This for Craze Agency talent only! If you are not represented go to and apply online. If the posting does not say travel paid, do not submit unless you are willing to travel unpaid for the audition and job. Do not email a photo unless requested! Thanks!

Casting for Short Film, "Mr. Rist"

June 1, 2009
Local Director, Spanky Ward is putting together a new short called, "Mr. Rist."
Looking for cast and crew. This will just be a one to two day shoot. Non pay, but credit and copy and will be entered into Film Festivals. Food provided. Should be a lot of fun.
Cast Breakdown

LEAD -Mr. Rist
– Male, early 20’s to 40. Charismatic. No specific look.

LEAD -Mike-
Male, mid 20’s to early 30’s. No specific look. Character has an innocents about him.
2nd LEAD -Drug dealer- Male, 30’s – 40’s, large or scary looking.

Homeless Man
- Male, 40’s -60’s. No specific look. Acts crazy/humorous.

Library Woman
- Female, any age, any look.

Reading Man
- No lines, sitting at an outdoor table reading the newspaper.

Library Extras
– Male, Female, any age. No lines. At least ten people. Won’t need these people very long

Email your Headshot and Resume to
Craze Agency

Mormon Battalion Casting, all Male Roles

June 1, 2009



The “Mormon Battalion” project is moving forward. This is an AUDITION CALL for a few of the LEAD male roles. Listed below are descriptions of those roles. They will be casting for MEN. 

NOTE:  ALL applicants must be willing to grow their hair (beard) and/or have it cut according to production needs, from the time of casting until the end of production. All roles are PAID.  All applicants must be clearable by their current bishop as being temple-worthy.

Most of the SIDES will require a “helper”:  Someone willing to read across from you and possibly operate the camera.

The following roles should AUDITION with the SIDES for “CAPTAIN ALLEN”: (With Side 2, you may end your audition just before Brigham steps in to deliver his lines.  Your helper doesn’t need to include his lines.)

CAPTAIN JAMES ALLEN (age 45) – Military Captain.  Physically fit.  Stately.  Has a dichotomy about him: He has an understanding and softness beneath the hard military exterior.  This actor must have good horseman skills as he will be required to ride.

DR. SANDERSON (age 46) – He can do the “military thing” but can also peel-it-off.  This doctor is doing his best (and failing) with the remedies that have been given.  He has a distinctly human side and a kind bedside manner.

COLONEL COOKE (age 37) – Physically fit, muscular and stately.  West Point Graduate. Star-of-the-class.  This is the kind of man that you want to hate.  He comes across as a very military-minded, strategist.

The following roles should AUDITION with the SIDE for “WILLIAM HUNTINGTON” and “BRIGHAM YOUNG”:  (With Side 2, you may begin your audition just as Brigham steps in to deliver his lines. Your helper doesn’t need to include Capt. Allen’s lines.)

WILLIAM HUNTINGTON (age 62), BRIGHAM YOUNG (age 46); NORMAN SHARP (age 25); ORSON PRATT; WILLARD RICHARDS; and HEBER C. KIMBALL.  -- All these men are somewhat stereotypical Mormon leaders. They are hoping each one, however, will bring his own distinctive charisma and personality to his character.

The following roles should AUDITION with the SIDE for “EPHRAIM”:

EPHRAIM HANKS (age 20) -- ‘Gotta totally LOVE this guy.  The COOL, coolio of the gang.  Comic relief; attractive; great personality; can be quirky; the class clown.

EBENEZER BROWN (age 35) -- A likeable character.  Kind of “Average Joe” type.

PHILANDER COLTON (age 35) -- Rugged; comfortable in the wild; out-doorsy, Mountain Man persona.

To AUDITION, please complete a VIDEO audition which includes the following:

(1) Slate your NAME, AGENCY and the ROLE for which you are auditioning at the beginning.

(2) Please include no more than 2 takes of the side(s) you’re using to audition.

NOTE:  These sides have been chosen carefully to give you the opportunity to show your acting and interpretive skills. We recommend memorizing these and giving your BEST possible performance.  Your acting ability is EXTREMELY important, we cannot stress this enough. You will be invited to Call Backs based upon what they see.

Please also include:

(3) A completed Talent Release Form (attached with sides);

(4) A headshot or photograph of yourself (if e-mailing, “jpg” or “bmp” files are preferred) and your resume, if you have one;

(5) Your Phone Number(s) and E-mail Address;

(6) Your Ward, Stake, and Bishop’s Name.

