This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!


August 5, 2010

How getting paid works


We have one of the best commission structures for any PURE Agency in the United States. 


You must pay your commission within one week of receipt of pay if they pay you directly.  If they pay Craze directly, we will pay you within one week of receipt, minus our commission. 


Commission for extra work (under $100 per day) is 10% of the Gross pay (the highest amount), featured extras ($100.00 or over per day) you must pay 15% of the Gross pay. 


A commission of 15% of the Gross pay is due for everything else. Including film, TV, commercials, modeling, tradeshows, voice-overs, residuals, etc.


Clients usually take up to 20-90 days to pay, but occasionally it could take longer. It always depends on the project and who the client is. We will assist you in getting paid as soon as possible. We all want to get paid! 


The Craze Agency is not held liable if a client does not pay, but we will do everything in our power, including hiring a collection agency and attorney if needed.


When we receive the payment from the client we will email you the day that the check clears that you can pick up your check. If you live more than 30 miles from our Utah office we will mail it to you once we receive your mailing address.


We are working extremely hard to assist you in getting as many paying auditions as possible!



Craze Agency

Casting Call, Spy Hop Student Production, Utah

August 5, 2010



Auditions Date: Friday, August 6

Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm. Open

Location: Spy Hop productions

               511 West 200 South

               SLC, UT 84101



Synopsis: Chester, a middle aged man with not much to live for, is stuck in a life of routine and a monotonous marriage. On Veterans Day he stays home from work, loafing around the house, when a burglar with a mistaken address breaks in through his kitchen window. This coincidental event causes Chester to rethink his outlook on life.




Chester: (Male, between the ages of 30-50)

Days on set: 5


Rob: (Male, between the ages of 25-35)

Days on set: 4-5


Kate: (Female, between the ages of 30-40, bland)

Days on set: 1-2


This is a student film made by Spy Hop alumni. They are looking for volunteer actors.


If you are interested in auditioning, email or your:




    Character you would like to audition for


We will send you the audition sides for your character



Craze Agency


Boise Theatre Auditions

August 4, 2010

Darwin in Malibu Auditions

Written by Crispin Whittell.  Directed by Claudia Scott

Courtesy of Dramatists Play Service Inc.

Oct. 15-16, 21-24, 28-30

Audition Dates:  Aug. 7, 8 & 15,  at 2 pm and Aug.10 at 7pm.   Auditions will be held at the Stage Coach Theater located in the breezeway of the Hillcrest Shopping Center at Overland and Orchard.

Audition Needs: 3 men, ages 40 – 70; 1 woman, age 18 – 25

Malibu, California. The present. One hundred and twenty years after his death, Charles Darwin is hanging out in a beach house overlooking the Pacific with a girl young enough to be his daughter. His peace is rudely disturbed when his old friend Thomas Huxley washes up on the beach closely followed by the Bishop of Oxford. And Darwin suddenly finds himself entangled in an enthralling and thought-provoking comedy about God, science and plastic surgery.

Contains Strong Language

For more information, please contact Claudia Scott at home 336-7818 (hm) and 841-7573 (cell)


Audition Date/Time

August 14 & 15, 2010 at 2:00 pm in the greenroom.

- 4 Men, 5 Women, ages 20-60.

No preparation or appointment
necessary. For more
information, please contact

Play information

Death And Taxes (Comedy, General Audiences)
By Pat Cook
(Presented with permission by Dramatic Publishing)

Directed by Mike Mullens
October 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, & 30, 2010 at 8 PM and
October 21 & 28, 2010 at 7:30 PM and
October 24 & 30, 2010 at 2:00 PM

Ever wonder what goes on at a small-town city council meeting? In Hendricks, they're looking for
a murderer. Not only was a manmurdered, but he was an employee of the IRS. "Somehow I don't
feel that bad!" Carl Johansen says, as the sheriff clamps the cuffs on him, making him the prime suspect. Slowly it becomes apparent the entire
city council had seen the man, and each of them seems to be hiding something.

