This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

Johnson's Baby Photo Project, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Washington

December 21, 2010
In early January, Johnson's baby is going to begin shooting a 50 stage wide photography project showcasing parents and babies sharing everyday moments of joy together.

It's a great new high profile campaign that is going to be launching on a national tv talk show the week before mother's day 2011 and the photography book is going to follow shortly after in book stores.

At the end of the day its going to be a great unheralded project. Even though its a Johnson's book, their ultimate goal is to give the real hard working mom's and dad's of America a platform to be seen and heard from as a thank you for being great parents.

As this project doesn't fall under normal advertising and is more along the lines of a goodwill project, the subjects pay for participating in the shoots is going to be a gift baskets of 15 great items from Johnson's baby as well as a copy of the coffee table photography book when it comes out in stores. One cool aspect is that the book is going to be launched on a major national talk show (unfortunately can't use the name yet) the week before mothers day. Its definitely going to be seen by a lot of people.

Ideally they are looking for families with babies in the 10 month to 36 month range. All ethnicities. The shoots themselves will be a few crew members and the stories that they are shooting will drive where and what they shoot. The idea is to talk to the families and get their real moments of joy that they share with their baby on an everyday basis and highlight that.
Most of these shoots take place in the subjects houses our surrounding areas.

Looking to shoot in early January so they need to really ramp up their casting by the end of this week.

If you are interested, email or with
    1. A quick intro about you as parents and your baby
    2. A picture of the baby and any photos you have together
We will submit this info. to casting for consideration. If they are interested in using your family, we will contact you.
We need your submission by Thursday, December 23, 3:00pm.
Craze Agency

Craze Agency Database and Website info.

December 21, 2010


All Craze Talent please read the entire posting and follow the directions thanks!

 Thanks to all of you that have previously followed all of the directions below it has already helped us immensely to promote each of you!

 If you have updated your profile and it is current you do not have to read any further unless you would like to get on the  website which we highly, highly recommend!

 If you are newer to Craze Agency or have not yet followed the steps below please do not wait any longer!!!!

If you do not follow these steps you probably will not get work and will eventually be taken off the agency list (we do not want this to happen)!

In the past we have been asked a lot of questions on this post, most of them can be answered below so please read everything carefully.


 Please make a copy of this for your future reference! The first part of the email pertains to the database the last part the website, they are totally different!!!!!!!!!

 This is how our clients choose who goes on AUDITIONS AND BOOKS JOBS! We have created an amazing database system that will allow us to generate and send out a very detailed list about our models, actors and extras to our hiring clients. You must go into our website and fill out as much of the information that it asks for. Here are a few examples of the thousands of ways this will help all of us to increase your bookings and auditions.  If a client is looking for an Male Asian experienced actor age 40-55 5'10"- 6'0" or if the client is looking for a Female Model 5'8" to 5'9" age 16-19 size 4-5 with Blonde hair and Blue eyes with runway experience it will pull up a detailed list of all the people in the agency that exactly meet this criteria.

This will also pull up an individual list of Extras or Models, Actors, Females, Children, Caucasians, etc.
The clients can also see your resume in our database.

We asked our clients what we could do to help them book you more and this is what they want.  If you do not input the information requested you will never show up on the searches and this will dramatically hurt or eliminate your chances. We are the local leader in this detailed technology.

This database does not cost you anything!

Please remember to read the entire email so that you will not be confused about the difference between the database and website!

 Go to  and on the top left side of the page you will insert your user name. Your user name will be your first name with the first letter capitalized and then your last name no spaces in between your names with the first letter in your last name capitalized.  Some examples would be Steve Smith username is  SteveSmith, or Janet Thompson username  JanetThompson . Now put in your password, it will be the first three letters in your first name with the first letter capitalized and then with no space put in your full last name. An example would be Steve Smith would have a password of SteSmith or Janet Thompson would be JanThompson .  

 Now click login.  This will pull up a new page welcoming you and at the top left corner you will see edit profile, click that and it will pull up your page. Now you can enter your important data.