NOTE:  All applicants must be clearable by their current bishop as being temple-worthy.

You may MAIL your DVD (or VHS) to:

            LDS Motion Picture Studio

            ATTN:  MB Casting (Please note here the ROLE for which you are auditioning.)

            300 West 2230 North

            Provo, UT 84604

Or you may E-MAIL an electronic file of your audition to  Beware!  Video files tend to be over-large for e-mailing purposes. You may need to upload your video to a “file-send” site and e-mail the link, along with your login and password to view it.

 As there will be literally HUNDREDS of auditions to process, PLEASE FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS in this e-mail carefully.

-          Submissions which cannot be viewed due to technical difficulties (corrupt files or scratched media, for example) will not be considered.

-          Submissions without current contact information attached will also not be considered.  (As we’d have no way to contact you anyway.)


WHEN will it shoot?

             It is anticipated this project will shoot about the last week of July and first week of August.  A schedule is still in the making.

WHERE will it shoot?

             Here in Utah, along the Wasatch Front. 

What is the PURPOSE / Where will it be used or seen?

 This project is for the San Diego Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center.  The new presentation will launch in November.  (...and it will be VERY COOL!)

Do you need any other EXTRAS or ACTORS?

 Yes.  A similar e-mail regarding another CHILD role and WOMEN’s roles has been distributed.

If I’ve already filled out a Talent Data Sheet, do I need to do it again?

 Yes, please.


 Recommended that applicants NOT wait until the last minute to submit an audition.  (What if you have trouble with the file?  What if the DVD is corrupt?  What if it gets lost in the mail?  Etc.)

 Please make sure your SOUND and LIGHTING are such that they can CLEARLY see and hear you.

 Recommended that recording your audition from about the chest, upward. It’s helpful to be close enough so they can see your expressions.

 Do NOT simply READ your monologue! They are looking for a GENUINE INTERPRETATION and CONNECTION. Be REAL!

 Recommended that you NOT add any additional information to your submission which has not been requested (ie: pictures of yourself dressed in Mormon Battalion regalia or additional audition footage or monologues that are NOT included herein).

 If you are interested in Auditioning, let us know by responding to send us your:


    Role you would like to Audition for

We will send you the correct Sides/Script for the Character.

Craze Agency


Female Representative 18-35 needed for Trade Show, Utah

June 1, 2009

National Client is looking for a Female representative for their booth at an upcoming trade show at the Salt Palace Convention Center Tuesday, July 21- Friday, July 24.

Hours are Tues-Thurs 10:00am-4:30pm, and Fri 10:00am-3:00pm.

Pay is $200 for the Event

Duties include:
-Having an understanding of product knowledge
-Hand out fliers
-Meet, greet, and host visitors
-Attract visitors to booth
-Carry yourself in a professional manner
-Must be punctual with time, and be reliable.

If you are interested, email your:



We will submit your information to the Client for consideration. If they are interested in you, we will be in touch with more information.

We need your submission by Tuesday, June 2, 1:00pm

Craze Agency


Casting Call- Female Food Aficionado, National Opportunity

May 29, 2009


Emmy-winning production company seeks a charismatic, athletic, adventure-minded Female food Aficionado for a new reality-based TV series.

Ideally, the Female co-host will be professionally trained in the culinary arts, but an ardent, self-taught borderline food-nut would also work. Experience as a chef, sous-chef, or skilled galley slave, with international exposure or foreign language skills, would be a super-plus. Her style will show a passion for seeking out specific key ingredients right at the source, wherever they be found domestically or worldwide, for an incredibly memorable meal.

The Female co-host will be culturally inquisitive and open to new experiences around the world under a broad range of conditions. She'll be about age 25-37, attractive, health-conscious, charismatic and camera-friendly. She may have little or no experience in the wilderness, but is gutsy and happy to learn.

Production will be physically challenging--even grueling at times--depending on the environment. She is cheerful, tough, and no quitter or prima donna.


Fluent English; valid passport; willingness and availability to travel and work in the United States and internationally, sometimes for weeks at a time; clean police record; no drugs, smoking, or other personal habits or skeletons in the closet that might endanger anyone or slow production; the flexibility and willingness to adapt to major program or creative changes; strong work ethic; sense of humor, and the ability to live and work as one with co-host and crew.


This is a paid and insured position.
Serious candidates should submit a selection of culinary and adventure images, a cooking summary, descriptions of exciting or unique cooking, adventure or travel experiences, and articles or other supportive materials.

