This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

Craze Agency Database and Website info. PLEASE READ!

April 20, 2010

All Craze Talent please read the entire posting and follow the directions thanks!

Thanks to all of you that have previously followed all of the directions below it has already helped us immensely to promote each of you!

If you have updated your profile and it is current you do not have to read any further unless you would like to get on the  website which we highly, highly recommend!

If you are newer to Craze Agency or have not yet followed the steps below please do not wait any longer!!!!

If you do not follow these steps you probably will not get work and will eventually be taken off the agency list (we do not want this to happen)!

In the past we have been asked a lot of questions on this post, most of them can be answered below so please read everything carefully.

You must read the entire EMAIL!

Please make a copy of this for your future reference! The first part of the email pertains to the database the last part the website, they are totally different!!!!!!!!!

This is how our clients choose who goes on AUDITIONS AND BOOKS JOBS!

We are now using an amazing database system that will allow us to generate and send out a very detailed list to our hiring clients on you. You must go into our website and fill out as much of the information that it asks for. Here are a few examples of the thousands of ways this will help all of us to increase your bookings and auditions.

If a client is looking for an Male Asian experienced actor age 40-55 5'10"- 6'0" or if the client is looking for a Female Model 5'8" to 5'9" age 16-19 size 4-5 with Blonde hair and Blue eyes with runway experience it will pull up a detailed list of all the people in the agency that exactly meet this criteria. This will also pull up an individual list of Extras or Models, Actors, Females, Children, Caucasians, etc. The clients can also see your resume in our database.

We asked our clients what we could do to help them book you more and this is what they want.  If you do not input the information requested you will never show up on the searches and this will dramatically hurt or eliminate your chances. We are the local leader in this detailed technology.

This database does not cost you anything!

Please remember to read the entire email so that you will not be confused about the difference between the database and website!

Go to  and on the top left side of the page you will insert your user name. Your user name will be your first name with the first letter capitalized and then your last name no spaces in between your names with the first letter in your last name capitalized.

Some examples would be Steve Smith user name is SteveSmith, or Janet Thompson user name JanetThompson .

Now put in your password, it will be the first three letters in your first name with the first letter capitalized and then with no space put in your full last name. An example would be Steve Smith would have a password of SteSmith or Janet Thompson would be JanThompson .  

Now click login.

This will pull up a new page welcoming you and at the top left corner you will see edit profile, click that and it will pull up your page. Now you can enter your important data. Please accurately update this information anytime it changes. Fill in as much data as possible. You will see there are columns for things like your address and phone and email etc.


This is how we will contact you; it must be up to date. If it ever changes you need to update it immediately also email us and let us know. The vital information is only for Craze Agency and will never be given out to clients except your phone number if they need to directly call you and they have our permission


If you are new with Craze or it does not work give it about 7-14 days if it does not work then, email us at and we will put you in manually. Be patient we have been putting in over 100,000 statistics on all of you the last 7 months! If you have a really long name it may need us to adjust it for you the first time!


After you have accurately entered all of your information you may change your password if you wish, so that no one except you and the agency can get into your information. Please write down your password and save it, we do not have time to look up login and passwords!


Finally after you have inputted all of your information you must scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE CHANGES.


This is a database system that Craze uses to help our hiring clients know more about you.

This is not part of the Craze Agency website.


We have worked overtime to keep this as simple as possible. Please follow these directions we do not have time to direct you and answer questions, we want to spend our time promoting you. 


Print a copy of this Email and save it in a safe place.



 It will help you with increased exposure and the opportunity to be booked on more paying jobs! We highly recommend that you get on the Agency WEBSITE!


Please read on for website information. If you have already paid to be on the website your info is already on the site.

If you are not on the site you can be added to the site for a one-time lifetime cost of $125 dollars, as long as you are in good standing with us and still represented by the Craze Agency.


This is an incentive special and the price will go back to $295 per year after April 22,, 2010.

*This technology is very expensive and goes directly to the Webmaster  to create your section on the website and individual page. They also  continually maintain and improve the site.


