This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

All Craze Agency Talent Important-Database and Website

September 1, 2011

Craze Agency Database and Website


 Thanks to all of you that have previously followed all of the directions below it has already helped us immensely to promote each of you!

 If you have updated your profile IN THE DATEABASE and it is current you do not have to read any further unless you would like to HAVE YOUR OWN WEBPAGE WITH YOUR PHOTOS AND RESUME on the  website which we highly, highly recommend, thousands of clients see our website!

 If you are newer to Craze Agency or have not yet followed the steps below please do not wait any longer!!!!   If you do not follow these steps you probably will not get work and will eventually be taken off the agency list (we do not want this to happen.)

In the past we have been asked a lot of questions on this post, most of them can be answered below so please read everything carefully.

 Please make a copy of this for your future reference! The first part pertains to the database the last part the website, they are totally different!!!!!!!!!

 This is often how our clients choose who goes on AUDITIONS AND BOOKS JOBS! We have created an amazing database system that will allow us to generate and send out a very detailed list about our models, actors and extras to our hiring clients. You must go into our website and fill out as much of the information that it asks for. Here are a few examples of the thousands of ways this will help all of us to increase your bookings and auditions.

 If a client is looking for an Male Asian experienced actor age 40-55 5'10"- 6'0" or if the client is looking for a Female Model 5'8" to 5'9" age 16-19 size 4-5 with Blonde hair and Blue eyes with runway experience it will pull up a detailed list of all the people in the agency that exactly meet this criteria. This will also pull up an individual list of Extras or Models, Actors, Females, Children, Caucasians, etc. The client can also see photos of you and also see your updated resume in our database.

We asked our clients what we could do to help them book you more and this is what they want.  If you do not input the information requested you will never show up on the searches and this will dramatically hurt or eliminate your chances. We are the leader in this detailed technology.

This database does not cost you anything!

Please remember to read the entire email so that you will not be confused about the difference between the database and website!

 Go to at the top left side of the page you will insert your user name. Your user name will be your first name with the first letter capitalized and then your last name no spaces in between your names with the first letter in your last name capitalized.  Some examples would be Steve Smith username is  SteveSmith  If your first and last name name is over 15 letters it will cut if off at 15 letters. Example ChanceFuersting instead of ChanceFuerstinger

Now put in your password, it will be the first three letters in your first name with the first letter capitalized and then with no space put in your full last name. An example would be Steve Smith would have a password of SteSmith, now click login.

 This will pull up a new page welcoming you and at the top left corner you will see edit profile, click that and it will pull up your page. Now you can enter your important data. Please accurately update this information anytime it changes. Fill in as much data as possible. You will see there are columns for things like your address and phone and email etc.

 This is how we will contact you; it must be up to date. If it ever changes you need to update it immediately also email us and let us know. The vital information is only for Craze Agency and will never be given out to clients or anyone else except your phone number if the client needs to directly call you and they have our permission.

 If you are newer with Craze or it does not work give it about 7-14 days if it does not work then, email us at and we will put you in manually. Be patient we have been putting in over 100,000 statistics on all of you the last 7 months!

 After you have accurately entered all of your information you may change your password if you wish, so that no one except you and the agency can get into your information.   Please write down your password and save it, we do not have time to look up login and passwords!

 Finally after you have inputted all of your information you must scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE CHANGES.

This is not part of the Craze Agency website. We have worked overtime to keep this as simple as possible. Please follow these directions we do not have time to direct you and answer questions, we want to spend our time promoting you.  Print a copy of this Email and save it in a safe place.

THE REMAINING PART OF THIS NOTICE IS A TOTALLY SEPARATE OPPORTUNITY THAT WE FEEL IS VERY BENEFICIAL!!! It will help you with increased exposure and the opportunity to be booked on more paying jobs! We highly recommend that you get on the Agency WEBSITE!

 Please read on for website information. If you have already paid to be on the website your info is already on the site.  If you are not on the site you can be added to the site for a one-time lifetime cost as long as you are in good standing with us and still represented by the Craze Agency. PLEASE CALL YOUR AGENT NOW TO RECEIVE THIS OFFER 801-438-0067 or 208-433-9511

This is an incentive special and the price will go back to $295 per year after Sept 16th , 2011 *This technology is very expensive and goes directly to the Webmaster  to create your section on the website and individual page. They also  continually maintain and improve the site. We highly encourage you to be on our website, most of our clients use the website constantly and we have seen a continual shift to using the Internet to get you auditions.