Most importantly, candidates must submit a video clip of about 5 minutes in length including the following: 1) a description of why you love food, cooking and adventure; 2) a passionate explanation of why you feel you are the perfect candidate for this role; 3) a sequence of you engaged in vigorous outdoor activity; 4) a sequence of you dressed for an evening engagement in which you explain why you are just as capable of handling yourself at a dinner party or night out in a foreign country as you are in a tropical storm in the deep jungle. Feel free to include any other clips that you feel shed additional light on your enthusiasm, intelligence, sense of humor, language skills, athleticism and durability. Have fun with it, but make sure your passion shines through!

Submission deadline is July 15, 2009. For video and other large files, please send via or a similar file transfer service. All materials may be submitted to Andrew Todhunter at
Please read everything very carefully, as only serious candidates who meet their casting requirements will be considered. 
Craze Agency

Teen Extras needed for the Feature Film, "Your So Cupid," Utah

May 29, 2009
The Feature Film, "Your So Cupid" will need teen extras for the various scenes being shot. 
The shoot will be June 15th - 27th in Utah County. Only teens that are 16 and above will be needed.

You're So Cupid!
Directed by John Lyde.

Fraternal Twin Sisters Emma and Lilly are as different as night and day. Emma, the beautiful Blonde Tomboy, would rather be riding a Horse than anything else in the world. While Lilly, her shy redheaded Twin, loves to be left alone to curl up with a good book. Inseparable since the day they were born, Emma and Lilly have an insatiable desire to play matchmaker, even though they've never fallen in love themselves.

Emma and Lilly find out their matchmaking skills are not just a gift from heaven, but rather because their Father is actually Cupid (yes the little guy who wears diapers and shoots bows and arrows) As they enter their senior year in high school, Emma and Lilly finally fall in love, but life gets complicated when they find out they’re in love with the same guy and they become bitter rivals as they try to win his affection. Sisterhood and matchmaking are tossed out the window like last year’s shoes, as Emma and Lilly plot to sabotage each other, so they can win the heart of their dream guy. The sisters, who once were inseparable, now spend every waking moment, planning each other's demise. Meanwhile, their parents are falling out of love. Can Emma and Lily overcome their problems and use their matchmaking skills to bring their parents back together?

No pay, but John is a great guy to work with as many of you know. There will be a pool scene. Prom scene (so girls if you have your prom dresses still, that's a huge plus) and a lake scene.

If you are interested in being an Extra email, Sally Meyer at
Send her your:
    Contact info.
    That you are represented by the Craze Agency
If production is interested in using you, they will contact you.
Let Craze know if they use you!!!
Craze Agency 

Valley Center Playhouse Auditions, Lindon, Utah

May 29, 2009

The Valley Center Playhouse is holding auditions for Cinderella!

Saturday, May 30th from 10AM until
Noon     and
Tuesday, June 2nd from 7PM until 9PM both at the Valley Center Playhouse 780 N 200 E in Lindon Utah.

6 Men ages 19-50 years
10 Women ages 18-50 years
4 Girls ages 15-16 years
4 Boys age 15 years

Help is also wanted on the production crew so spread the word!:
-Assistant Director
-Lights and Sound technicians
-Costuming help

The show will run on Monday, Friday and Saturday nights from July 10th through August 17th.

Some of the parts are singing roles so come prepared to read from the script and sing if you are interested in one of these parts.

Visit them at  
and send an email if you have any questions.

The Valley Center Playhouse is a registered nonprofit community theater and everyone involved is a volunteer. Come share your talents with your Community, gain experience, gain friends and have a great time!

Let us know if they are interested in you!!

Craze Agency


Auditioning Workshop, BOISE!!!

May 29, 2009

ACT! Across America, CatMac Productions

And the Stagecoach Theater



Part 1 of the Insider’s Audition Tips workshop series

(for every level of acting – NOT just beginners!)


Saturday, June 27 │ 11AM – 4PM│ $75 per person (normally $150!)The Stagecoach Theater

5296 W. Overland (corner of Orchard) In the breezeway nest to the library



Learn Catrine McGregor’s auditioning psychology that puts you in control while gaining the Casting Director’s respect!

·         Role play casting director/actor: See the audition through the casting director’s eyes

·         What about your headshot and resume grabs the Casting Director’s attention?

·         90% of the callback decision is made before you start to audition - why?