The Boise Little Theatre is located at 100 E. Fort St. in Boise, Idaho 83712


Craze Agency


Universal Studios Japan is casting for talent

August 4, 2010
Universal Studios Japan is casting various shows at its amusement park in Osaka. NBC Universal, owners. Positions are ongoing at the amusement park in Osaka, Japan.

Singers, Dancers, Character Actors, and Stunt Performers: male and female, 18+.

Ontario auditions will be held Aug. 28 & 29 in Toronto. New York auditions will be held Aug. 31 & Sept. 1 in NYC. Florida auditions will be held Sept. 4-6 in Orlando, FL. Nevada auditions will be held Sept. 8 (stunt performers), Sept. 9 (singers & actors) & Sept. 10 (dancers) in Las Vegas, NV. California auditions will be held Sept. 12-14 in Hollywood, CA.
You must register at for audition location. Professional pay, plus all expenses for travel and private housing, living allowance, and athletic club membership provided.
Craze Agency

Casting, Male and Female Actors, 18-27, for Student Film, Utah

August 4, 2010
Actors Needed! (Provo UT)

Male and Female Actors needed for a Student Film Project.
This is a NON-PAYING gig, they are just looking to become recognized, a good opportunity to get your name out there.
The project is an eight part drama series revolving around eight survivors of the apocalypse and how the events affect them personally and with each other.
More details to be offered for those who reply.
Auditions will be held at BYU Campus the evening of August 27th and from 10:00pm-5:00pm, August 28th.
DAY ZERO SYNOPSIS: Set around the mid 22nd century, the earth has been mostly destroyed as a result of a World War.  Radiation and Fallout from a global attack has affected most of the survivors (roughly ten percent of the world’s previous population) and drove them completely crazy, also affecting their physical appearances and abilities.  The infected hunted down and killed almost all of those unaffected, but eight random strangers have managed to survive. 
Cameron Clark: (22 Years Old) Cameron is a mellow, optimistic, slightly sheltered character.  He tends to be on the shy side, but is also very sincere.  He joins the pre-existing group in the pilot episode, shortly following Kat and Russell.  He generally finds himself in the position of the mediator as tensions tend to run high. 
Rachael Shore: (18 Years Old) Rachael is the youngest in the group and feels a constant pressure to compensate for her age and any weakness she may possess.  She acts tougher than she is in an effect to seem invulnerable, though she is actually quite sensitive.  She is argumentative, stubborn, arrogant, and angry, though on occasion tends to be flirty, particularly when dealing with Cameron’s shyness.
Russell Braddock: (26 Years Old) Russell is a straight laced Army Officer and something of a nerd, though a sharp sense of humor occasionally manifests itself.  He operates as a strict father figure, contrasting with his “Almost-Wife” Kat’s more compassionate personality.  Between the two of them, he is the more level headed.
Kat Finch: (23 Years Old) Kat acts as something of a mother for the rest of the group, being fiercely protective by nature.  She is generally optimistic and outgoing.  Kat was raised in the Deep South and has only had up to a fourth grade education, but is bright in general.  She, along with her “almost-husband” Russell, takes on the role of “breadwinner” as she learned to hunt at age seven.
Landon Parker: (19 Years Old) Landon is a very laid back character most of the time, despite his older sister Rosie’s smothering nature.  He is deaf and asthmatic, but does not like to feel useless, so pushes himself to a breaking point sometimes.  He is a happy character and is able to connect and get along easily with everyone in the group.
Rosie Parker: (22 Years Old) Rosie is one of the more delicate members of the group.  She is shy, gentle, innocent, and will only handle a gun in the most desperate of situations, even then firing with her eyes closed.  She is overly protective of her younger brother Landon due to his asthma and deafness, almost to the point of coddling him, which causes him to push further away.
Blake Edwards: (24 Years Old) Blake is a struggling drug addict, and as a result of withdrawals and general issues with depression is constantly attempting suicide.  He is generally moody and sarcastic, in constant battle with Rachael, and bitter at their entire situation in general.  He is still a likable character though as he does contribute to the group in ways the others couldn’t.
Jim Lecter: (27 Years Old) Jim, a sociopath, was in Prison during Day Zero for murder.  Before Day Zero he was a surgeon, which leaves him as the group’s medic.  He is sarcastic and seemingly careless, though a layer of deeper level emotions is clearly visible at certain points.  He has a soft spot for Rachael and sees her as a younger sister while also harboring one for Rosie that he is unsure of.
If interested, send an email  with your Headshot, Resume and contact info. to and you will be sent dialogue samples and character profiles to prepare for the audition.
Let us know if they are interested in casting you.
Craze Agency

Theatre Audition, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Utah

August 4, 2010
The Midvale Main Street Theater, (formerly the Comedy Circuit), will hold open auditions for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Dale Wasserman, from the novel by Ken Kesey, and directed by Mike Hardy.