Please accurately update this information anytime it changes. Fill in as much data as possible. You will see there are columns for things like your address and phone and email etc.

 If it ever changes you need to update it immediately also email us and let us know. The vital information is only for Craze Agency and will never be given out to clients or anyone else except your phone number if the client needs to directly call you and they have our permission.

 If you are newer with Craze or it does not work give it about 7-14 days if it does not work then, email us at and we will put you in manually. Be patient we have been putting in over 100,000 statistics on all of you the last 7 months!  If you have a really long name it may need us to adjust it for you the first time! After you have accurately entered all of your information you may change your password if you wish, so that no one except you and the agency can get into your information. Please write down your password and save it, we do not have time to look up login and passwords!

 Finally after you have inputted all of your information you must scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE CHANGES.

This is a database system that Craze uses to help our hiring clients know more about you.

This is not part of the Craze Agency website.  We have worked overtime to keep this as simple as possible. Please follow these directions we do not have time to direct you and answer questions, we want to spend our time promoting you.  Print a copy of this Email and save it in a safe place.


THE REMAINING EMAIL IS A TOTALLY SEPARATE OPPORTUNITY THAT WE FEEL IS EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL TO YOU!!!!.   It will help you with increased exposure and the opportunity to be booked on more paying jobs! We highly recommend that you get on the Agency WEBSITE!

 Please read on for website information. If you have already paid to be on the website your info is already on the site.

If you are not on the site you can be added to the site for a one-time lifetime special cost, call your agent today for more details 801-438-0067 or 208-433-9511, this is an incentive special, the price will go back to $295 per year after Dec. 31st , 2010.

 *This technology is very expensive and goes directly to the Webmaster  to create your section on the website and individual page. They also  continually maintain and improve the site. We highly encourage you to be on our website, most of our clients use the website constantly and we have seen a continual shift to using the Internet to get you auditions. Like everything we additionally offer the talent, it is not mandatory, but highly encouraged that you are on the  website for us to promote you more effectively.

 Thanks for allowing us to promote you!

Craze Agency


Male and Female Talent ages 25+ for Testimonials, Ethnic only, Utah

December 21, 2010
We have sent this out before but there is a new shoot date........
We have a client that is need of Male and Female Talent ages 25+ to give Testimonials for an online Infomercial.
On Tuesday, December 28 between 10:00am- 5:00pm, you will go into a local studio in Midvale, Utah and record the testimonial on-camera. The testimonials are small paragraphs and will be given to you ahead of time.
IMPORTANT- If your Testimonial is selected by the client, they will contact Craze and you will receive a $75 compensation and your testimonial will show up on the Infomercial.
Looking for Men and Women with confidence who can give a line with a nice natural tone and delivery.
If you are not selected, obviously you won't be paid but you will get some valuable experience out of it.
If you are interested, please email or the following:
    Specific time you would like to go in
Upon receiving your info. we will send you a confirmation email with the location. Plan on recording for about 10-15 minutes.
We need your submission by Thursday, December 23, 11:00am
Craze Agency

Craze Model and Talent Agency- Middle Eastern Models- Salt Lake City

December 21, 2010
This casting is for CRAZE AGENCY TALENT ONLY. If we find that people are sharing privileged casting and booking info. with non Craze talent, they will be removed from the active database.



Looking for young child(ren) to be in a photo shoot this week at the Humane Society.

This is no pay but can be used for copy and credit. You would need to be available either Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

If you are interested, please send headshot and resume to:


Craze Agency


Utah Theatre Auditions- Dec. 18, TOMORROW!

December 17, 2010
This casting is for CRAZE AGENCY TALENT ONLY. If we find that people are sharing privileged casting and booking info. with non Craze talent, they will be removed from the active database.


Jack In The Box Productions and Park City Performances announces auditions for:
"Someone Save My Baby Ruth! or...Foil That Villian!" 
A melodrama by Billy St. John
Directed by Amber Hansen, and Jack Diamond

Auditions will be held Saturday Dec. 18th from 4-6pm, cold reading, sides provided.