 Like everything we additionally offer the talent, it is not mandatory, but highly encouraged that you are on the website for us to promote you more effectively.

 Thanks for allowing us to promote you!  Craze Agency

Boise -The King and I

September 1, 2011
November 12 - 13 --  Boise Music Week auditions for its production of "The King and I". Saturday, November 12 from 10am -4pm and Sunday, November 13, 1pm -4pm. Please prepare a two minute song, preferably from a Broadway musical. A piano accompanist will be provided; please, no cd accompaniment and no accapello. Also, wear comfortable shoes, there will also be a short, easy, dance audition. No prepared piece needed for that. Auditions are by appointment only. To reserve your time, or for more information, email Diane Clayton:
     Directed by Larry Dennis, Musical Director, Linda Berg, Choreographer, Kathy Lee. Rehearsals begin in February, the show runs the first week of May, 2012.

Utah-female models for a runway hair competition

September 1, 2011
This is all the info. Craze has let us know if you were booked!
Moore Hair Design is casting female models for a runway hair competition between five of Utah's top salons.

Casting: Thursday Sept 1, 5-7pm at Moore Hair Design (2497 E Fort Union Blvd), Bring Head Shot
Who: Female models, age 21 or older (no nudity) Hair must be shoulder length or longer, 5'6" +
What: 'Salon Wars' at Club Elevate- must be available all day Saturday Sept 24th
Rehearsal and photo shoot will take place Tues Sept 13th. from 1-6pm

  photos will be provided as trade for time


Utah- Cosmic Pictures (paying!!!)

September 1, 2011
A big company called, COSMIC PICTURES are shooting next Wednesday September 7th...


Max: Caucasian 5-8 yrs old, White (maybe with glasses)
Katie: Friend, ethnically "Ambiguous, early to mid-30's
Karl: Grocer, ethnically "ambiguous", 30's
Russ: Farmer, Caucasian, 45-50

Rate is $125-$150
Non Speaking
1 market
13 week
Broadcast only
3 hour commitment                                                                                                                                                          IF YOU ARE INTERESTED EMAIL US AT the following info:


WE NEED REAL DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS... NOT HEADSHOTS.... We need to see how they look right now... 





Utah-New SAG web series ages 13 up! Lot's of Parts

September 1, 2011

Please let Craze Agency know if they cast you!!!!!

Casting Notice for Web Series “Proper Manors”

 SAG New Media Contract/ Non-SAG actors welcome (SAG New Media Contract Paperwork Pending)

 Male and Female, 13 to 65. All Ethnic Backgrounds.  *See character breakdown below.

 AUDITIONS: Week of 9/12/2011 and ongoing (this is an open ended series)

 SHOOTING to begin Late 2011/early 2012


Open to seeing Actors from all areas. Actors must agree to work as local hires. We anticipate 1-2 shooting days a week (mostly weekends, occasionally overnights)

 EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Pietro D’Alessio, Jef Phillips, Jaison H. Costley, Mark Loren Fletcher, Tracy Townsend, Robin Westover, Colby Deaton, Katerina Guinevere DuLac, Paul G. Smith, Jennifer Groendal

 PRODUCERS: Jef Phillips, Jessica Mae Diekmann


 WRITERS: Pietro D'Alessio (Creator), Jason C. White, Michelle Wilson, Shila McLemore (Additional contributions by Brian Pickard, Michael Robert Berry and Carolyn Russell)

 CASTING DIRECTOR: Pietro D'Alessio Casting; Jessica Mae Diekmann

 DIRECTORS: Jaison H. Costley/Ryan McDonald


 Seeking actors for a new Web Soap created by Pietro D’Alessio. The story centers on a group of teenagers and their families. Many lead parts are still available as well as supporting roles. This is a character breakdown for many roles for the soap opera. Some will work in later episodes. We will begin casting focusing initially on the lead and supporting roles and anticipate weekly casting sessions until complete.


JOEY SORRENTO (Lead)—18, Student, spoiled, manipulative, calculating; yet open to suggestion and easily influenced.  Every move is calculates to get ahead, get laid, or have a new thrill.  He’s snarky and likes to shock others.


JEF KNIGHTS (Lead)—18, tall, blonde, blue eyed, good looking, Joey’s partner –in –crime and the only person he trusts.  He is a genuine person with a weakness for women and a soft spot for friends. 