We highly encourage you to be on our website, most of our clients use the website constantly and we have seen a continual shift to using the Internet to get you auditions. Like everything we additionally offer the talent, it is not mandatory, but highly encouraged that you are on the  website for us to promote you more effectively.


Craze Agency


Indepenent Film Auditions- Nampa, Idaho

April 19, 2010
Auditions for Local Independent Film (Nampa Idaho)

Open Auditions for Project XIII a Sci-Fi/zombie movie shooting this summer, are being held Saturday, April 24 from 1:00pm- 7:00pm.

They have quite a few speaking parts to fill as well as extras.

If you want to sign up for an audition time and get directions, or need more information, please email or call (208) 936-8135

In the email please include:
    your first and last name
    part or parts youre interested in auditioning for
    time you can audition on saturday
    resume and headshot

Here are the speaking roles they need to fill:

(ages are estimates...not requirements)

Survivors (plus ned)

Nick Anderson- (age 18-25) Is a Political Science Major and champion debater. he is a little cocky and very intelligent. He is immune to the disease as shown early on and quickly sympathizes with the “zombies” which causes some problems later on when he refuses to shoot them. He is the brother of Derek and the love interest of Ellie.

Derek Anderson- (age 16-20) Derek is Nick’s brother. he is obsessed with video games, especially zombie video games. the outbreak is almost like a dream come true to him. he becomes a powerful asset when the group finds out he can actually communicate with the zombies. he is also a surprisingly accurate shot.

Ned/Dr. Fox- (age 30 or above) Ned is the friendly zombie that accompanies the group. he was originally Dr. Fox, the scientist working on the serum and was forced to become the test subject. he was the first zombie, but still has conscious control of his actions and doesn’t eat people.

Ellie Whitmore- (age 18-25) Ellie is a biology major and Nick’s Debate partner. She is also the love interest of Nick. Her father Dr. James Whitmore is one of the scientists that was working on the serum “project X” she is very intelligent and relies on logic rather than firepower to stay alive.

Carmen Fox-(age 18-25) Carmen is a young runaway. fortunately for her, the zombies came shortly after she went looking for her missing father so she was able to miss the first wave which devistated her town. She meets up with the group after she saves Ellie from a hoard of Zombies. She originally appears with new found companions Mike and Theo.

Penny- (age 9-13) Penny Is found with a group of pre-teen bandits that attempt to rob the boys. After Ned scares the rest of the bandits off, Penny is left to die and of course Nick and Derek offer their companionship

Mike Wood- (age 20-30) Mike is found accompanying Carmen. They are romantically involved. upon the first encounter with a group of zombies Mike is bitten and asks Carmen to shoot him so he doesnt transform.

Theodore “Theo” Robson- (age 18-30) Theo is also accompanying Carmen and Mike. He has become mentally unstable due to the outbreak. the only thing keeping him from snapping is his friendship with mike. after mike is shot he disjoins the group and later re-appears wanting to kill them.

The Boss- (age 10-14) The boss is the leader of the young bandits that attempt to rob the boys.

Lou- (age 8-12) One of the bandits that attempts to rob the boys

Sparkplug- (age 10-14) another bandit that attempts to rob the boys.

Doctors, Scientists and Politicians

Dr. James Whitmore- (age 30 or above) The lead scientist on project x. he is also Ellie’s father. He is the lapdog of General Masterson and does everything the General tells him.

General Masterson- A General of the United States Military. He works at the pentagon and was put in charge of the Micro-Managed Project X. It is due to his stubbornness that the virus spreads.

Dr. Croft- (age early 20s or above gender nuteral) The boys meet Doctor Croft when they hear a radio broadcast advertising a refugee camp and clinic. after he/she finds out about the Boys’ immunity he/she attempts to kill them and use their blood to formulate a cure

Ben Nelson- (age 21-30) A med student that works for Dr. Croft. He helps the group escape from croft’s facility.