·         It’s more than a perfect read - learn the other minute details that can lead to a callback

·         What to ask - what NOT to ask - and the importance of each.

·         The homework you must do for the Audition

·         Tips for face-to-face auditions - and even more crucial tips for the on-camera audition

·         That nasty one-liner audition - giving it the respect it deserves

·         All about the unions - no holds barred

·         Q&A session


INVEST in your acting future - this workshop can be written off of your taxes and will tremendously increase their bookings!

Catrine McGregor has been working in the film and television industry as a producer and casting director for over 30 years and is a member of the prestigious Casting Society of America (CSA). She has done an extensive amount of filming on location, and besides films, TV, and movies-of-the-week, has cast five IMAX movies. Two of the CD-ROM games for which she acted as consultant have won Codie Awards-the interactive version of an Oscar. In 2002 Catrine McGregor Casting, CSA cast the feature film 'Poolhall Junkies' (2002). In 2001 and 2002 she cast three Showtime movies; the directorial debut of Danny Glover, 'Just A Dream' (2002); the first directing project of Salma Hayek entitled 'The Maldonado Miracle' (2003); and from the director of 'Smoke Signals' (1998), 'The (Untitled) Chris Eyre Project'. Catrine is producing (in North Carolina) ‘Son of Shadows’ (in pre-production) and ‘As a Family’ (in development). She is also the producer of a TV modeling show in Lagos, Nigeria. You can check out what Catrine McGregor is doing at:

McGregor is the founder of ‘ACT! Across
America,’ a regional actors’ resource which is launching an ezine in September, 2009.  McGregor has also written a book of the same title.. Be sure to check out Catrine on to see her full list of credits!


We highly recommend our Talent attend this Workshop!! You will be greatly benefited by it.


Let Craze know if you plan to attend.



Craze Agency


Casting Call, Spy Hop Short Film, Utah

May 29, 2009

Casting Call

Spy Hop Productions

Salt Lake City, UT


Loren Ruiz – Director


Jeremy Neilson – Producer


Casting call to be held at Spy Hop Productions (address listed above). On Monday, June 1st 2009 from 4:30PM – 6:00PM


8 day production shot June 12 to June 22.



The story follows an eccentric teen and his younger brother as they make a zombie survival documentary. He tries to gain respect as no one gives them the time of day. Meanwhile, their own mother tries to prevent them from completing their task.

The clock is ticking as the boys struggle to prove their theories and share their knowledge.


CALEB ($50/day)* Approximately 7 Days

Male between the ages of 16-18

An athletic teen obsessed with the prospect of an impending zombie apocalypse. He has sacrificed his social life in his research of his all-important cause. He struggles to be taken seriously but doesn’t let ignorance diffuse his enthusiasm.


THOMAS ($50/day)* Approximately 8 Days

Male between the ages of 14-16

A scrawny, passive-aggressive teen. He is fairly laid back and is usually willing to go along with his older brother, Caleb’s antics. He is open to trying new things but when the stakes get high he’s the first to voice concern.


MOM ($50/day)* Approximately 2 Days

Female between the ages of 40-50

Stubborn and high-strung, she drives her children to succeed by trying to make them grow up. She wishes the best for her children, and will undermine their ambitions if they do not adhere to her standards.


If you are interested in Auditioning, email your:



    Role you would like to Audition for

    Time you would like to Audition


We will submit your information. If production is interested we will immediately send you a Confirmation Email with your Audition time, location and Sides/Script.


We need your submission between now and no later than Monday, June 1, 12:00noon.



Craze Agency


Dancers needed for Student Film, M & F 14-18, Utah

May 29, 2009
Volunteer Dancers needed for a student film.
The student film is from Paradigh High School in Sandy, Utah and they are the PHS film club. The movie is called BREAKING OUT and is a G rated movie. They need these dancers ASAP. They don't care what they look like just as long as you can be there and can dance!
They need dancers on the days, June 1 through June 5, June 8 through June 12, and June 15 through June 18. They will be filming June 15 through June 18. They need dancers who are between the ages of 14-18. Need to be a quick learner, and able to come. Dance is mostly Jazz/Lyrical and Hip-Hop.
If you are interested, contact immediately:
Director and President Dylan Conklin
Phone #: 801-712-1330
Let us know if they use you!!
Craze Agency


All Craze Talent Please Read

May 28, 2009

Thanks to everyone that has followed the directions below it has already helped us to promote each of you! If you have updated your profile and it is current you do not have to read any further unless you would like to get on the  website which we highly, highly recommend!