Rehearsal Dates: TBD

Performances are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights Feb. 11-20.

All actors receive a small performance stipend, and comp tickets to the show. 15% of that stipend will go to your Craze Agency Agent.

All ages and ethnicities encouraged to audition

Casting for the following roles:
Taffy........a sales clerk at The Sweet Shoppe
Toffee.....another sales clerk
Hubert.......a customer
Tom.........another customer
Mrs. Murphy.....yet another customer
Minnie.............her child
Praline Candy......owner of The Sweet Shoppe
Sidney Swindle.......a villian
Farron Heit.........a German candy cook
Cindy Grade........a French candy cook
Penny Candy....a sweet youg widow and our heroine, she carries around her infant, Baby Ruth, played by a doll.
Ada Sourball........a villianess
Ernest Noble........a policeman, our hero


The play takes place in a Sweet Shoppe in Boston, and also in a nearby park.  Penny Candy has come with her baby Ruth to live and work with her aunt Praline Candy, the owner of the sweet shoppe.  Her husband Reese died at sea.  However, when she meets the local policeman, Ernest Noble her chances for love and happiness are re-kindled.  Sidney Swindle is trying to get Praline to sell the store to him so he can build a subway system, but she refuses.  He devises an evil scheme to get the store from her by burning it down with her in it.  His evil yet dim-witted side kick Ada Sourball devises another plan to kidnap the baby Ruth and hold her for ransom, and drama ensues.  The show shall be in the style of a Film Noir, and will employ audience interaction and mass consumptions of delicious candy!

The Egyptian Theatre Studios are located in the lower level of the mall at 345 Main Street.

This is an open call for non-equity performers.  Any questions contact Amber Hansen, 435-649-9371 ext. 23, or
Date of the audition: December 18th
Location of the audition: Midvale Performing Arts Center 7720 S. 695 W.
Pinnacle Acting Company is pleased to announce auditions for its upcoming production of I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE. 
Directed by Ron Jewitt,
ILYYPNC is one of the longest running Off-Broadway musicals and has been referred to as the "Seinfeld of Musical Theatre" It is presented in the form of a series of vignettes connected by the central theme of love and relationships. The play's tagline is "Everything you have ever secretly thought about dating, romance, marriage, lovers, husbands, wives and in-laws, but were afraid to admit."

Cast of 4 (2 Female and 2 Male)

Please come prepared with 16-32 bars from a musical.  An accompanist will be provided.

Auditions will be held from 12-2pm at the Midvale Performing Arts Center (7720 S. 695 W.).  To schedule an audition time, please contact Jared Larkin at 801.792.0779
Craze Agency

LDS Casting, "The New Testament," Males and Females, 18+, Utah

December 16, 2010
The LDS Church will begin casting in Utah on a very large film project, “The New Testament” based on the events of the New Testament, to be produced near Salt Lake City, UT.  
They seek a broad variety of cast who resemble the cultures and races represented within the scriptural account, namely: Semitic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and others of Middle Eastern/Southern European/Arabic/North African origin.
This is specifically Semitic (Arabic or Mediterranean).  They seek archetypes and stereotypes in film.  It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, as long as you LOOK like the people they have defined.

They seek individuals with dark hair (white, gray or bald is also fine), olive to brown skin tone, and notable bone structure. Men should be able to grow a beard.
They seek ALL possible candidates for a variety of roles: Actors and Extras. 

January 6-8, 2011 in Bountiful, Utah
January 12-15, 2011 in Orem, Utah
Thursday, January 6- 12:00pm- 8:30pm
Friday, January 7- 12:00pm- 8:30pm
Saturday, January 8- 10:45am- 5:45pm
Wednesday, January 12- 12:00pm- 8:30pm
Thursday, January 13- 12:00pm- 8:30pm
Friday, January 14- 12:00pm- 8:30pm
Saturday, January 15- 9:30am- 6:00pm
Positions will be PAID.