Dr. Samantha Anderson- (age 30 or above) Nick and Derek’s mother went to the Boise refugee camp to help survivors and attempt to make a cure

Parker- A Debate Competitor

Chloe- A Debate Competitor

Guard #1-(any age) one of croft’s military guards

Guard #2-(any age) one of croft’s military guards

Guard #3- (any age) one of croft’s military guards

Corporal Billings-(any age) one of Masterson’s bodyguards

Extras- there will be extra doctors and military men about 10 total 

They  also need Zombies and Non-zombie extras
If you are interested send them your info.
Craze Agency

Friendly Reminder- Commissions

April 19, 2010
Congratulations to all Craze Talent who worked as Extras on the feature films, Den Brother, 127 hours or any of the other projects you have been paid directly on.
Your hard work and dedication will continue to show out of state clients and productions how great of a film and talent community we have, and entice them to shoot more of these projects here and create more opportunities for you!!
These projects are now paying!!
This is a friendly reminder that your Commissions are due within 7 days of receiving your check. 10% of the Gross before taxes are due on all Extra work where compensation is less than $100. Anything over is 15%. Any Acting, Modeling, Dancing, Promotional Modeling, etc. is 15%.
We will be receiving lists of Talent who have worked and on what days. If we do not receive your Commission in a timely manner we will be forced to remove you from the active Craze Agency Database. We do not want this to happen so make sure you take care of this when you are paid.
Normally it can take 2-5 weeks to get paid from the date(s) you worked. Let us know if have not been paid.
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication!!
Craze Agents

Utah Theatre Opportunities

April 19, 2010
Pump Boys and Dinettes," Davis Arts Council, April 22, 5:30-8:30 p.m., 445 N. Wasatch Drive, Layton.

Prepare 16-32 bars of two contrasting country songs. An accompanist will be provided, no a cappella auditions. All men must be able to play one of the following: lead guitar, bass, percussion or rhythm guitar. Auditioners playing lead guitar, bass or rhythm guitar should bring their instruments. The four men chosen will be the production's onstage band. Sides will be available at the arts council's Web site,

Show dates are Aug. 25-30, directed by Jim Christian. Contact 801-546-8575 or send an e-mail to to schedule an audition time.



"The Secret Garden," South Jordan Community Theatre, April 21, 6-9 p.m., Early Light Academy, 11709 S. 5100 West, South Jordan.

Needed are actors 18 and older, and children who look between ages 10 and 12. Come prepared with 16 bars of a song from a musical. Actors should print out an audition form at; scripts are also available at the Web site. To sign up for a five-minute time slot, e-mail with an audition time request. Include the auditioner's name, age, phone number and time preference.

Show dates are June 18-29, with rehearsals beginning in May.


A Midsummer Night's Dream," South Jordan Community Theatre, April 22, 6-9 p.m., Early Light Academy, 11709 S. 5100 West, South Jordan.

Actors 14 and older should come prepared with a one-minute Shakespearean monologue. The role of Peter Quince has already been cast. Actors should print out an audition form at; scripts are also available at the Web site. To sign up for a five-minute time slot, e-mail with an audition time request. Include the auditioner's name, age, phone number and time preference.

Show dates are Aug. 6-17, rehearsals begin in July.


"Damn Yankees," the Outlaw Trail Theater, April 19, 7-9 p.m.; April 20, 6-8 p.m.; and April 21, 7-9 p.m., The Ice Arena Building at Western Park, 322 E. 200 South, Vernal.

Audition forms, plus additional information, are available are


Benefit Fashion Show, Utah

April 19, 2010
Benefit is putting on a red carpet/VIP fashion show on Saturday, May 15th in the Crystal Ballroom in the Ben Lomond Hotel in Ogden, Utah 
They have a lot of local celebrities including members of the Fab 5, Miss Utah USA, hosts of local morning shows and more. This event is benefiting the YCC in Ogden, which provides housing and classes for women and children in domestic violence situations.

