This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

FILM AUDITION, Males and Females various ages, Utah

January 26, 2010

Campus Studios is shooting a video reading to submit to production companies for their new movie ‘Seven Alone’, a historical fiction about the Sager family children crossing the Oregon Trail.


The film is scheduled to be shot this summer by veteran filmmaker Lyman Daton (Where the Red Fern Grows). Pay is negotiable, and prospective talent may be considered for a role in the feature length film.


Cold reads will be available.


Auditions will be held on the BYU campus in the Joseph F. Smtih building (JFSB), room 4101 on Saturday, January 30th from 10am-2pm.

Map Link:


Talent must be available to work the evening of Friday, February 12 and all day Saturday, February 13.


Actors needed:


John: Caucasian, 15-19

John is the oldest child in the Sager family. He is independent and adventurous, and idolizes wild west hero, Kit Carson. However, he is also lazy, immature, and rebellious. The main storyline focuses on John’s maturity into manhood as he is forced to take care of his family under strenuous circumstances.


Francis: Caucasian, 13-17

Francis is the younger brother of John. He is witty and sarcastic, and he is similar to John in many ways, but their similar personalities cause them to clash. He tries to emulate his father, Henry. Francis struggles with John’s questionable leadership, but isn’t sure whether there is a better alternative.


Catherine: Caucasian, 13-17

Catherine is the younger sister of John. She tries to self-define by comparing herself to John; she is the obedient, reliable, smart child.  She is unsure, yet diligent, but hasn’t yet found her place in the family dynamic. She relies heavily upon her mother, Naomi, for guidance. She eventually learns how to be her own woman.


Matilda: Caucasian, 8-12

Matilda is the younger sister of John. She is insecure and relies heavily upon John and Catherine. However, she is very smart and caring. Much of the storyline revolves around Matilda’s connection to Naomi through Naomi’s previous possessions.


Henry: Caucasian, 30-40

Henry is the father of the Sager family. He is sincere and hardworking, and he tries to do what is best for his family, but has a lot of trouble raising John. Much of the conflict revolves around his death.


Naomi: Caucasian, 30-40

Naomi is the mother of the Sager family. She is wise, patient, and loving, and would do anything for her family. She is a woman of faith. Much of the conflict revolves around her death.


Kit: Caucasian, 30-40

Kit is John’s heroic idol. He is a manly cowboy who lives for the West. However, he is also humble and diplomatic, and is a victim of the western fairytales which make him out to be something he’s not.


If you are interested and fit any of the above roles, you may attend the audition this Saturday at your convienience.





Craze Agency



January 26, 2010
Highest Star Productions is currently seeking large cast and crew for upcoming production of Erin's Promise, The Musical.
There are both paid and volunteer positions available.
Performances will take place throughout the Utah valley, in the summer of 2010.

Audition Dates:
Friday January 29th, 2010 -6pm-9pm
Saturday January 30th, 2010 -2pm-5pm

Lehi Arts Center
684 N Center st.
Lehi, Ut 84043

For character descriptions and other positions available go to:

Will need many volunteers to assist behind stage with various things. If you think your talents would be of help at all then we welcome you to apply.

This will be a great opportunity for experience, exposure, portfolio/resume building, developing talents and being a part of something truly special. Don't miss your opportunity to join us!

Go to to register for auditions or email Larry (casting director) at
Craze Agency


Actress 18-28 needed for short thriller- IDAHO FALLS

January 26, 2010

Actress 18 - 28 needed for short thriller (Idaho Falls)

Considered actress will have dark hair, and seductive and menacing presence.
Short fifteen page production. Pay is copy, credit and meals.
If interested, email Headshot and Rresume to for consideration.
Craze Agency

Auditions for Independent Film, "Murderous Bounty," Utah

January 25, 2010
Auditions are being held for a feature film " Murderous Bounty" on Wednesday, January 27 from 4:30pm- 6:00pm
Go to for times, locations, sides, and detailed character descriptions.
Audition Location is:
Taylorsville Library
4870 S. 2700 W.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84118
**Please be aware that this is a Rated R film with sexual content and violence.**
There is no Upfront compensation due to being a no-to low budget. This is an action packed film. Distribution is set for national DVD release and working on Theatrical.
The storyline revolves around an assassin who winds up killing the wrong target. A bounty hunter with a capability for special cases is hired to seek her out. A lot of action sequences should make this film shine bright.