Shooting begins Spring 2011. They are gathering cast and extras potentials now in order to alert participants to important benchmark dates and respond early to questions such as…
  • When do I start growing my hair?
  • Where and when will the productions take place so I can arrange my work schedule?
  • In which production(s) am I cast (or extra)?
  • What should I bring?  …wear?  …expect?
  • Where will I stay?
  • How long will I be needed?
  • How much will I be paid?
  • etc.
Active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are preferred but it is not a requirement to be a member.


As they are casting for so many roles, they have reduced the number of audition sides to five.  Callbacks for all roles will come out of these general auditions.  Please audition based upon your physical type.   

Angel Gabriel:  Young Men, ages 18-25.

Peter:  Adult Men, ages 25-45.  Strong, muscular build.

Paul:  Adult Men, ages 25-45.  Average, small or lean build.

Pilate:  Adult Men over 45. 

Woman of Samaria:  All women, ages 14 and older (even those auditioning for the role of "Mary")


If you are interested in being an extra (non-speaking), you DO NOT need to attend these auditions.  We have your information and will notify you as needed.  Auditioning will have NO bearing whether or not you are chosen as an extra.

Questions & Answers

Q:  Are you auditioning children's roles?

A:  Yes, but not at this time.  Currently we are only auditioning male adults over 18 and female adults over 14 years of age.

Q:  I don't have a lot of acting experience, but I'd like to give it a try.  May I audition?

A:  Yes.  We are considering professional, semi-professional, amateur, and no-experience (but interested) active-LDS actors with “the look” we seek for New Testament. 

Q:  What is "the look?"

A:  This is specifically Semitic (Arabic or Mediterranean).  We seek archetypes and stereotypes in film.  It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, as long as you LOOK like the people we've defined.

Q:  I am blonde with blue eyes and fair skin.  What are my chances?

A:  As we are auditioning for The New Testament, we seek actors and extras who closely resemble the people involved in these stories.  (See above.)  It is true that hair and skin may be dyed and even colored contacts used.  If you have the BONE STRUCTURE of a Semite, then perhaps you could audition.

Q:  I'm a SAG actor.  Should I audition?

A:  The LDS Church is currently in negotiations with the Screen Actors Guild.  We do not, as yet, have a contract with them.  You are welcome to audition, but please know this shoot is not affiliated with SAG and all auditioners will be asked to sign an indemnity agreement to verify their understanding of this.

Q:  Because I'm receiving these e-mails, does it mean I'm hired?

A:  Absolutely not.  Please be aware that ALL extras and actors will be chosen based upon our need.  Submission does not verify placement.  At this point, no one has been chosen yet.

If you fit this description and are interested, please email or your:
    City you live in
    Role you are interested in
For submission purposes we need ALL of the above info. to submit you properly to casting.
One you are submitted, we will send you additional information concerning your audition and sides.
Craze Agency

Pioneer Theatre Company- Auditions for the Musical, "Sunset Boulevard" Utah

December 15, 2010
This casting is for CRAZE AGENCY TALENT ONLY. If we find that people are sharing privileged casting and booking info. with non Craze talent, they will be removed from the active database.