Auditions are Aug. 18th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the theater, 7711 South Main Street, Midvale, UT.

Call Backs will be held August 20, at 6:00 p.m.

All actors will cold read from the script. In addition, please have a brief contemporary monologue prepared. Rehearsals will be three to four evenings a week and Saturday afternoons. Show runs November 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20th. 7-10 pm.

For more information, go to


RANDLE PATRICK MC MURPHY: shaggy, long side burns. A devilish grin and a face battered and scarred across nose and cheekbone. red neck -biker attitude -bull in a china shop. lazy, lecherous, and a con man. born leader.

CHIEF BROMDEN: Huge, bull muscled Indian who stands six and a half feet tall, but carries himself like a small man that the system has struck down. mute to his fellow inmates and ward staff. Monologues exhibit a wise and sensitive, spiritual man. the heart of the show.

NURSE RATCHED: a handsome woman, her age is hard to tell. a stern, all business, perfectionist who smiles for the patients in a professional therapeutic manner. she expects her world to be just so and will do all it takes to keep it standardized. Nemesis to Mc Murphy. LEAD ROLE. 30'S UP

DALE HARDING: the head man until R.P. enters the scene. intelligent, well spoken, somewhat flamboyant. One wonders why he is in the mental institution, until the nurse unravels his insecurities in group meetings. Wears his robe like a uniform. Rival and friend to Mc Murphy. LEAD ROLE. 30'S UP

BILLY BIBBITT: a child man. a frightened rabbit in a den of wolves. a soul tortured by a domineering mother and low self esteem, affected with a terrible stammer and the desire to be one of the boys. An immediate worshiper of RP. LEAD ROLE. 20'S -UP.

SCANLON: balding, determined, and mostly quiet in his routine of assembling his imaginary bomb and feeding his paranoia delusions. SUPPORT ROLE. 50's

CHARLES CHESWICK: short, chubby, crew -cut hair style. His manner alternately truculent and cringing. Sarcasm and criticism are a normal diet in his speech. 30's / UP

MARTINI : impish, agreeable, easy to laugh, and completely delusional. He is prone to buddying with imaginary friends. He has a lot of heart and wants badly to please and to end his nightmare. 30's /UP.

DR SPIVEY: the administrative piece in the puzzle. A tired, unimaginative, worker bee for the state hospital. A man dying to experience life in a grander scale but confined to a desk and rules, who sees RP as a bold experiment, a breath of fresh air. 40's/ UP

RUCKLY: a seriously damaged man. Chronic mental patient. he requires constant care full time and does not speak except for a bark of obscenity he uses to comment with. He is forever in a Christ-like pose against a wall and through misty eyes he surveys his fellow sheep. AGE OPEN

NURSE FLYNN: a mousey, high strung, proper and professional novice in over her head. Attractive and yet non sexual ,non threatening lackey for the big nurse. 20's UP

CANDY: RP's good time girl from the outside. a hot, sexy, free spirit of the era. A kind and extroverted young woman looking for the next big adventure. Her best friend, Sandy, bar hops with her and she is loyal to R.P. She changes Billy's life. 20's/UP

SANDY: Candy's partner in crime. A party girl to end all party girls. That one that everyone talks about the next day. Bottle in hand at every occasion and first to dance. Unlucky in love. 20's /UP

AIDE WARREN: a strong, bullying, in charge worker bee to the big nurse. He loves a good b.s. session with co- worker Williams, and harassing deaf and dumb Bromden. 20's/UP

AIDE WILLIAMS: not as sadistic perhaps as his fellow aide, but eager to push people around under the radar of the rules. 20's/UP

TURKLE: part night watchman, part janitor, all boob. A good ol'boy just trying to skate by with as little effort as possible. Smells a kindred soul in R.P. 30's/UP
Let Craze know if they are intereted in you!!
Craze Agency

Feature Film Casting, Washington

August 4, 2010

Walking Shadow Productions is casting Not Too Late, a 35mm feature film about an overweight woman looking for love and adventure. Christine Brehan, prod. Shoot begins Oct. in Seattle, WA, and the Pacific Northwest.