They are holding an OPEN MODEL CALL on Saturday, April 24th from 4:00pm-6:00pm at the:
Ben Lomond Hotel
2510 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, Utah 84401
If you have experience or feel that you would be a good runway model, come anytime that day between 4-6pm with a current picture or headshot. On the back of the picture include your name, phone number, email, clothing and shoe size.
Be prepared to walk the catwalk for them. You will need to be available Saturday, May 15th from 5pm-9pm for the event and possibly attend a fitting prior to that date.
This is a volunteer event. They will provide hair and make-up for every model, the clothing you will be modeling and dinner.
This is all the info. we have
Craze Agency

The Actors Workshop with Michael Flynn

April 19, 2010


 (Click here to go directly to THE ACTORS WORKSHOP website)

I have had a lot of requests for the Workshop and my schedule has finally eased up a bit to the point where I can again jump into the arena of working with actors, something I love to do.   

Please have your actors sign up as soon as possible.  Space is extremely limited.  I’m only accepting twelve actors and several of the spots are already spoken for. 

I am changing the format of the Workshop somewhat. 

I realized that a lot of the actors who come through the Workshop are really wonderful actors, but they don't have a reel.  So, each actor who goes through the system will leave with a DVD of them doing their best work.  It will be professionally recorded and edited and will be suitable to hand to an agent, put on YouTube, Facebook, website, etc.      

Another difference.  A lot of the actors in the Workshop either don't have a head shot or, if they do, it's not very good or not current.  So, every actor who works with me will leave with a disc of about 30 – 40  high-resolution head shots, taken by a professional photographer.   The actor will own the CD and the headshots on it.  No extra fees.  I’ll be there to them get the look that best represents them.  I will also give them tips on how/where to get their headshots reproduced in the most economical way. 

It's all part of the new Actors Workshop.  They improve their craft.  They leave with a DVD.  And a disc with a lot of headshots with no additional photographer’s fees.     

Another adjustment is that we'll be meeting two times a week for three weeks instead of once a week for six weeks.   Each session will last 3 1/2 hours instead of 3.  Just trying to create the best Workshop I can.  I think they’ll enjoy it. 

In the past I’ve charged $295 for the six sessions of 3 hours each.  The new price is $445 ($395 for those who have taken the Workshop previously).  In addition to more hours in the Workshop they get the DVD and the headshots. 

I hope you feel like that is good value for the dollar.  I look forward to working with your actors.  If you would be so kind, I would appreciate it if you would please forward this email to your actors. 


Utah Theatre opportunity

April 17, 2010
Auditions for this summer's Davis Arts Council (DAC) production of the high-octane country-western musical comedy, "Pump Boys and Dinettes," being directed and choreographed by Jim Christian,
Auditions will be 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, at the DAC offices, 445 N. Wasatch Drive, Layton. 
Callbacks are scheduled for Saturday, April 24, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Call DAC at 801-546-8575 or send an e-mail to, to schedule an audition time slot.
Play dates will be Aug. 25-28 and 30 in Layton's Ed Kenley Amphitheater.
The fast-paced musical revolves around the interaction between four gas station pump boys and two sisters who run the Double Cupp Diner across the highway. The setting is rural North Carolina somewhere along Highway 57, a sort of Deep South version of Route 66.
Come prepared with 16-32 bars of two contrasting country-style songs. No a cappella, please. An accompanist will be provided.
All auditioning men must be able to play one of the following:  lead guitar, bass, percussion, or rhythm guitar.
The women playing Rhetta and Prudie Cupp will also be helping with percussion (sometimes on kitchen utensils), but the four guys chosen to play the Pump Boys will form the production's on-stage band.
Audition sides will be available on the Davis Arts Council's website
Craze Agency

Male and Female Extras needed ages 23+, Utah

April 17, 2010

Casting call for Extras in a film

If you are interested in working as an EXTRA on Friday May 14th in Salt Lake on the film Mask of Redemption, please send the following information to:
Extras are being paid $101.50 for a 12 hour day. Some extras on the 14th will be called back for the 15th (Directors Choice).      ((You must be over 23 years old).