Pioneer Theatre Company Announces Auditions for the Musical

Sunset Boulevard

Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Book & Lyrics by Don Black and Christopher Hampton
Based on the Billy Wilder film
Auditions for the next musical in Pioneer Theatre Company’s 2010-2011 season, the Andrew Lloyd Webber event Sunset Boulevard, will be held on:
Friday, January 7, 2011, from noon to 5:00 p.m. Callbacks will be Saturday, January 8, 2011; that time will be announced to auditioners.
Audition slots from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 7 are for Actors’ Equity members only.
Audition slots from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. are open to all auditioners (auditioners must be 18 years old or older). The audition slots are limited to three minutes.
Non-AEA auditioners must come in to sign up on the callboard in Room 325 at the Roy W. and Elizabeth E. Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre. AEA members may contact Elizabeth Williamson at to sign up, no earlier than Thursday, December 30th, 2010. (This feature is available for Actors’ Equity members only; please do not contact earlier than Thursday, December 30th, 2010.)
The sign-up sheet will be posted by noon on Thursday, December 30th, 2010. Auditions will be held in Room 245 at Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre.
The first audition will be singing only. Auditioners should prepare a song from the show or in a similar Broadway style. An accompanist will be provided, but auditioners should bring their own sheet music and/or scores (neither will be provided by the theatre). A photo and résumé are recommended. The callback audition will involve dancing and reading from the script as well.
Rehearsal dates for the production are Monday, April 4, 2011 – Thursday, April 28, 2011; performance dates are April 29, 2011 – May 14, 2011. Guest director John Going will direct the production, Jayne Luke will choreograph and Michael Rice will be the musical director.
All roles are currently available; all auditioners must by 18 or older.
All postions are paid and you will be resonsible to pay your Agent 15% Commission from the gross amount you are paid. Anyone found not paying commission will be released from the Craze Agency Active Database.
Craze Agency

Spokane Children's Theatre post

December 15, 2010
This casting is for CRAZE AGENCY TALENT ONLY. If we find that people are sharing privileged casting and booking info. with non Craze talent, they will be removed from the active database.



All auditions are at St. Aloysius School, 611 East Mission Avenue

Audition for Hansel and Gretel!  

  • Sunday Jan 30th 6pm
  • Monday Jan 31st 6pm
  • Callbacks Tues Feb 1st 6pm

Director Judy Brender is looking for a cast of approximately 20 children and adults ages 7 and up.

Auditions will consist of scenes read from the script.

Although this show is a musical, only a few of the characters are singing roles. So no need to prepare a song! Any singing and dancing will be done at call-backs with music from the show that we will teach you!

Hansel and Gretel opens Saturday March 19th and plays through Sunday April 3rd.


Craze Agency


Excellent Modeling and Acting Workshops- Great Price! - Boise Talent!!!

December 15, 2010

Craze Agency Booking Director Michael Risk will be doing an Actors Film, T.V. and Commercial seminar for Idaho Craze Talent of all ages. This will really help you develop your skills and resume. It will also allow Michael to meet you and see your potential.


Michael Graduated from Utah State University with a Theatre Degree in Acting and Directing. He has starred and appeared in many films and has worked with Agencies and Casting directors all over the USA.


Michael has worked in the entertainment business for 10 years.


He has been involved in 100's of auditions and will teach you the tricks of the trade that will put you ahead of your competition.


The ACTORS seminar will be Thursday January 20th 2011 from 5:00pm - 6:30 pm.


The cost for this seminar is just $35. Space is limited so please call the Boise office at 208-433-9511 to reserve your spot.




Michael will also be holding a Modeling workshop for all ages! The workshop will cover all aspects of booking paying modeling jobs. You do not need to be a high fashion model candidate for this workshop. 


This workshop will teach you.

1- Portfolio presentations

2- Interview do’s and don’ts

3-What the casting people look for when hiring models

4- The different types of modeling available locally and nationally and how to book them

    A-Commercial, High Fashion,  Editorial and Stock photography


    C-Promo, Convention and Brand Ambassador



 5-Proven methods that will increase your chances at booking success


The modeling seminar will be Thursday January 20th 2011 from 6:30pm - 7:30 pm.


The cost for the modeling seminar is just $25. Space is limited so please call the Boise office at 208-433-9511 to reserve your spot.


If you do both seminars the cost is only $45


Craze Agency



Commercial Casting, Spanish Bilingual Males and Females

December 15, 2010
Sharpleft Studios is casting a nonunion TV commercial and print campaign for a regional bank. Henry White, casting; Doug Langway, dir. Shoots Jan. 15-17, 2011 at a branch location.