Cast needed:
David Coon: Caucasian (age 40-50)
Myles: Assassin-in-training (age 25-35)
Kaitlyn Winniker: Special Agent with P.D. (age 30-45)
Kitty: (Female) Former assassin
This is a cold read audition and sides/scripts will be available at the audition or you can go to for times, locations, sides, and detailed character descriptions.

Filming should only take two weeks. Production is also looking for a few more crew members if you are interested.
When you arrive ask for Samantha Case
Bring your Craze Agency Headshot and Resume
Craze Agency

ABC Family Scripted Drama Series, Plus size kids to play 15-16 year-olds

January 23, 2010

ABC Family scripted drama series

Based on the popular teen novel, "Hugh."

Looking for talented PLUS SIZE kids to play 15 - 16 year olds
Actors may be older but must be believable as 15 - 16 year olds

STORY LINE: A reluctant participant at a summer camp for plus sized kids, defiantly overweight Will clashes with Amber, the size 12 hottie who lords it over the bigger girls. But during the course of the summer, the two sworn enemies begin to realize they have more in common than they ever realized…

[WILL] Significantly overweight. Age 16, a rebel. Intelligent, ballsy, funny and opinionated. She hides her vulnerability behind her humor and brash attitude. Dresses in a tomboy-ish, punk style. Doesn’t let people get too close, and is definitely not thrilled when her rich parents send her to a fat camp for the summer. MUST SING WELL.

[AMBER] Age 16. A beautiful size 12 – (or thereabouts -- could be a 14 or even 16 depending on the person)The skinniest and hottest girl at fat camp, this teen is curvy, but in her own warped view, she considers herself very heavy. Amber comes off as superficial, obsessed with weight and appearance -- but she’s incredibly vulnerable underneath.

[IAN] Overweight. Age 16. A cute, sensitive indie musician with glasses. Open and friendly, with a charmingly self-deprecating sense of humor. He feels an immediate bond with Will, but he wastes most of their summer together pining after Amber. However, when he finally does get a chance with Amber, he realizes that it's actually Will he really wants. MUST PLAY GUITAR, PIANO or DRUMS.

[BECCA] Overweight. Age 15 or 16. Her style is goth/Renaissance Faire. A shy bookworm, Becca expresses herself through LARPing (Live Action Role Play.) Becca instantly admires Will, and the two become partners in pranking Amber, whom they mutually dislike. Later, however, when Will befriends Amber, Becca feels rejected and betrayed.

[ALISTAIR] Very heavy – the heaviest kid at camp (or in the running.) Age 15, Alistair’s sweet, super friendly, a little needy. Also obsessed with sex and giving advice. A severe asthmatic, he has trouble completing the rigorous exercise regiment at the camp -- but he keeps plugging away, undaunted and unfazed.

[CHLOE] This camper is the leader among the thinner girls at fat camp. Cool and confident (despite her slight overweight.) She hides some dark secrets beneath her confident exterior.


1. ONLINE (button to:


EITHER WAY you’ll need to fill out a Release/Application Form for each person ON the tape. Download then just print them, fill them out, and send it in with your stuff.


**IMPORTANT** - Casting will not be able to review any submission (online or mailed in) without a release form, so don’t forget to download, sign and fax to 818-480-3292, or send in with your mailed submission!

If you have questions go to


Craze Agency


LDS Casting- Voice Over Auditions Males and Females ages 5 and up!

January 23, 2010

It's time, once again, for Voice Over Auditions for LDS Talent!

As always, all participants need to be temple worthy members of the LDS Church.


These are not designed to audition you for any specific role or project.  Voice Over Auditions provide casting with a current voice sample from you.  This sample will be used internally to assist with future project casting.  This will assist them with future casting needs in light of upcoming projects.  Your voice sample will be kept on file and presented to producers and clients looking for voice talent.

Please audition ONLY if you have had voice over training or experience.

To Submit an Audition:

Record the copy on one of the attached pages and email only one take  (.wav, .mp3, .mp4, .wma formats accepted) to by March 1, 2010 with the following information:

1)      Name

2)      Age

      That you are represented by the Craze Agency

4)      Email address

5)      Phone number(s)

Additionally, if you have your own short (about 60 seconds) demo already recorded, you may use that for your audition.  If you choose this option, please ensure that there is no inappropriate content in your demo.  Demos with inappropriate content will not be kept or presented to producers or clients.

For those unable to submit an audition via email, auditions will take place at the LDS Motion Picture Studio in Provo, Utah.  The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Friday, February 26, 2010 • 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.