This film takes place in 1905 and wardrobe needs to be very specific.  Below is information that must be measured exactly in order to find or make costumes specific to your size. 

Please do not guess at the sizes, take the time to measure and be sure they are accurate or your costume will not fit when you arrive on set.
MEN – Please complete the following information:
The following information is required in order to prepare wardrobe and must be measured accurately.
They are especially in need of men with chest sizes less than 44 and waist less than 36 to fit authentic 1905 costumes.
Hat size (or measure crown of head)
Jacket (42L)
Shirt size:  Neck_____ Sleeve_____
Outseam (top of hip to Ankle) ­­­­­­­

Men’s hair can be short but should be longer on the top so it can be parted in the center (fashion of 1905).  Don’t cut it until the shoot,  Hair Department will do the styling.

WOMEN – Please complete the following information:
The following information is required in order to prepare wardrobe and must be measured accurately.
They are especially in need of women with 31” waists or smaller to fit authentic 1905 costumes.
Waist to Ankle
Shoulder to Ankle
Send the above information along with a CURRENT photo to:
They will respond when information is received.
Mail it to: Starlight Creative Media, PO Box 619, Riverton, Ut  84065
Craze Agency

Actors/Actresses needed for Christian Action Feature

April 15, 2010
Actors/Actresses needed for Christian Action Feature

Last summer, STARS Pictures shot part one of a three part Christian action series called "Leap". Now it's time to shoot part 2. "Leap: Rise of the Beast" will be going into production this August.
The film will have a look and feel similar to "The Bourne Ultimatum."
Two years from now, the world governments have given Vatican City complete religious and political control. Shane Turner and his Christian parkour crew speak out against the Vatican, believing it to be the antichrist of prophecy. In response, Vatican City sets out to hunt down and kill the Leap crew. The chase is on...
Here's what production is looking for:
2 Males/2 Females-- Early 20's, preferably between 5-4 and 5-7, Athletic
1 Male -- Late teens. same height, Athletic
2 Males -- Late 30's, early 40s. No restrictions.
2 Males -- Mid to late 20's. Athletic (martial arts experience preferred)

There is a catch, and it's the reason they are casting now, rather than closer to production: The roles listed as "athletic" will require you to learn parkour and do some fight training.

If you are interested in auditioning, email or your:
    Role profile you are interested in

Their target budget is $120,000, so there will be pay, about $100 per shoot day during production.
We will submit your info. to casting for consideration. If they are interested in seeing you for an audition, we will let you know.
We need your submission by Monday, April 19, 11:00am.
Craze Agency

Auditions for Sundance Theatre's "Big River" Paying opportunity, Utah

April 15, 2010

General casting call will be held from 2 pm to 4pm on Saturday, April 17 at the UVU Noorda Theatre (Southeastern corner of campus) with specific Callbacks a week later.  Performances begin July 30, Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays through August 20. 
All roles are compensated for rehearsal and performances.

Those interested should prepare 16 bars of their best Broadway, folk or gospel music.  Accompanist will be provided or CD minus tracks are welcome.

Looking to cast:  
5 Males – Ages: 30-60,
1 Male – African American – Ages 25-35,
5 Males – Ages 16-18,
2 Females – Ages 25-55,
1 African American Female– Age 25-35,
1 – African American Female – Age 14-18,
3 Females – Ages 16-25.
Musicians: 1 Fiddle Player, 1 Harmonica Player, 1 Guitar Player.
Musicians must read music.

All performers must be strong singers and well acquainted with movement, dance and characterization.  Most performers will carry double, even triple roles. Rehearsals will be held evenings and begin in mid-June at UVU in Orem. 
For further information please call (801) 863-6939.
Make sure you take your Craze Agency Headshot and Resume
Craze Agency

Major marketing campaign needs stree teams, Wyoming, Washington, Arizona

April 15, 2010

We have a client that would like to hire two-person teams. These can be Males or Females ages 18+

The teams will be in charge of a marketing campaign for a major restaurant chain.