Young Dad: early to mid-30s, Hispanic, easygoing, handsome, classic TV dad type, must be fluent in English and Spanish;
Young Mom: early to mid-30s, Hispanic, attractive, warm, friendly, classic TV mom type, enjoys camping with the family, must be fluent in English and Spanish;
Young Son: 8-13, Hispanic, friendly, playful, bilingual preferred but not required;
Young Daughter: 8-13, Hispanic, bilingual preferred but not required;
Bank Tellers: male and female, corporate professional types, must be bilingual in Spanish and English, must have corporate attire;
Bank Customer: male, mid-to-late 30s, Hispanic, bilingual, good friend to Young Dad.
Note: Seeking bilingual (Spanish and English speakers) for the above principal roles. All roles (except for the children) require actors that are bilingual in Spanish and English; performers must have fluency in both languages to be considered. Talent must be available for all three shoot dates.
Do not submit if you are not available for the dates listed above. No phone calls, drop-offs, or visits.
Pay (buyout; talent is paid for each day of work), plus copy, meals, and travel provided. Nonunion.
If interested, email or with your
    Updated Talent Resume
We will submit your info. to casting for consideration. If selected, we will contact you.
Craze Agency

How Getting Paid Works

December 15, 2010

As many of you have witnessed the Craze Agency has booked hundreds of our talent over the last few months. This is a fantastic thing but can also sometimes create a problem so please read the entire post so that you may understand how payment works.

Some national and even local Clients that you work for take their sweet time to pay you and us, even when we bill them with a 30-day voucher. The models and actors who have been represented by us for years have noticed some clients pay almost immediately and some take a very long time.

Often the reason why it takes a while for all of us to get paid is that the specific client that pays you the talent, has to first bill one, two or three other clients (usually the Main company or producer, then the Photographer, then the ad agency or the casting company etc.) for them to get paid. Many times each of those clients are on a 30-day voucher. Unfortunately it is the agency and talent that are paid last; it has always been that way. This is why sometimes it takes 30-120 days to get paid.

Please rest assured; you will be paid as soon as we do!!! 

We have always and will always pay you as soon as the check clears our bank account! You will receive an email stating when you can receive your check the date it clears.

We just do not have time to constantly field questions about payment and become very wary of talent that continue to call asking when they will be paid. We do not know until we receive it. It is out of our control, we are not the ones hiring or paying you to do the job. We are promoting you and negotiating the rates on your behalf.

We do promise to do everything we can to help you get paid in a timely manner.  Also please remember you will usually work for each client as an Independent contractor, your are not an employee of  the client or Craze. We work as your agent trying to find and negotiate offers on your behalf.

If you cannot work under their system please do not accept the job. Often Major Films and SAG projects do not take more than 30 days. We hate having to wait as bad as you do (we all have bills to pay). We do everything in our power to collect ASAP, but in the 10 years we have been booking talent it has always been this way and will probably never change with the some of the companies that hire talent. The clients know they get a lot of people work so if we harass them too much they will just use someone else so you or Craze will not have the opportunity to work with them again. If after working with a client we find out they continually take way to long to pay we will usually stop working with them unless they are really big contracts. When we do Government jobs they sometimes take 3-6 months to pay.

Watch your emails, we will email you notification when we receive your check and it has cleared! When the client pays you directly you are responsible to pay Craze 10% of the Gross amount (highest) on extra work under $100 per day and 15% of the Gross on everything else. Please send it to Craze immediately when the check clears your bank. We will not bug you about it so please pay it so we can continue to promote you. We cannot afford to promote anyone and will take you off out talent list if we do not receive our commission.

To help insure payment when you are booked on jobs please remember to bring appropriate ID and fill out all forms legibly if you are asked to. Keep track of the dates you work, the name of the client and what the job was just in case. Make sure you understand what you are signing. Do not ever sign contracts unless the agency has notified you to do so and knows what are signing!!!!

Thanks to all of you for the opportunity to assist you in your talent endeavors!