Please e-mail at:

Include at least three (3) possible dates and times (in order of preference) you would be available to audition.

 They will schedule on a first come, first serve basis.  We suggest you schedule early to ensure your preferred time! 

All auditions must be scheduled by Monday, February 22nd.

PLEASE NOTE:  A recorded email submission is preferred.  It is also more advantageous to you as you can do the recording whenever it fits your schedule and you can select your best of several takes.  Due to potential time constraints, we cannot guarantee you will have more than one take when you come to the studio.


If you need to change or cancel your scheduled audition time, please extend the courtesy of notifying us as soon as possible.  Due to the high number of applicants we cannot guarantee there will be an opening available later in the day if you miss a scheduled appointment. 

Please do not make an appointment and then not attend!  Besides being inconsiderate and unprofessional, it denies others the opportunity to fill that time.

If you arrive without a scheduled appointment, your information will be accepted but you will not be able to audition.


Craze Agency


UPDATE- Auditions for Independent Film, "Murderous Bounty," Utah

January 23, 2010
Auditions are being held for a feature film " Murderous Bounty" on Saturday January 23rd at 7:00pm- 8:00pm.
Go to for times, locations, sides, and detailed character descriptions.
Audition Location is:
3300 S. 1871 E.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106
**Please be aware that this is a Rated R film with sexual content and violence.**
There is no Upfront compensation due to being a no-to low budget. This is an action packed film. Distribution is set for national DVD release and working on Theatrical.
The storyline revolves around an assassin who winds up killing the wrong target. A bounty hunter with a capability for special cases is hired to seek her out. A lot of action sequences should make this film shine bright.

Cast needed:
David Coon: Caucasian (age 40-50)
Myles: Assassin-in-training (age 25-35)
Kaitlyn Winniker: Special Agent with P.D. (age 30-45)
Kitty: (Female) Former assassin
This is a cold read audition and sides/scripts will be available at the audition or you can go to for times, locations, sides, and detailed character descriptions.

Filming should only take two weeks. Production is also looking for a few more crew members if you are interested.
When you arrive ask for Samantha Case
Bring your Craze Agency Headshot and Resume
Craze Agency

Craze Agency Database and Website Offer

January 23, 2010

Thanks to everyone that has followed the directions below it has already helped us to promote each of you! If you have updated your profile and it is current you do not have to read any further unless you would like to get on the  website which we highly, highly recommend!

If you are newer to Craze Agency or have not yet followed the steps below please do not wait any longer!!!! If you do not follow these steps you will not get work and will eventually be taken off the agency list! We have been emailed a lot of questions on this email and most of them can be answered in this email so please read it carefully. You must read the entire EMAIL!

Please make a copy of this email for future reference! The first part of the email pertains to the database the last part the website, they are totally different!!!!!!!!!

Please understand and read both this will help you in the future.

WE need your updated information in our database!!!

This is how we choose and our clients choose who goes on AUDITIONS AND BOOKS JOBS! It is URGENT that you read and follow these simple directions; this will insure that we can promote you more successfully. The process is fast and easy.   

We are now using an amazing database system that will allow us to generate and send out a very detailed list to our hiring clients on you the talent. You must go into our website and fill out as much of the information that it asks. Here are a few examples of the thousands of ways this will help all of us to increase your bookings and auditions.

If a client is looking for an Male Asian experienced actor age 40-55 5'10"- 6'0" or if the client is looking for a Female Model 5'8" to 5'9" age 16-19 size 4-5 with Blonde hair and Blue eyes with runway experience it will pull up a detailed list of all the people in the agency that exactly meet this criteria. This will also pull up an individual list of Extras or Models, Actors, Females, Children, Caucasians, etc.

We asked our clients what we could do to help them book you more and this is what they want.  If you do not input the information requested you will never show up on the searches and this will dramatically hurt or eliminate your chances. We are now advertising this technology to our hiring clients and are the local leader in this detailed technology.

This database does not cost you anything!

FOLLOW THESE STEPS!!! Please remember to read the entire email so that you will not be confused about the difference between the database and website!

Go to  and on the top left side of the page you will insert your user name. Your user name will be your first name with the first letter capitalized and then your last name no spaces in between your names with the first letter in your last name capitalized.

Some examples would be Steve Smith user name is SteveSmith, or Janet Thompson user name JanetThompson.

Now put in your password, it will be the first three letters in your first name with the first letter capitalized and then with no space put in your full last name. An example would be Steve Smith would have a password of SteSmith or Janet Thompson would be JanThompson.   Now click login.