There are 2 positions that need to be booked, Brand Manager and the Brand Ambassador

The role of the Manager is to excite, motivate and distribute materials to consumers. You must also oversee all of the actions of the Brand Ambasador who is working along side of you. It is also your responsibility to take photos throughout the day and email them to your program manager at the end of each shift. You will also need to send in daily reports as well. The Manager postition pays $20/hr

The role of the Brand Ambassador is to excite, motivate and distribut materials to consumers. You wil also need to pose for photos with willing consumers brandishing their materials. The Brand Ambassador position pays $15/hr



Monday, April 19 – (9:30 am – 1:30 pm)

Wednesday, April 21 – (9:30 am – 1:30 pm)

Monday, April 26 – (9:30 am – 1:30 pm)

Wednesday, April 28 – (9:30 am – 1:30 pm)


Gillette, WY: 1103 E Boxelder Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1

Laramie, WY: 1622 E. Grand Ave., Ste. E

Rock Springs, WY: 101 Gateway Blvd, Ste. A

Page, AZ: 102 S. Lake Powell Blvd

Pullman, WA: 255 E. Main St.

If you are interested in working this campaign and you are available, email or your:
    City you are interested in
We will submit your info. to the client for consideration. If selected, we will contact you with additional details.
We need your submission by Saturday, April 17, 11:00am.
Craze Agency


Extras needed for a Dental Commercial, Utah

April 15, 2010
Casting Extras for dental commercial shoot Saturday, April 17. 8:00am to 4:00pm. Provo. All parts are paid.
Looking for:
Waitress $50
Server $50
Patrons 3 or 4 $30 each

They will also be shooting on another date and will need extras as follows:
Pastor $35
Bride $35
Mother $35

There will not be auditions for this.
If you are interested, immediately send an email to the Casting Director, Ann Ross send her your:
    Contact info.
    That you are with the Craze Agency
YOU MUST let Craze know if you are selected. This way we can get you paid in a timely manner.
Craze Agency

Idaho Theatre Auditions

April 15, 2010
April 17 - 18 -- Stage Coach Theatre auditions it's evening of One Acts, directed by Genny Ulmen and Lora Volkert.
Needed for these plays are 9 men and 7 women of adult ages.
Stage Coach Theatre is located in the breezeway of the Hillcrest Shopping Center at Overland and Orchard
Information and Reservations 208-342-2000
-- Encore Theatre will be holding auditions at the Nampa Civic Center for its production of William Shakespeare's "As You Like It".
If you are interested in a principal part, bring a memorized 2 minute monologue from a Shakespearean or similar source. There are also parts for the company which do not involve many lines.
If you are interested in being in a Shakespeare play without having to memorize all those lines, just show up and they will do cold readings for the audition.
Performances are July 1-10.
For more information contact Jonathan at 208-861-8839 or by email at
Craze Agency

Fun Craze Contest starts today!

April 14, 2010

We will  pay 1st prize $100 and second prize $50.

Also anyone who sends us a referral that is accepted with the Agency, will also receive $10 off any commissions you make

per referral that we accept even if you do not win the contest!

Winners will be announced on May 15, 2010

If you have anyone that would be excellent for Craze to consider as an actor, model or extra type please email us there

1-       Names

2-       Phone Numbers

3-       Ages if under 18 (if possible parents name)

4-       Your name

 We really appreciate the talent our Craze talent refer us and will always remember you for it!!!!!  We prefer to represent talent that has been referred to us rather than people off the street!

Please make sure that these are people who would possibly be interested in the entertainment business and have some potential!

 Thanks your agents at Craze!


Craze Agency Database and Website info. PLEASE READ!

April 14, 2010

All Craze Talent please read the entire posting and follow the directions thanks!

Thanks to all of you that have previously followed all of the directions below it has already helped us immensely to promote each of you!

If you have updated your profile and it is current you do not have to read any further unless you would like to get on the  website which we highly, highly recommend!