Ella: 30s, overweight, optimistic, LEAD;
Alex: 30s, tall, handsome, ambitious, LEAD;
Johnny: 20s-30s, cute, Ella's best friend, LEAD;
Males & Females: 18+ to play various friends, fellow travelers & co-workers. Note: All ethnicities are encouraged to audition.

Auditions will be held by appt. only in Seattle and Spokane, WA, Portland, OR, and Anchorage, AK.
To schedule an audition appointment, send pix, resumes, and reel (optional) to
Christine Brehan
Walking Shadow Productions
706 N. Main #26
Moscow, ID 83843.
Professional pay, copy, credit, meals, travel, and lodging provided.
Make sure you give them our contact info. so we can negotiate your movie contract if they are interested in you.
Craze Agency

Feature Film Casting, Las Vegas

August 4, 2010
Purdie Boy Productions is casting Eighty Sixed, a film about Slick and his Vegas crew who have been pulling jobs for years; when a large target comes to town, they believe they have the job of a lifetime, but this score may be their last. Christian Purdie, casting dir. Shoot is TBD.

Slick: male, 25-40, street-smart, a gentleman and leader of a small group of friends;
Mark "The Professor": male, 25-40, the one man in a five man crew that got out of the neighborhood to become educated, Slick's right-hand man;
Max: male, 25-40, a gear head, safe cracking, and explosives expert;
Left Two Shoes: male, 25-40, a hard-core Mexican;
Jack "The Mormon": male, 25-40, true to his faith except for his association with the crew that he grew up with;
Girlfriend: female, 23-35, beautiful, love interest of our main character, actress must be comfortable in lingerie/revealing clothing, no nudity;
Phat Snack: female, 23-35, beautiful, vivacious, extremely intelligent, understands how to use feminine guile to get what she wants;
Bootsy & Machine Gun: females, 23-35, the two halves of "The Murphy sisters" - Irish women that are not to be reckoned with, roles requires an Irish accent;
Spookie: male, 25-40, hard-core gangster, so good at what he does he's spooky:
Body Guard: male, 25-40, a mountain of a man;
Sheik: male, 30-50, Middle Eastern Sheik, highly educated, highly intelligent, and highly motivated;
Atticus: male, 30-50, highly educated, highly intelligent money man;
Frenchie The Blade: male, 25-35, talented, well-paid body guard;
"The Package": female, 21-35, Middle Eastern eye candy;
Crack-Head Ted: male, 21-35, on a mission to score drugs, but always ends up in the right/wrong spot at the right/wrong time;
Stewardess: female, 21-35, beautiful, passes information for money;
Bell Hop: male, 21-30, smooth talker, passes information for money;
Bar Thug: male, 25-40, rowdy, always up for a brawl;
Asian Woman: 30-50;
Asian Man: 30-50.

Auditions will be held by appt. only Aug. 28 in Las Vegas, NV.
To schedule an audition appointment, email pix & résumés to For more info, call (702) 949-0841, ext. 705.
Deferred pay, plus credit & meals provided.
Craze Agency

MAJOR OPPORTUNITY!!! Craze Models, Actors, Singers and Dancers ages 5-49!

August 3, 2010

We are extremely proud to be bringing in National Talent Agent and Scout, Carol Henderson.

Carol represents the Global Stars Network.

They are an elite network of Agents, Managers, Casting Directors, Scouts, Models, Actors, Directors, and other industry professionals. 