This will pull up a new page welcoming you and at the top left corner you will see edit profile, click that and it will pull up your page. Now you can enter your important data. Please accurately update this information anytime it changes. Fill in as much data as possible. You will see there are columns for things like your address and phone and email etc. This is how we will contact you; it must be up to date. If it ever changes you need to update it immediately also email us and let us know. The vital information is only for Craze Agency and will never be given out to clients except your phone number if they need to directly call you and they have our permission

If you are new with Craze or it does not work give it about 7-14 days if it does not work then, email us at and we will put you in. Be patient we have been putting in over 100,000 statistics on all of you the last 7 months! If you have a really long name it may need us to adjust it for you the first time!

After you have accurately entered all of your information you may change your password if you wish, so that no one except you and the agency can get into your information. Please write down your password and save it, we do not have time to look up login and passwords! Finally after you have inputted all of your information you must scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE CHANGES.

This is a database system that Craze uses to help our hiring clients know more about you. This is not part of the Craze Agency website.

We have worked overtime to keep this as simple as possible. Please follow these directions we do not have time to direct you and answer questions, we want to be are busy promoting you.  If your user name does not work and you have followed the directions exactly or if there are any bugs you find, email us at .  If you have been with the Agency less than 2-3 weeks you may not be in the system yet, please wait until that time before you contact us. With the amount of data being put into categories, there may be a few bugs in the system so please patient!  We are confident that with this system we have more vital information that hiring clients need than anyone else. Print a copy of this Email and save it in a safe place.


THE REMAINING EMAIL IS A TOTALLY SEPARATE OPPORTUNITY AND IS NOT REQUIRED! It will help you with increased exposure and the opportunity to be booked on more paying jobs! We highly recommend that you get on the WEBSITE!

Please read on for website information. If you have already paid to be on the website your info is already on the site.

If you are not on the site you can be added to the site for a one-time lifetime cost of $125 dollars, as long as you are in good standing with us and still represented by the Craze Agency. This is an incentive special and the price will go back to $295 per year after Jan. 26th.

*This technology is very expensive and goes directly to the Webmaster  to create your section on the website and individual page. They also  continually maintain and improve the site.

We highly encourage you to be on our website, most of our clients use the website constantly and we have seen a continual shift to using the Internet to get you auditions. Like everything we additionally offer the talent, it is not mandatory, but highly encouraged that you are on the  website for us to promote you more effectively.

Craze Agency


Portfolio Shoot with Local Photographer, Female models 17-24, Utah

January 23, 2010
Local Photographer would like to book 2 attractive Female Models ages 17-24 for a portfolio photo shoot.
Photo shoot would be on Saturday, January 30 starting at 12:00pm and shooting for about 3 hours. Pay will be $40 + you can receive a few of the top photos taken for your own personally portfolio.
Shoot will be in Orem, Utah.
If you are interested, email or your:
We will submit your info. to the Photographer for consideration. If interested in using you, we will contact you with additional details.
We need your submission by Monday, January 25, 11:00am.
Craze Agency

Professional Craze Portfolios available

January 23, 2010

Professional Craze Portfolios available

Anyone interested in going out on print work auditions should consider have a professional portfolio. This is a must if you want to look professional.

We just received a new shipment Craze of very nice looking dark grey padded professional portfolios available at the agency for $49.95. They can handle around 30-35  9x12  or smaller sizes prints. They also have the agency logo and contact information and a storage area in the back for proof sheets, resumes etc. 

You can also purchase custom 8x10’s at a discount price if they were shot with a photographer Craze referred you too.

If you are interested call your Agent at 801-438-0067 Utah or 208-433-9511 Idaho to reserve yours.

Craze Agency


Theatre Opportunity, Northern Idaho

January 23, 2010
Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre –
Auditions for “25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” “Cinderella,” “Pump Boys and Dinettes,” and “Hairspray,”
Feb. 20, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene.
Looking for strong dancers, actors, and singers ages 16 and older.
Auditioners should bring a 16 bar-cut song and other song selections and be prepared to dance.
Send a headshot and resume to 11199 N. Point Hayden, Hayden Lake, ID 83835; additional YouTube and DVD submissions accepted, send to (208) 661-6010
Craze Agency

Utah Theatre Opportunities, SOME PAY!

January 23, 2010
Desert Star Theatre, long known for its hilarious family friendly comedies, is holding auditions for several upcoming productions.  All roles are open.  Adult actors 18 and older are invited. Rehearsals will be held during the day from 9 AM-1 PM Monday thru Friday and Tuesday evenings 6-10PM.

