11, 7-9:30 pm at Broadview University, room 403 (4th floor). The address to Broadview is 180 East Morris Ave, SLC, UT.

This is a cold-read audition. We need to cast:

2 males, age range 18-22. One needs to be tall, rugged, and be able to pull off red hair. The other needs to be thin, with a mischievous countenance.

1 female, age range 20-30. This is a featured extra, the wife of an innocent man whom she sees executed. She needs to look good with little to no makeup.

We have several roles, both speaking and non-speaking, all for males, age range 30-65. The older the better, preferably men that can be dressed down.

We are filming Thursday-Saturday, April 26-28 in Provo. While this is a non-paid gig, it is a professional shoot. Richard Taylor, the Oscar-winning production designer for LOTR, had asked to see the finished product, and Brandon Sanderson, the current author of the books, had agreed to post the film on his websites for his fans, which number over 1 million people. This will be an incredible project to be a part of, and it will look amazing on anyone's reel.
questions can be sent to

Thank you very much for your assistance!

Sae Sae Norris, producer

Make sure to take a stapled headshot and resume.
Please let Craze know you will be attending and tell them we sent you as always.
Good Luck

Utah cheerleader type

April 10, 2012

This is all the info. Craze has

The production team of “Spirit Squad: Crime-Fighting Cheerleaders” has had an opening come up on the cast that we need to fill immediately.


Summer O’Neal - Blond hair, physically fit or athletic body, attractive. High school senior. 


Summer is very intelligent and self confident young woman. A natural leader. In addition to being the leader of the Spirit Squad cheerleaders at her high school, she is also an ROTC cadet, a black belt in Jujutsu and is one of the top academic performers in her class.


Must be able to be at least 18 years old, and able to pass for a high school senior aged character on screen. 


Must be able to commit to rehearsal schedule, press kit photo shoot and the scheduled shoot days in May.





Spirit Squad is a story about crime-fighting cheerleaders. It will be produced first as a 10 episode web-series, and then re-cut as a feature film. This show will be shot in Ogden, Utah. 


The budget for Spirit Squad will be raised through a Kickstarter campaign. This campaign is being vigorously researched and meticulously planned out. Our plan is to produce an impressive trailer that creates excitement for the project and conveys a sense that this movie has already been made. The trailer will be incorporated into our pitch video, which will be produced to professional broadcast standards, so as to instill full confidence in our target audience that we can deliver a finished product that is well thought out and has high production value. The campaign video will be promoted through a variety of websites, blogs and podcasts to give the project as much exposure as possible. We plan to do this right.


Our goal is to raise at least $50,000 through the Kickstarter campaign. The final budget for the web-series and movie will be based on how much we are able to raise through our campaign, minus what will be compensated to cast and crew for work on the trailer. 


The budget for the trailer and pitch video is being funded by Thom Rockwell. The budget will mostly be covering the costumes, props and food for the cast and crew. Pay for talent and crew for the trailer and pitch video is deferred pending the funds being reached through Kickstarter. 




Ballroom Utah

3030 S MAIN ST. SUITE 200


Please dress in appropriate workout clothes and bring a water bottle, towel and something to take notes with. Make sure you are well rested and ready to workout and focus.


Fight Choreography Rehearsal

Saturday, April 14

1:00pm until 7:00pm


Fight & Cheerleading Choreography Rehearsal

Saturday, April 21

1:00pm until 7:00pm


Fight & Cheerleading Choreography & Dramatic Rehearsal

Saturday, April 28

1:00pm until 7:00pm


Press Kit Photo Shoot:

Friday, April 20

4:00pm until 10:00pm

Ben Sant’s House (Ogden - Address will be posted on FB Event)



Shoot Days:

Saturday, May 12

Saturday, May 19

Sunday, May 20

Saturday, May 26

(Locations are still being determined. Not every cast member will be needed for every hour of shooting. A complete schedule will be emailed out by April 30th. Times are tentatively 7am-5pm)



Launches Wednesday, June 15 and concludes Sunday July 15



Interested actresses should send a headshot (and resume if available) to the Director, Thom Rockwell at as soon as possible. This casting situation was unforseen and needs to be filled quickly. Our fight choreography rehearsals begin this Saturday. 


Previous movies directed by Rockwell include "Zombie Prom" and "Terror Island" and can be seen on the Rockwell Digital website.


All Craze markets-Females 18-29

April 10, 2012
Wink is casting a video for an iPhone app. Producer states: "I am building an interactive iPhone app that lets people play a dating game with video of real people. I need three women to film themselves going through typical dating scenes: dinner, walk in the park, hanging out and watching TV, etc. I have written scripts, you just need to act out some pretty simple scenes. All the scenes are PG-rated. You will need a friend to capture video and you can use a camera phone or a simple video camera. You can do this on your own time from your own home." Justin Baker, prod. Immediate submissions, can shoot anywhere worldwide.

Seeking—Three Women: 18-29, Caucasian, to simulate dating scenarios.

For questions and to submit, email Professional pay.
Please let Craze know if they are interested

Big Utah Promo event Paying

April 10, 2012
Ages 16 and up Pay is $13 per hour
One of the most fun, exciting and super cool promotional events is coming through your area again, and we're looking for the absolute best staff available to make it all happen!