If you are newer to Craze Agency or have not yet followed the steps below please do not wait any longer!!!! If you do not follow these steps you will not get work and will eventually be taken off the agency list! We have been emailed a lot of questions on this email and most of them can be answered in this email so please read it carefully. You must read the entire EMAIL!

Please make a copy of this email for future reference! The first part of the email pertains to the database the last part the website, they are totally different!!!!!!!!!

Please understand and read both this will help you in the future.

WE need your updated information in our database!!!

This is how we choose and our clients choose who goes on AUDITIONS AND BOOKS JOBS! It is URGENT that you read and follow these simple directions; this will insure that we can promote you more successfully. The process is fast and easy.   

We are now using an amazing database system that will allow us to generate and send out a very detailed list to our hiring clients on you the talent. You must go into our website and fill out as much of the information that it asks. Here are a few examples of the thousands of ways this will help all of us to increase your bookings and auditions.

If a client is looking for an Male Asian experienced actor age 40-55 5'10"- 6'0" or if the client is looking for a Female Model 5'8" to 5'9" age 16-19 size 4-5 with Blonde hair and Blue eyes with runway experience it will pull up a detailed list of all the people in the agency that exactly meet this criteria. This will also pull up an individual list of Extras or Models, Actors, Females, Children, Caucasians, etc.

We asked our clients what we could do to help them book you more and this is what they want.  If you do not input the information requested you will never show up on the searches and this will dramatically hurt or eliminate your chances. We are now advertising this technology to our hiring clients and are the local leader in this detailed technology.

This database does not cost you anything!

FOLLOW THESE STEPS!!! Please remember to read the entire email so that you will not be confused about the difference between the database and website!

Go to  and on the top left side of the page you will insert your user name. Your user name will be your first name with the first letter capitalized and then your last name no spaces in between your names with the first letter in your last name capitalized.

Some examples would be Steve Smith user name is SteveSmith, or Janet Thompson user name JanetThompson.

Now put in your password, it will be the first three letters in your first name with the first letter capitalized and then with no space put in your full last name. An example would be Steve Smith would have a password of SteSmith or Janet Thompson would be JanThompson.   Now click login.

This will pull up a new page welcoming you and at the top left corner you will see edit profile, click that and it will pull up your page. Now you can enter your important data. Please accurately update this information anytime it changes. Fill in as much data as possible. You will see there are columns for things like your address and phone and email etc. This is how we will contact you; it must be up to date. If it ever changes you need to update it immediately also email us and let us know. The vital information is only for Craze Agency and will never be given out to clients except your phone number if they need to directly call you and they have our permission

If you are new with Craze or it does not work give it about 7-14 days if it does not work then, email us at and we will put you in. Be patient we have been putting in over 100,000 statistics on all of you the last 7 months! If you have a really long name it may need us to adjust it for you the first time!

After you have accurately entered all of your information you may change your password if you wish, so that no one except you and the agency can get into your information. Please write down your password and save it, we do not have time to look up login and passwords! Finally after you have inputted all of your information you must scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE CHANGES.

This is a database system that Craze uses to help our hiring clients know more about you. This is not part of the Craze Agency website.

We have worked overtime to keep this as simple as possible. Please follow these directions we do not have time to direct you and answer questions, we want to be are busy promoting you.  If your user name does not work and you have followed the directions exactly or if there are any bugs you find, email us at .  If you have been with the Agency less than 2-3 weeks you may not be in the system yet, please wait until that time before you contact us. With the amount of data being put into categories, there may be a few bugs in the system so please patient!  We are confident that with this system we have more vital information that hiring clients need than anyone else. Print a copy of this Email and save it in a safe place.

THE REMAINING EMAIL IS A TOTALLY SEPARATE OPPORTUNITY AND IS NOT REQUIRED! It will help you with increased exposure and the opportunity to be booked on more paying jobs! We highly recommend that you get on the WEBSITE!

Please read on for website information. If you have already paid to be on the website your info is already on the site.

If you are not on the site you can be added to the site for a one-time lifetime cost of $120 dollars, as long as you are in good standing with us and still represented by the Craze Agency. This is an incentive special and the price will go back to $225 per year after June 5th, 2009.

*This technology is very expensive and goes directly to the Webmaster  to create your section on the website and individual page. They also  continually maintain and improve the site.