A few of the Pros they work with are MGM, VH1, Elite Models, Looque Models-China, Marilyn Agency- Paris , NY, D Managemnet-Italy, MTV, NY Models, World Top Models-Japan, LA Models, Wilhelmenia, Major Model Management-Worldwide, 301-NY, Miami, Ugly Models-NY, London, Ellen Jacoby, Dollywood, Heather Laird Casting, CESD Childrens-LA, NY, Osbrink-LA Kids, and the list goes on!


It is important to align yourself with associates you can trust, and who truly care about you and your success in the industry


Carol will be screening and auditioning Craze Agency talent for excellent Models, Actors, Singers and Dancers ages 5-49!


She will be flying into Utah on August 18th 2010 and meeting Craze Agency talent on Wed. at 6:30pm.


The meeting and audition will last about an hour and a half.


Carol will discuss auditioning for and meeting 25-35 of the biggest Modeling and Talent Agents throughout the world. Craze Agency has worked with Carol in the past and we give Carol our highest rating!


Craze Agency's two main offices in Utah and Idaho are 2 of only 25 Mother Agencies accepted and endorsed by the Global Stars Network in the USA. This opportunity would be well worth your time if this is something you wish to pursue. We have had excellent success in past!


Please call your Agent today at 801-438-0067 to reserve your spot. This is a fantastic opportunity please don’t miss out.


Craze Agency


LDS Casting for Bi-Lingual Actors, Male and Female, Utah

August 3, 2010
Interactive Children’s Exhibit at the Church History Museum

LDS Casting will conduct auditions next Wednesday, August 4th, for four roles as part of their Interactive Children’s Exhibit at the Church History Museum. 

The audition will go from 10:00am- 4:30pm. Auditions are slotted every 5 minutes.

This project will be presented in English AND Spanish, so all actors must be fluently bi-lingual, preferably with Spanish as their native language. Each role will have on-camera easy-banter with other actors. An acting background is highly recommended.

SCHEDULE:  One day of rehearsal (August 17th) and one day of shooting (August 18th).  Actors will be paid their day-rate for each day.

LOCATION:  The shoot, rehearsal and auditions will be at the LDS Motion Picture Studio in Provo, Utah.

PLEASE NOTE:  All actors do not need to be members of the LDS Church.


ALL applicants should be of an Hispanic heritage and fluent in SPANISH and ENGLISH.

Camila: Age 14; pretty and energetic; In addition to lines, will need to perform a small portion of a traditional latin dance in one scene ("a few dance moves for a few seconds").  RATE: $350

Claudio: Age 18; very athletic; a short-distance runner competing at national levels, possibly Olympic material.  (The actor will not be required to run.)  RATE: $350

Tomás: A boy about age 10-12.  RATE: $300

Natalio: age 60+; a small, wizened but active, cheerful old man; a handyman and gardener who rides his bicycle everywhere he goes.  Natalio has only one vignette, therefore each day (rehearsal and shoot) should be only an half day -- 6 hours or less.  RATE: $250

AUDITION SIDES for each role will be provided by Craze.


Please email or your:



    Your top 2 times you are available to audition

We will submit your info. If selected, we will EMAIL YOU a specific audition time, location, and your audition sides.

We need your submission no later than Wednesday, August 4, 11:00am.

Craze Agency


Seattle, Washington Film Opportunity

August 3, 2010
HK Silver Light Studios is casting In Search of... , a film about two feuding low-budget filmmakers who are forced to reunite when their film gets noticed by investors and producers. Kevin Hamedani, dir.; Marisa Rodriguez, casting dir. Rehearsals begin Sept. 20; shoots Sept. 20-Oct. 25, 21 days, in and around Seattle, WA.