Audition Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Audition Time: 5 PM – 7 PM
Callbacks: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 by invitation.

Audition Protocol
: Call for Appointment, 801-266-2600  10 AM – 9 PM

Audition Location
: Desert Star Theatre, 4861 So. State Street, Murray, UT
Headshot/Resume: Required

: A one-minute comic monologue, joke or story and 16 bars of an upbeat song. Sheet music required. Accompanist will be provided.  No minus tracks or a cappella singing. 
Actors Needed: Males and females, ages 18 and older. Must be able to do comedy and be strong singers;  some dance experience preferred.

Payment: All roles are paid
. You are required to pay Craze Agency 15% Commission within 7 days of receiving your payment. Anyone not paying Commission will be taken off the Craze Agency database

Run Dates:
Pirates of the Car-rib-eee-an: Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Fun  (March 18 – May 15) 
Beverly Hillbillies 90210: You Might be a Redneck if...  (May 20 – July 10) 
My Big Fat Utah Wedding  (July 15 – September 18) 
Welcome Back Potter: Harry & Hermione’s High School Reunion  (September 23 – November 13)
Desert Star’s Christmas Vacation: The Bi-Polar Express  (November 18 – January 1, 2011) 

If you would like more information, contact Mary Parker Williams, Assistant Director at
801-266-2600 or email Mary at
The SCERA Center for the Arts in Orem announces auditions for its upcoming Encore Season production of “Once Upon A Mattress,” directed by Korianne Orton-Johnson. 
It will play April 23-May 8, 2010 on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.                  
 “Once Upon A Mattress” is a nutty and charming retelling of the fairy tale “The Princess and The Pea.” This musical comedy gem is carried on a wave of wonderfully witty songs and delightfully brilliant lyrics, by turns hilarious and raucous, romantic and melodic.  A rollicking spin on the familiar classic of royal courtship and comeuppance provides for some side-splitting shenanigans, “Once Upon A Mattress” was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Musical and is a masterpiece that’s as fresh and funny as ever.
Auditions will be held Thursday, February 25 and Friday, February 26 from 7:00-9:00pm at the SCERA Center, 745 South State, Orem. 
All roles are available and male and female auditioners in all age ranges from 16 to adult should come prepared to sing 16 measures of a Broadway-style song.  An accompanist or boom box will be provided.   
For more information, contact SCERA at (801) 225-ARTS or visit
The Playmill Theatre™ in West Yellowstone announces auditions for the 2010 season (their 47th season).

Plays will include:
Beauty & the Beast
The Foreigner
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Auditions will be held on Saturday, February 6th, on the campus of BYU in Provo, Utah in the Harris Fine Arts Center D341. Call-back auditions will be held the same day.
Visit to sign up for an audition time. If there are no time slots left open please still come and audition. They will fit you in between 10 AM and 1PM.

Please prepare 16 to 32 measures from two contrasting Broadway style songs. A comedic monologue is optional. Entire audition will not exceed three minutes. An accompanist will be available.
Playmill Theatre is hiring actor/singer/dancers (male and female) and an accomplished accompanist/musical director. Performers with multiple talents or performance skills are preferred.

They will also be interviewing for a Lighting/Sound Technician.

Cast members must be available May 2nd through September 5th.
Salaries are determined on an individual basis depending on experience and workload. Housing, including utilities, is provided. The Playmill Theatre is dedicated to providing professional quality, wholesome, family entertainment.
Craze Agency

Local Photographer doing Valentine Theme Portfolio Shoot, needs talent, Males and Females 18+

January 23, 2010
Local Photographer is looking for actors to play the parts of Cupid and Psyche in an upcoming photo shoot.
The dates are undetermined, but the shoot will take place over an afternoon/evening on an upcoming weekend.
What they are looking for- Both actors must be at least 18-

Cupid: Male, Height: 5' 7" to 6' 3" moderately short, Blonde or brown hair. Toned Muscles but not ripped.

Psyche: Female, Height: 5' to 5' 8" Dark hair, curly preferably but not required.

This is a non-paid project, it will Trade for Print so you will get some images for your portfolio. 

Please send photos as well as any questions to so they can get an idea if you are right for the Part.

Also if you do makeup or know someone who does and would like to try their hand at doing make-up on a photo shoot, please tell them about this post.