Craze Agency


AUDITIONS for: "Dead people Don't Talk" -a dark comedy, Males and Females, Utah

December 14, 2010

This production is for actors who are willing to work for experience, exposure, food, and a DVD copy. Production plans on submitting to as many film festivals as possible.

Holding Auditions for this movie at the University of Utah From 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Saturday, Dec. 18th.

Filming will take place in Layton, Utah starting Dec. 27, and going through Jan. 10. 

Casting 5 Characters. 3 Male and 2 Female. Read below for details.

**Character Details**

Tom (25-30)- He is the lead character who is bringing his girlfriend home to meet his family. He is your average Joe. Who feels neglected by his parents who have been preoccupied with his mentally disabled brother. The Body type I have in mind for this character is skinny and tall. A little goofy and an all around good guy.

Sue (20-25)- Tom’s Girlfriend. She wants to get married so she doesn’t end up an old made. My idea for her is that she is innocent but has a dark side to her that comes out by the end of the film. I would like her to be Asian, or Hispanic, but I am willing to curve my own ideas about the characters looks depending on the performance of the actress. I would like her to be good looking and a good match for Tom as she is playing opposite him.

Benjamin (30-35)- Benjamin is slightly mentally disabled and is living with his deceased parents. He loves Tom, and gets excited over little things. The body type I have in mind for him is short and fat. (Kind of looking for a Laurel and Hardy pair.)

Mom (50-60)- Dead, when she is animated (as seen through Benjamin’s eyes) she is over the top “Mommy.”

Dad (50-60)- Dead, When he is animated (as seen through Benjamin’s eyes) he is grumpy.

If you are interested in auditioning, email or with your



    Character you are interested in

    Preferred time to audition

Once approved, we will send you additional audition details including your audition sides.


Craze Agency


Auditions for LDS Casting, Ethnic Actors, Utah

December 14, 2010
Auditions on Tuesday, December 21 for LDS project, “Promised Blessings of Chastity."


The audition will be held at the LDS Motion Picture Studio in Provo and will consist of different scenarios where you are conveying emotion without words (this piece has no dialogue).

Shoot dates will be the end of January or beginning of February.

Pay is $400 per day

They are specifically looking for Latin/Hispanic or "Generic Ethnic" Actors. Male AND Female ages 14-35.

Audition times are available from 12:15pm- 5:00pm

If you are interested and fit the profile, email or your:



    Your preferred audition time

We will quickly submit you and if selected, we will EMAIL YOU with additional details


Craze Agency


Short Film Casting, Grand Junction, Colorado

December 13, 2010
This casting is for CRAZE AGENCY TALENT ONLY. If we find that people are sharing privileged casting and booking info. with non Craze talent, they will be removed from the active database.


Looking for actors to be in a short film set in 1890's to be shot between January 6th and 12th near Paonia, CO.(Grand Junction)


Young Man: Age 25-35, must be able to ride a horse

3 rough Cowboys: Age 25-55, ability to grow period facial hair a plus

1 Possee Leader: Age 35-45

Please respond with a copy of your resume, any online samples, and a headshot, along with your clothing sizes.

Respond to:
Craze Agency

Audition Workshop for upcoming Casting Auditions for LDS Film, "The New Testament." Utah

December 13, 2010

At long last it is time for the Utah Auditions for LDS Casting's New Testament project!   

They seek primarily MEN who resemble the cultures and races represented within the scriptural account, namely: Semitic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and others of Middle Eastern/Southern European/Arabic/North African origin.

The e-mail below explains the best way to sign-up for an audition.  They would appreciate it if you would also follow this process and strongly encourage you to attend the Audition Workshop this Tuesday, December 14th.  

It will also serve as a scheduling advantage to attend the workshop. 

RE:  New Testament Auditions for Utah and surrounding areas

New Testament project to film in the Spring of 2011. Please note...


                         -- January 5-8, 2011 in Bountiful, Utah

                         -- January 12-15, 2011 in Orem, Utah

TO SIGN-UP:  A website link will be e-mailed to Craze December 16th.   Please DO NOT request this link before this date.  It will not be available until then.