T.D. "Tre" Largo: 25-30s, a successful indie filmmaker whose father bankrolls all of his projects;
Mark: 20-30s, Tre's faithful friend and actor sidekick;
Yukio Tai: male, 40-50s, Japanese/Asian, impeccably-dressed, a B-Movie visionary who is fabulously wealthy and known in the film industry, the object of up and coming filmmakers;
Natasha: 20s, Russian, attractive, Kaveh's ex-girlfriend who imagines herself his therapist;
Luiza: 20-30s, Brazilian, beautiful, meets Kaveh at film festival;
Portia: 20-30s, Asian, sexy, meets Raul at the film festival, actress must be comfortable with improvisation and partial nudity;

Auditions will be held by appointment only Aug. 3-6, 3-7 p.m., and Aug. 7, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., at the Seattle Film Institute, 2210 E. Olive St. Seattle, WA. T
o schedule an audition appt., email pix & resumes to Prepare a one-min. monologue. Pay is $100 per day.
Craze Agency

Male Talent needed for Testimonials, ages 25-50's, Utah

August 3, 2010
We have a client that is need of Male Talent ages 25-50's to give Testimonials for an online Infomercial.
Here is how it will work:
At the bottom of this posting are the Characters and their Testimonials. You will need to go through each of them, pick, and memorize 1 part (IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE WORD PERFECT AS LONG AS YOU HIT THE IMPORTANT PARTS)
On Thursday, August 5 between 10:00am- 1:00pm, you will go into a local studio in Midvale, Utah and record the testimonial on-camera.
IMPORTANT- If your Testimonial is selected by the client, they will contact Craze and you will receive a $75 compensation and your testimonial will show up on the Infomercial.
Looking for Men with confidence who can give a line with a nice natural tone and delivery.
If you are not selected, obviously you won't be paid but you will get some valuable experience out of it.
If you are interested, please email or the following:
    Specific time you would like to go in
Upon receiving your info. we will send you a confirmation email with the location. Plan on recording for about 10-15 minutes.
We need your submission by Wednesday, August 4, 1:00pm
Craze Agency
Landscaping Testimonial #1: What I love about this rugged time clock is that I know when all of my crews arrive on my job sites. No more wondering if my employees are on the job working! And, I don’t have to worry about one employee clocking in for another when the crew leader’s not there. This thing is biometric…so my workers use their fingers to clock in. Gotta love that!
Roofing Testimonial #2: What do I love about this rugged clock? I love that I don’t need power…it has a durable 12 hour battery built in. In my line of work, you just never know if a power source is nearby. And, oh yeah, the information from the clock is sent back to the home office using a cellular connection….just like my mobile phone.
Building Testimonial #3: This time clock makes paycheck time simple. In this economy, I need to be sure I spend my time getting bids out the door, and bringing in sales. I don’t need to spend a bunch of wasted hours figuring out payroll. This rugged clock and the TimeForce software make it simple, and it calculates everything for me. I simply export a report of the hours to my CPA… presto, finished!

SAG Short Film Auditions, Male and Female Characters, Utah

August 3, 2010
An Evening With My Comatose Mother

Dorothy Pritchard thought she had it easy: housesit for the Poe's on Halloween night while making out with her boyfriend. But when her boyfriend dumps her, and Mrs. Poe's comatose mother demands attention, Dorothy's night just got a whole lot more difficult... especially when it
turns out she's spending the night with the hosts of Hell.

This is a SAG short film contract. This is a paid project at $100.00 a day.
Auditions will be held on Wednesday, August 4th. Craze Agency has a specific time slot of 1:40PM through 2:45 PM.
Audition location is in Salt Lake City, Utah

Dorothy Pritchard: A mature, attractive, and personable girl in her late teens with an edge.
Dorothy has a lot of spunk, but at the same time, she is no hero. She's been asked to housesit the Poe's household during Halloween night, and the job seems easy enough. That is until the Poe's introduce her to the comatose Grandmother who rots away in the upstairs bedroom. Dorothy's night just got a lot more complicated, and to make matters worse, her boyfriend dumps her on what was supposed to be a fun, unforgettable Halloween night. The only thing that can make the evening worse is the
fast approaching thunderstorm... and an evil clown doll.

18-24 (if not this age, must be able to look it), Female Caucasian, but open to other ethnicities to portray the character. Think Neve Campbell from the "Scream" franchise Mature, but still a teenager
Has a bratty side. Not a waif. Needs to have a commanding presence. Ability to show fear, and strength. Needs to have good comedic timing. Would love to find a girl who has "star" potential.