CLAIRE WALDEN (Lead)—17, Local heiress, gorgeous blonde, rich.  Not to be taken lightly and doesn’t take “no” for an answer.  She’ll manipulate and toy with others’ feelings to get what she wants. She sincerely wants what is best for others but yet can’t help putting herself first. Having a good time and laughing is paramount to her existence and she is very popular with both her friends and other men.


TRINA TRAPNELL (Lead) — 18, brunette, working class, with a few extra pounds, very attractive and desirable.  She loves country music, writing poetry, the bible, and imagines a better life.  She is a Sunday school teacher who happens to be a nymphomaniac and desperately wants to change and desires a better life than the one she has had growing up although she is not in any way, shape or form condescending.


SHILA HICKS (Lead)—18, tough, smart, sexy, elegant, stylish, thereby hiding her rough upbringing.  She’s confused about who her real father is, yet arrives in town ready to claim her family fortune.  She views others as an enemy, friend or a piece of the puzzle in her world to get what she wants.


MICHELLE SUMMERFIELD (Lead)—18, African American, class valedictorian, beautiful, smart, popular, effortlessly well-spoken and intelligent, and hard working.  She never fails to amaze—well liked by her classmates and the community.


Supporting Roles:


BLANCHE CRAWFORD SORRENTO (Supporting) - 54, Matriarch, Old Southern Money, entered marriage already independently wealthy from her parents and grandparents. She was educated at a private all girl’s university and claims to be liberal and open-minded yet when anything occurs that could shine a negative light on her or what she views as her family and/or interests, she can become conservative, conniving and tough. She is well respected by most and sits on multiple boards throughout the community. It is her attention to detail that often results in additional opportunities to increase the family fortune. She is a tremendous flirt and has many men from her youth interested in her. She loves to host and entertain but leaves the daily details of housekeeping, the grounds, pool and such to her staff.


ALESSANDRO SORRENTO (Supporting) – 58, Patriarch, Spy, Businessman -  A mysterious international traveling business man  who has many secrets and is somewhat unapproachable yet when he has had a few glasses of wine or beers, he begins mesmerizing everyone with stories of his many adventures around the world. An only child of immigrants that is still well connected to his family in Europe, he is always whisking people away for trips and making new business plans. His businesses include a bar, restaurant, car lots, daycare centers and real estate. He is not one to stay in one place very long although he is a responsible and caring father to his children and a reluctant contributor to the community at large. .


VEDETTA SORRENTO (Supporting) – 56, female, Italian. She lives in Italy where she keeps tabs on her family from afar and has been quietly plotting her return. She is the quiet strong voice behind much of the drama in the family.


GRANGE KNIGHTS (Supporting)—40, Tall, Slender, Good ole boy, Southern disposition, friendly, firm, likes the ladies and loves his son.


GUY WALDEN (Supporting)—38, light blonde/possibly balding, portly, fair-skinned, loves his whiskey, bourbon, and scotch. He is a great provider but a crappy husband until he had to play the role in public. He has made millions in the oil industry and owns all the local convenient stores.


MELODY WALDEN (Supporting)—37, Tall, thin, blonde, perfect mom and socialite, spends her days shopping, doing yoga, hiking, buying/selling stocks, dabbling in the stock market and mentoring/nurturing her kids and being a surrogate mom to their friends. Kind, gentle, tough, honest and doesn’t believe in airing dirty laundry/family secrets and issues in public.


BOYD TRAPNELL (Supporting)—40, Big, bumbling, uneducated, scary looking but actually very kind man. Is more keyed into about what is going on with his kids then they think he is and he also seriously scrutinizes all of his daughter’s male friends. He likes collecting vehicles, working on engines and mechanical components of almost anything. Most likely grew up in the mountains of Kentucky, wears ratty clothes and drives a dump/junk truck. He is a reformed alcoholic.


TINA TRAPNELL (Supporting) – Average working class woman, Midwestern demeanor, Wife/Mom, Attractive but looks weary from working so hard and supporting the family. Simple tastes and simple pleasures, a Fingerhut catalog style of decorating her home, works as an Assistant Manager at a Kmart type of store.


JIMMY RAY HICKS (SUPPORTING) – 39, former jock, current redneck/country boy, loves his Momma, NASCAR, kids, buffets and football. Clueless and caring husband.


DR. DOUGLASS SUMMERFIELD (Recurring) – 48, African-American, well-educated, honest, family man, upper middle class.


JOSEPHINE SUMMERFIELD (Supporting) - 44, African-American, beautiful, tall, fit, intelligent, socially responsible, a pillar of the community, some interest in politics and journalism.