If you are interested in being an extra (non-speaking), you DO NOT need to attend these auditions.  We have your information and will notify you as needed.  Auditioning will have NO bearing whether or not you are chosen as an extra.

Casting wants everyone to do their best at these auditions.  Consequently, they have prepared a workshop for all auditioners to attend. Audition Workshops such as this often require substantial enrollment fees.  They offer this completely free of charge, hoping to give you the best opportunity to succeed.  This audition workshop is not designed to take the place of other reputable acting and audition workshops which do require enrollment fees.


DATE:  Tuesday, December 14, 2010.

TIME:  7:00 - 9:00pm.  Please be on time... Really.

LOCATION:  UCCU Events Center, 800 E University Pkwy, Orem, Utah, 84058.  Driving directions may be obtained from the website:


PREPARATION:  Please look over your audition sides before attending the workshop. You may check their website ( to download sides.

ADVANTAGE:  Attendees will receive the LINK for the audition sign-ups upon completion.  This gives workshop attendees a 24-hour priority scheduling advantage over those who do not attend.

For those who will be interested in auditioning for speaking roles, they strongly encourage you to attend this 2-hour workshop the evening of Tuesday, December 14, 2010.  It will provide an array of valuable information in preparation for your audition:

  (1)  Valuable tips and guidelines for the best way to approach your audition for this project.

  (2)  A review of general direction for each role as proposed by the Director of the project.

  (3)  A review of some basic acting strategies which will help you in your preparations for the audition.

  (4)  Those who attend this workshop will receive the LINK for the audition sign-ups upon completion.  This gives workshop attendees a 24-hour priority scheduling advantage to schedule their audition date and time.  The link will not be given to others until the following evening.

  (5)  There will be a Q&A period at the end of the workshop (within the 2-hour time frame) for fielding general questions not previously addressed.


As they are casting for so many roles, they have reduced the number of audition sides to five.  Callbacks for all roles will come out of these general auditions.  Please audition based upon your physical type.  You may check their website ( to download sides.

Angel Gabriel:  Young Men, ages 18-25.

Peter:  Adult Men, ages 25-45.  Strong, muscular build.

Paul:  Adult Men, ages 25-45.  Average, small or lean build.

Pilate:  Adult Men over 45. 

Woman of Samaria:  All women, ages 14 and older (even those auditioning for the role of "Mary")

Questions & Answers

Q:  Are you auditioning children's roles?

A:  Yes, but not at this time.  Currently we are only auditioning male adults over 18 and female adults over 14 years of age.

Q:  I don't have a lot of acting experience, but I'd like to give it a try.  May I audition?

A:  Yes.  We are considering professional, semi-professional, amateur, and no-experience (but interested) active-LDS actors with “the look” we seek for New Testament. 

Q:  What is "the look?"

A:  This is specifically Semitic (Arabic or Mediterranean).  We seek archetypes and stereotypes in film.  It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, as long as you LOOK like the people we've defined.

Q:  I am blonde with blue eyes and fair skin.  What are my chances?

A:  As we are auditioning for The New Testament, we seek actors and extras who closely resemble the people involved in these stories.  (See above.)  It is true that hair and skin may be dyed and even colored contacts used.  If you have the BONE STRUCTURE of a Semite, then perhaps you could audition.

Q:  I'm a SAG actor.  Should I audition?

A:  The LDS Church is currently in negotiations with the Screen Actors Guild.  We do not, as yet, have a contract with them.  You are welcome to audition, but please know this shoot is not affiliated with SAG and all auditioners will be asked to sign an indemnity agreement to verify their understanding of this.

Q:  Because I'm receiving these e-mails, does it mean I'm hired?

A:  Absolutely not.  Please be aware that ALL extras and actors will be chosen based upon our need.  Submission does not verify placement.  At this point, no one has been chosen yet.

This production has no union affiliation.
Thank you for your continued support of LDS films! 
Craze Agency


DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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