Alice Poe: A sophisticated woman with class and personality. In the Poe household, she's the go-getter. It's her house, her designs, and her way. Through her contacts, she's contacted Dorothy to come housesit the home during as she and her husband go out to the Halloween ball at the Governor's mansion. Unwittingly, she forgot to tell Dorothy about her comatose mother that lives in the upstairs bedroom... the mother who still has a bizarre hold of her even after all the years that she's been staring at nothing but a fly on the wall.

Mid 40's to early 60's, Female Caucasian. Must have a great personality, and their own personal sense of style. Perhaps a bit flirty. Looking for a very, very good actress who can flip on the switch between
comedy and drama in an instant.

Russell Poe: The husband of Alice Poe. Russell is an easy-going, successful man. He lets his wife do all the talking because life is just easier that way, especially if he can eat cereal whenever he wants. In the end though, Russell is the sensible one of the couple, and is the perfect compliment to Alice. Now, if only Russell can get those damned stuffed animals out of Alice's mom's room... especially that big ol' clown doll.

Mid 40's to early 60's, Male Caucasian. Needs to have a sense of humor. Can pull off being successful with effortless charm

Tiny Tim:
God blesses everyone. Except, it seems, Tiny Tim. He's a rambunctious little brat, more creepy than he is charming. Yet, he sure would be a cute kid... if his eyes weren't gouged out.

Male or Female child, 6-13. MUST be able to do an English accent.Would prefer longer hair. No braces

Grandmother: The only thing worse than bad plumbing is a comatose Mother living in your upstairs basement. Surrounded by her collection of dolls, Mother isn't too much of a burden, particularly because she doesn't really talk much. Yet, it seems as if that despite her constant staring off into the deep abyss of nothingness, she can hear everything that happens in the house... and she especially seems to dislike house-sitters.

Male or Female, late teens to early 30's. Must be tall, slender, and athletic. The more gaunt the better
Will be wearing heavy prosthetic makeup. Needs to be able to cackle, and bring a wicked sense of humor to the role. If you are a fan of the Evil Dead trilogy, you have a big leg up on the
competition. Willing to endure long hours in heavy makeup under hot lights
If you are interested in auditioning for any of the roles and fit the description, email or your:
    Character you would like to audition for
We will submit your info. to casting for consideration. If selected, we will EMAIL YOU A CONFIRMATION with additional info. and your auditions sides.
We need your submission no later than Tuesday, August 3, 3:00pm.
Craze Agency

LDS Casting, Intranet Promo Video, Female Host, 30's, Utah

August 2, 2010
LDS Casting is producing a video to help Church employees in learning about the new intranet website

Who: Female; 30’s; Energetic, animated professional; experienced and skilled with teleprompter

When: Auditions will be held Thursday, August 5th; 1:30-4:30 pm in Provo, Utah

Shoot Date: ½ day sometime in the week of August 16th-20th.

Rate: $700

Will be reading from a teleprompter at the audition. Casting will send Craze a follow up email with the side.

All applicants must be temple worthy members of the LDS Church and legal to work in the United States.

If you are interested and fit the above profile, email or your:



    Top 2 desired times to audition

We will submit your info. If selected for an audition we will send you a CONFIRMATION EMAIL with additional info. about your audition.

We need your submission by Wednesday, August 4, 11:00am.

Craze Agency


Model Casting Call, Males and Females ages 30+, Utah

August 2, 2010

This is a still photo casting for Safenet.

Model Casting call is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 3 in downtown Salt Lake City

Pay is $300 for 2 hrs.(it looks like it will be a 1 year buyout but I will let you know when we get some clarification on that.) The models will need to be available to shoot on Tuesday, Aug 10.

At the casting, they will be taking a still photo and models should bring a comp card or headshot

Here is what they are looking for:

  • 1 older gentleman 65+. Auditions at 8:45am
  • 1 young to middle age Male and Female (Caucasian). Auditions at 10:30am
  • 1 young to middle age Male and Female (Asian). Auditions at 12:00pm
  • 1 young to middle age Male and Female (Israel/Mediterranean). Auditions at 2:45pm
  • 1 young to middle age Male and Female (African). Auditions at 4:30pm
There are limited spots available and will fill quickly.
If you are interested, email or your:
We will EMAIL additional info. to you if selected.
Craze Agency


DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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