ANNA SORRENTO (Recurring) – 23, attractive, sports-minded, Italian, brunette, petite, hopeless romantic, emotionally unstable, sharp wit and finds humor in every situation. She is open to suggestion, easily trusts others and is often misled. Needs a stable family to feel complete. Her life is filled with tragedy.


ARGUS WALDEN (Recurring) – 17, Loves music and politics, popular in a nerdy sort of way with other kids in his social circle at school. Incredibly wealthy but not condescending about his wealth and the opportunities they afford him. Blonde, possibly pre-balding, polite.


CODY TRAPNELL (Recurring) – 15, loves metal music, playboy magazine and working on engines. Hates school and hangs with the loser crowd that has convinced him he doesn’t need an education. Long hair, dirty, not very bright.


JACK HICKS/JIM HICKS (Recurring) – 14, Twin brothers who may or may not be identical. Typical average teens who have become latchkey kids raising themselves on leftovers, video games and the Internet.


JOSE HICKS (Recurring) – 13, Latino, attractive, fit, sensitive


ARIA MORENA CAMPBELL (Supporting) – 36, former housekeeper turned paraprofessional, Mexican activist, highly involved in her children’s lives, always busy and on the go, works hard to protect her children. Loves to escape with cinema, a gourmet meal or someplace filled with beauty.


KEENE CAMPBELL (Recurring) – 43, Good ole boy, former military, has made a few mistakes and bad choices in the not so far past and relied on the bottle a bit too much and is now trying to reconnect with his wife and daughters yet his interests and theirs seem so different that he feels like an outcast.


HILLARY CAMPBELL (Supporting) – 16, oldest of three daughters, perfect student, sarcastic wit, intellectually advanced to the point where many adults are easily intimidated by her. Other adults are drawn to her as an inspiration.  


GRACE CAMPBELL (Supporting) – 15, middle of three daughters, flirtatious, fit, and always seeking an adventure and a more interesting/mysterious or experienced man. She can’t be bothered with boys who seem to only want to do what the average teen boy does. She sees a future filled with travel.


SARAH CAMPBELL (Recurring) – 13, youngest of three daughters, spoiled, lazy, goofy sense of humor, has a strong compass about what is right/wrong and there is no middle ground. Quick to love and quick to get angry, she is much tougher than anyone realizes. She loves her family, her parents and animals. Would spend all day cooking and watching TV is she could in the future. She is very intelligent and well-liked yet not as ambitious as he older sisters are to change the world.


BO HOLLOWAY (Recurring) – 50, Self made wealthy man with a love of farming and horses. His family spans many generations back in the community.


SYDNEY HOLLOWAY (Recurring)– 49, Petite, blonde, plays the victim, doting mother, her family roots run many generations back in the community. Wealthy bored ex-wife of a womanizing alcoholic.


BLAINE HOLLOWAY (Recurring) – 23, aspiring country music artist, genetically inclined to have substance abuse problems, many women seduce him against his better judgment.  Great at talking his way back into relationships after making mistakes, he is his mother’s golden boy and does no wrong.


FREDERICK CHRISTOPHERSON (Recurring) – 17, red haired, freckles, a lion in sheep’s clothing, plays the perfect teen to adults while secretly manipulating younger girls and situations to his benefit. Arrogant, socially distant, gains trust easily.


MARIE SORRENTO (Supporting) – 15, blonde, attractive, spoiled drama queen, feels entitled to what others have, has a self-inflated sense of entitlement due to her upbringing. Really is quite funny and endearing yet can’t sometimes see the truth due to the alternate worlds of reality she creates with the assistance and reassurance of her mom.


BIFF LANGFORD (Recurring) – 22, Looks much older than his actual age, balding, slight belly, incredibly kind and immensely private, a very funny compassionate man with a quick wit and a love of music, magic, and film. He becomes a vital part of whichever group he is involved in for as long as he’d like. He is wise beyond his years and gives wonderful advice. Older women are attracted to him and younger people see him as a mentor/big brother/uncle type.


ROSS – 35, Irish-American, fit, tattoos, sexual deviant who does cocaine. Sexually ambiguous.