Adam Heath
Craze Agency

Actors and Models Audition Checklist

January 22, 2010
Actors and Models Checklist


1-Always bring an agency approved photo to the audition. Even if it is at a callback or you have met the client before. No exceptions!


2-Always bring an agency approved resume to the audition. No exceptions!


3-You must staple the resume back to back to your photo. Do not ever attend an audition without both your headshot and resume stapled back to back. One staple in each corner!


3a-For modeling auditions always bring your portfolio and cards, be proud and confident in your photos.


4-Always be 10-15 minutes early to your audition and make sure you have the correct address and directions to the audition. No exceptions or excuses!


5-Once at the audition look for a sign in sheet and make sure you clearly fill in the correct information if there is a sign in sheet.


6-Do not bother or ask the Casting director or client many questions, research them before the audition.


6a-Often modeling auditions are also based on your personality and ability to take directions. They also want to work with someone who is interesting and fun to work with.


7-If they are recording the audition they will ask you to slate. When they say “slate” look into the camera and smile and confidently say hello my name is (state your full name). They may also ask you to state the part you are playing and your agency. Do not tell them this information unless they ask for it!


8-When you are ready to perform your part find the mark or place they would like you to stand or sit (your option to stand or sit unless they specify).


9-When you start your performance only read to the person you are having the dialog with. Do not look at the camera or the casting director, client etc. unless they are performing the scene with you.


10-Give as much eye contact as possible to the person you are reading with, even when they are reading their lines. Really listen to them and react naturally to what they say.


11-When you perform the scene act as natural and believable as possible. You must come off as being very relaxed, comfortable and confident.


12-Really know the scene and characters inside and out. Prepare it over and over. Try to have the scene memorized, but make sure you know the lines and never break character!


13-The auditions are not practice sessions. The clients auditioning you expect you to know what you are doing and be a professional finished product. Get the training before you start attending auditions!


14-Often they will not have you do the scene more than once. If they do and they give you directions or changes really go overboard making the changes.


15-Have and project that you are having fun. Remember you are an entertainer. Clients do not want to hire or be around boring run of the mill talent.


16-If you receive a call back, try to look and perform the scene the same way.


17-Do not call your agency after each audition asking if you were hired or have received a call back. They will call you if they want to book you.


18-If you accept an audition you must attend!!!! No exceptions. If you are not 100% sure you can attend, do not accept the audition, we will understand. (We usually give the client an advanced time sheet on who exactly will be at the audition and what time they are scheduled). If you are not going to be available when the job if being completed do not accept the audition.


19-Do not get discourage if they did not hire you. Every client and situation is different. The biggest key to success in this business is patience and perseverance!!!!!


20-It is your career, so practice, practice, practice, because the competition is!



Craze Agents


Utah Filmmakers/Actors Forum

January 22, 2010
We encourage Craze Agency talent to attend. This is your business and your future.
The Utah Film Commission would like to pass on this information from SAGIndie and the Utah Branch of Screen Actors Guild.

Please direct all questions regarding the contents of this e-mail via the contact information below.
Employment Growth Issues Take Center Stage
at Seventh Annual Utah Filmmakers/Actors Forum

Sponsored by SAGIndie and the Utah Branch of Screen Actors Guild

Where is New Media taking our film and entertainment jobs?  Utah's film incentive bill: How is the new legislative package bringing us work? In this economy, has SAG kept the cost of going SAG low enough for indie filmmakers? How can diversity in casting benefit the filmmaker?

When:  Saturday, January 23, 2010                                                                                                       
10:30 a.m. - noon

Where: Jeff Johnson Casting Offices                                                                                                                     
2150 South Main Street #101                                                                                                                      
Salt Lake City, UT 84115-2638

Panel Guests: 

Mark Friedlander, National Director of New Media, Screen Actors Guild

Darrien Michele Gipson, National Director, SAGIndie

Steve Graham, National Director of Digital Marketing, Screen Actors Guild

Jeff Johnson, Utah Casting Director

Rebecca Yee, AA/Diversity & Sr. EEO Counsel, Screen Actors Guild

Moderator: Anne Sward, Utah Branch National Board Director, Screen Actors Guild
For the last six years, this event has been the must-go favorite for actors, directors, crew, producers, agents, film students and all members of Utah's professional filmmaking community. Find out how you can join Utah's film industry to help pass legislation that will increase jobs. And discover how easy it is to hire members of Screen Actors Guild under its low budget agreements. Light refreshments will be served.

Cost:  Free to the filmmaking community of Utah. Seating is limited.

For more information:  (800) 724-0767


DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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