If you are newer to Craze Agency or have not yet followed the steps below please do not wait any longer!!!!

If you do not follow these steps you probably will not get work and will eventually be taken off the agency list (we do not want this to happen)!

In the past we have been asked a lot of questions on this post, most of them can be answered below so please read everything carefully.

You must read the entire EMAIL!

Please make a copy of this for your future reference! The first part of the email pertains to the database the last part the website, they are totally different!!!!!!!!!

This is how our clients choose who goes on AUDITIONS AND BOOKS JOBS!

We are now using an amazing database system that will allow us to generate and send out a very detailed list to our hiring clients on you. You must go into our website and fill out as much of the information that it asks for. Here are a few examples of the thousands of ways this will help all of us to increase your bookings and auditions.

If a client is looking for an Male Asian experienced actor age 40-55 5'10"- 6'0" or if the client is looking for a Female Model 5'8" to 5'9" age 16-19 size 4-5 with Blonde hair and Blue eyes with runway experience it will pull up a detailed list of all the people in the agency that exactly meet this criteria. This will also pull up an individual list of Extras or Models, Actors, Females, Children, Caucasians, etc. The clients can also see your resume in our database.

We asked our clients what we could do to help them book you more and this is what they want.  If you do not input the information requested you will never show up on the searches and this will dramatically hurt or eliminate your chances. We are the local leader in this detailed technology.

This database does not cost you anything!

Please remember to read the entire email so that you will not be confused about the difference between the database and website!

Go to  and on the top left side of the page you will insert your user name. Your user name will be your first name with the first letter capitalized and then your last name no spaces in between your names with the first letter in your last name capitalized.

Some examples would be Steve Smith user name is SteveSmith, or Janet Thompson user name JanetThompson .

Now put in your password, it will be the first three letters in your first name with the first letter capitalized and then with no space put in your full last name. An example would be Steve Smith would have a password of SteSmith or Janet Thompson would be JanThompson .  

Now click login.

This will pull up a new page welcoming you and at the top left corner you will see edit profile, click that and it will pull up your page. Now you can enter your important data. Please accurately update this information anytime it changes. Fill in as much data as possible. You will see there are columns for things like your address and phone and email etc.


This is how we will contact you; it must be up to date. If it ever changes you need to update it immediately also email us and let us know. The vital information is only for Craze Agency and will never be given out to clients except your phone number if they need to directly call you and they have our permission


If you are new with Craze or it does not work give it about 7-14 days if it does not work then, email us at and we will put you in manually. Be patient we have been putting in over 100,000 statistics on all of you the last 7 months! If you have a really long name it may need us to adjust it for you the first time!


After you have accurately entered all of your information you may change your password if you wish, so that no one except you and the agency can get into your information. Please write down your password and save it, we do not have time to look up login and passwords!


Finally after you have inputted all of your information you must scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE CHANGES.


This is a database system that Craze uses to help our hiring clients know more about you.

This is not part of the Craze Agency website.


We have worked overtime to keep this as simple as possible. Please follow these directions we do not have time to direct you and answer questions, we want to spend our time promoting you. 


Print a copy of this Email and save it in a safe place.



 It will help you with increased exposure and the opportunity to be booked on more paying jobs! We highly recommend that you get on the Agency WEBSITE!


Please read on for website information. If you have already paid to be on the website your info is already on the site.

If you are not on the site you can be added to the site for a one-time lifetime cost of $125 dollars, as long as you are in good standing with us and still represented by the Craze Agency.


This is an incentive special and the price will go back to $295 per year after April 22,, 2010.

*This technology is very expensive and goes directly to the Webmaster  to create your section on the website and individual page. They also  continually maintain and improve the site.


We highly encourage you to be on our website, most of our clients use the website constantly and we have seen a continual shift to using the Internet to get you auditions. Like everything we additionally offer the talent, it is not mandatory, but highly encouraged that you are on the  website for us to promote you more effectively.


Craze Agency



DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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