GIOVANNA SORRENTO - 29, Italian American, very plain, brunette, short, average shape, sensitive, family is priority number one, workaholic


FATHER CAREY (TBD) - Episcopal Minister


ENRIQUE COOPER – Producer – sexy, smooth, thin, mysterious


JOHNNA - Drag Queen Porn Producer


SELMA – Therapist, African-American, 40’s


MARIO – 23 to 28, stunningly good looking Latino Groundskeeper, calculating, bisexual


JOHN – Neighbor, mid 40’s, eccentric, collects toys, games, puzzles, models and more


TERENCE DALTON (Recurring) - Town police officer, Male, High morals, Single, Mid to late 30's


BOBBY WESTON - Police deputy, baby-faced, early to mid 20's



JEAN PIERRE - Butler/Personal Assistant, 40's, Male



MARGOT LANGLEY - Florist, Full-figured, gossipy, 40's-60's, Female



NURSE - Female, 25 and over, matter-of fact, Easily agitated



CHEF - Male, 30's and over


JULES TEAKWOOD - 18, Spoiled rotten, Church going, Daddy's girl in the middle of every social group, Loves her gay boys and her girlfriends, Full-figured, always has an idea or a perspective about what is happening with someone.


 Some offers are out for additional roles not listed here. Some Actors are attached and the Writers are developing roles for the. If you have previously auditioned and still want to be kept in consideration and are able to work as a Utah local hire please let creator Pietro D'Alessio know.


Please submit electronic headshots and resumes to: with Proper Manors Casting in the Subject lin

over Utah-21 blonde models who would want to be "St Pauli" girl look

September 1, 2011
Craze Agency Client looking for over 21 blonde models who would want to be "St Pauli" girl look a likes for a corporate dinner party. They would be provided the costume, serve drinks and hand out goody bags at an event in Park City. The hours are 6-10pm on September 19th
and the pay is $150
If you fit the description and are available email us TODAY  at

  2-Dress sizes
 4- Weight
5-Your age (must be 21 or older!)
6-Put St. Pauli in header
7-Recent photo if we do not have one.

Utah Video Spokesman and Women paying!!!

August 31, 2011
Looking for attractive good speaking Spokesperson's Ages 22-55.
This company does Spokesperson Videos for companies all over the world. Could become fairly consistent work. Pay is $100 per hour.
They will be interviewing a few people this Friday. Sept. 2  noon-3pm in Sandy.
If you are interested
email us at
2 Age
3-Put spokesperson in email header.
We will submit you and let you know.


Utah-Male 33-62 asap paying

August 31, 2011

Film shoot this Saturday the Sept. 3rd 

This is a great client  and this could end up getting you a lot more higher paying work with them!!!

We are shooting in Downtown Salt Lake City

 Need 6  featured extras. I need ages 32-62 years old 6 men. They need to have their own business looking suit and it needs to look modern, not 1990's. Men in suits, shirts and ties

Budget is $90 per person
If you are 100%  available email us today ASAP at
3-If possible photo of you in the Business outfit

We will let you know if you are picked thanks, Craze

Utah Film 18-45 years old copy and credit

August 31, 2011

"The Question: What can one man do?"
(Based on characters created by Steve Ditko)

A Retro-Modern independent fan film to introduce DC Comic's dark superhero "The Question".

Innovative Entertainment Unlimited is currently seeking talented men and women ages 18-45 for a physically challenging action film. Many roles are available! Prior stage combat or martial arts experience is preferred but not required.

Please submit your resume', headshots, and/or reels by September 9th for consideration: DJBLACKMAR@MAIL.COM

Live auditions will be held at:

South Jordan Library
Meeting Room
10673 S. Redwood Rd.

Thursday, Sept. 8th, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 10th, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Compensation: This is a low budget fan produced film. All available roles will be volunteer positions only. Each participant will receive one free copy of the completed DVD as well as the priceless experience of working on a live set!

Shooting schedule: We will be filming on consecutive Saturdays with a chance of Sunday pick-ups depending on pace. Please be sure of your availability for these weekends before submitting your request! Times and locations to be announced.

Saturday, September 17th, 2011

Shoot dates:
Saturday, September 24th & Saturday October 1st, 2011


August 31, 2011

Colorado Mountain College Theatre calls for actors

Auditions Sept. 6, 7 for fall performances

Colorado Mountain College Theatre will hold open auditions for its fall performances on Sept. 6 and 7 at 6 p.m. in the New Space Theatre at Spring Valley, located at 3000 County Road 114 south of Glenwood Springs.

Actors will be cast for “Inherit the Wind” (performances Oct. 21-23 and 27-30) and “I Hate Hamlet” (performances Dec. 2-4 and 8-11).