Do you have extensive experience in events and promotions?! Do you work well with young adults and enjoy a high-energy event atmosphere?! We expect a LOT out of our reps on this project, so if you think you have what it takes...feast your eyes on the details below!!!

Salt Lake City, UT

Sunday, April 29: 7:00am - 3:30pm
Monday, April 30: 7:00am - 4:30pm

4 - 20 PT Staff needed for local events.

Staff should be youthful, good representatives of an athletic and healthy lifestyle, have experience working similar events,  willing to learn general information about the client / event, be personable and engaging.

The U.S. Army will be once again be executing a series of events known as the Strength in Action Tour. There will be multiple activities including a rock climbing wall, an aerial simulator, athletic contests and more!!! All in an effort to promote youth leading a healthy, active lifestyle, and being "Army Strong!"

If you are available and interested and available
email us back at
4-Put US Army in email header

We will submit you and let you know if chosen. Thanks

New Feature Film Casting in SLC Paying

April 10, 2012

Additional parts added!

New Feature Film Casting in SLC

“The Boys at the Bar”

Character Breakdown:

Gay Man #1, 33 years old. He is the more effeminate partner of the couple. He carries their pet capuchin monkey, as if it is their child. He is the more flamboyantly dressed of the two. 

 Gay Man #2, 33 years old. A careful dresser, he looks as if he wears a suit to work every day. He is clearly dressed for an evening out and if he weren't holding hands with his partner, it would be hard to tell he is a gay man. 

 Stripper, 20s, she is a former Playmate of the Month during 2011/2012.

 Harold, an adult little person/midget.

 Priest, Catholic Priest about 60 years old.

 Matthew, Good Improvisional skills- 25-35 years old. Dressed as if he's backpacking through Europe on $5 a day. Caucasian, any hair color, no facial hair. Intelligent, average looking, great sense of humor. Can hold his own in an improvisational, comedic smack down of epic proportions.

Jenny, Good Improvisional skills- 28-37 years old. She's “Maureen O'Hara” redhead gorgeous. She can hold her own with the most obnoxious of bar patrons, yet is big hearted and generous.

Rachel, Good Improvisional skills -23-29 years old. Her naturally black hair and startingly pale complexion, suggests she was born to be a Goth. She is “runway model” tall and lean. Although she doesn't look as if she belongs with the regulars of the bar, she is clearly one of the family.

SAG Ultra Low Budget

Auditions will be this Saturday April 14th from 10am to 2pm

If you fit a profile and are interested email us at


2-Part you would like to audition for

3-Put Boys in Bar in the email header

We will submit you and let you know… Thanks


Utah female 18-30 paying

April 10, 2012
This client will be doing a lot of repeat work in the future !

Casting for software product
introduction videos. (Actresses will be required to shoot 1 day. )
Seeking—Actresses: Female, girl next door look. Age 18 to 30
Must be able to speak well, smile, and advertise a product.

Auditions will be held in Utah County, Utah and will consist of reading a
provided product description.
More information about the audition, an address and appointment time, will
be provided via email for the chosen Actresses.
Compensation: This is a non-union shoot, and will pay fifty (50) dollars for the
day. Copies will be provided on DVD. Food will be provided.
Transportation for local actors can also be arranged to and from the set.

If  you fit the profile and are interested email us back at
3-If you have a link of your work the link
4-Put software in the email header
 We will submit you and let you know!

Utah asap Changes casting Males 40-55 females 35-45 great paying

April 9, 2012
Good pay!
Casting for 2 principle roles for a Melaleuca corporate video, on-camera non-speaking principle extras.  Activities will include being active around the house, walking outside, riding a bike outside, maybe working out at a home gym.  Availability for 2 days on April 19 and 20.

Can you please send current head shots/stills that include a shot of their face, waist up and also head-to-toe framing for the following roles.

Male 40-55 years 
Caucasian (could have some Hispanic in his features)
On the heavy side about 30-50 pounds overweight

Female  35-45 years
  15-30 pounds overweight.

If you fit the description email us back at
3-head to toe photo recent
4-put Malaleuca in email header.

We will submit you thanks


Utah ages 7-18

April 9, 2012
Mark & Quote Quote 
Date of the audition: April 14 & 16, 2012
Location of the audition: Copperview Recreation Center
Salt Lake County Youth Theatre will be holding auditions "Rockin' till the world ends" Saturday, April 14 from 9-11:00 am, and Monday, April 16 from 6-8:30 pm at Copperview Recreation Center 8446 South Harrison Street, Midvale. Ages 7-18 are welcome to audition. Please come prepared to sing a 16 bar up-beat song, learn a dance, and to possibly read rom the script. Performance dates are June 13-15, 2012 at Wheeler Historic Farm Ampitheatre.
This is all the info. Craze has

Utah girl 19-26 Paying

April 9, 2012

We are looking for a girl between 19 and 26 years old to work as a photo double on 12 Dogs of Christmas.You would work on Tuesday April 10th in Midway.You must have long blonde hair be fair skinned 5ft.2 to 5ft.4 and fit in a size 0-2..the pay is 125.00 for the day and you must be available all day.

email us back


2- Age

3-Put  Long Blonde in email header



DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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