“Inherit the Wind,” written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, is a dramatization of the 1925 Scopes “Monkey” Trial. High school teacher John T. Scopes was convicted of teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution in a science class, contrary to a Tennessee state law that prohibited the teaching of evolution.

“I Hate Hamlet,” by Paul Rudnick, features an out-of-work TV actor who is offered the role of Hamlet, which he hates. To top it off, his new apartment appears to be haunted by the ghost of John Barrymore, who famously played the part.

Those auditioning should prepare a short monologue of their choice and also be ready to read from the script. Scripts are available for reading at the college’s Quigley Library at Spring Valley or Colorado Mountain College in Glenwood Springs (1402 Blake Ave.).

If auditioning, please call the theater department in advance at 947-8252 or 947-8177 to declare your intent to audition or to ask any further questions.



August 31, 2011
Pioneer Theatre Company Announces Open Adults' Auditions for
Book by Thomas Meehan. Music by Charles Strouse. Lyrics by Martin Charnin.
Pioneer Theatre Company will be holding adults' auditions for ANNIE on Thursday, September 15, 2011, from 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. in the large rehearsal hall. Auditions are open to anyone between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m; only AEA members may audition between 12 noon and 1:00 p.m.
Auditions will be singing only, in 3-minute audition slots. Please come prepared with a musical theatre song in the style of the show and sheet music. An accompanist will be provided. Callbacks will be scheduled by invitation on Saturday, September 17, 2011.
All roles are currently available. Auditioners must be 18 years of age or older.
All auditioners must come in to sign up on the callboard in Room 325 at the Roy W. and Elizabeth E. Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre, starting Thursday, September 8, 2011. AEA members must also sign up in person. Please, no phone calls or emails.
Auditions will be held in Room 245 at Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre. A photo and resume are recommended.
For more information please visit the PTC web site:
Rehearsal dates for the production are Monday, November 7, 2011 – Thursday, December 1, 2011; performance dates are Friday, December 2, 2011 – Friday, December 23, 2011. The production will be directed by Paul Barnes. Michael Rice will be musical director. Patti D'Beck will be choreographer.
Please let Craze know if they are interested


August 31, 2011

The Riverton Arts Council will be holding auditions for its upcoming production of Louisa May Alcott’s classical story, “Little Women,” on Saturday, Aug. 20. Auditioners must be at least 16 years old.  There is one role: Amy, first act that may be cast as young as 14.

Come prepared with 16 bars of a Broadway song, ready to learn and perform a dance routine and a 60-second monologue. Accompanist will be provided as well as CD player, MP3 hook-up. Ensemble parts are all strong dancing and singing roles.    

Auditions will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Sandra Lloyd Community Center, 12830 South Redwood Road. Call backs will be held that afternoon. Performances will be Oct. 13-22, seven performances.

“Little Women” is being directed by Kim Ostler and produced by Vicki Wartman. Technical direction is by Mark Halvorsen and business management by Chris Lawrence. All parts are open. Production is in need of volunteers for costuming, set construction, stage manager and run crew (lighting, sound).

If you have any questions or to download an audition application, visit or email Kim at, or call (801) 750-2073.



Utah-Paying ages 40-59 years

August 31, 2011
Film shoot this Saturday the Sept. 3rd
We are shooting in Downtown Salt Lake City

 Need 10 extras. I need ages 40-59 years old 6 men and 4 women They need to have their own business looking suit and it needs to look modern, not 1990's. Men in suits, shirts and ties and women in business style skirt and blouse and preferably suit jacket.

Budget is $90 per person
If you are 100%  available email us today ASAP at
3-If possible photo of you in the Business outfit

We will let you know if you are picked thanks, Craze


Utah- Auditions for Black Actresses!

August 30, 2011

            Auditions for People Productions’ presentation of Ntozake Shange’s for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf are being held in Room 130 of the University of Utah West Institute (300 South and 1340 East) on September 9th and 10th


There are roles for seven black actresses in the play.  Audition times are 6:30-9:00 p.m. on Friday, September 9th, and 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, September 10th. Callbacks are scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Monday, September 12th.  Rehearsals begin September 26th, and there will be nine performances between November 4th and November 20th



Boise- PHOTOSHOOT!!! Paying!

August 30, 2011
Boise photo studio looking for: Wrestler types, Boxer types, and Upbeat  Business looks for immediate shootings. Pay is $40 per hour.

2-Which type you are submitting for
3-Put Boise photo studio in header.      We will submit you and let you know. Thanks





DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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