We highly encourage you to be on our website, most of our clients use the website constantly and we have seen a continual shift to using the Internet to get you auditions. Like everything we additionally offer the talent, it is not mandatory, but highly encouraged that you are on the  website for us to promote you more effectively.

Craze Agency


8 Week Acting/Audition Seminar with Jeff Johnson, Utah

May 28, 2009

Do you need to work on your auditioning skills?

Have you ever felt lost during one of your auditions?

Here is your chance to take an 8 week acting seminar with one of Utah's busiest casting directors.

Jeff Johnson has been casting films for over 14 years. He has cast over 65 films and 100 commercials.

A short list of a few films he has cast; some of the Production companies and commercials:

World's Fastest Indian, Disney, CBS, Paramount, New Line, MTV, FOX,
High school Musical 1, 2 and 3 Sundance, The GAP, The Olympics, Ralph Lauren
National lampoons bagboy, Bruce Weber, ETC
The Best Two Years,
Maldonado Miracle.
Over 20, Disney channel films

Class subjects include: The business of acting (How to get more jobs). Auditioning with confidence, what every actor should know before ever going to an audition. The seminar covers the process of auditioning from start to finish.

FOR AGES 15 AND OLDER(sorry no exceptions)

CASH/CHECK preferred CREDIT CARD accepted (except American Express)

$280.00 For 8 weeks

All classes will be on Mondays.

Class times are 6:00pm-8:30pm (Sometime they go a little longer so plan on the latest 9pm)

the tentative schedule which is subject to change will be:

1st class: JUNE 8th
2nd class: JUNE 15th
3rd class: JUNE 22nd
4th class: JUNE 29th
5th class: JULY 6th
6th class: JULY 13th
7th class: JULY 20th
8th class: JULY 27th

Classes will be held at:

Jeff Johnson Casting,
2150 South Main st. Suite 102
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105

First payment of $140.00 is due the first class, Second payment of $140.00 will be due the day of the fifth class. If you are unable to attend the first or the fifth class please call  to make payment arrangements. If you think you may end up missing more than two classes, you may want to consider waiting for the next session, tentatively they will be having class the Monday following July 4th and July 24th, if those dates are problems for you, you may want to wait til the next session.

To enroll or be put on the standby list email Tye Nelson at

To be put on the list he will need your name, email address and best contact number.
Craze Agency

Audition, Feature Comedy 2 Males, High School/College age, Utah

May 28, 2009
AUDITION! Saturday, June 13th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm in Clearfield, Utah for two supporting actors for, ‘WE NEVER CLOSE,’ a feature comedy that will begin shooting in mid July.

Production is in search of 2 Male High School/College age looking students, Kevin & Marshall.
Looking for Actors who can pull off the pothead/surfer or skater dude roll. Something on the lines of Sean Penn’s Jeff Spicoli roll and his buds on ‘Fast Times At Ridgemont High.’ Looking for two guys who can take the rolls and make them their own.

Race/nationality doesn’t matter. The chemistry between these two guys have to be great...long time buds etc. They are on camera for over 25 script pages, so these are huge rolls. You may audition individually or as a pair.

There is upfront and back end pay for this gig.

If interested, please email your:

We will submit your information. If chosen, we will email you an Audition Confirmation email with attached sides.
We need your submission by Monday, June 1, 11:00am
Craze Agency

UPDATE!! Extras needed for locally produced Film, Utah

May 28, 2009
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend is Seeking Extras (slc)

Reply to:   
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend (featuring Alyssa Milano) a locally produced feature film shooting during June, is looking for volunteer extras for 10 non-consecutive days spread throughout the months of June and July. These are including new dates of  June 10th, 24th and 30th, July 1st and 2nd.
Most volunteers will only be needed one day. Not all scenes will be crowd scenes!
Send them an email if you'd like to be involved! Please include your:
    Contact info.
    That you are represented by the Craze Agency
If they are interested, the Extras Coordinator will be in touch with Booking information.
Craze Agency

Male and Female Extras, Various, Utah

May 28, 2009
Male and Female Extras needed.
Read below to see if you fit the profile. No pay, credit available.
Shooting at the Layton Skate Park, 700 N. 2200 W. in Layton, on Friday the 29th. Tomorrow!!! 
Needed are Extras of all types. Anyone who has a bike or skate board bring it. They will see you there.

For Questions you can call John Virgo @ 801 390.3243.
Craze Agency

Casting Call Short Film, M & F 20's, Utah

May 28, 2009

Casting call for Short Film Comedy Friday (East Hollywood High School)

High School Student production looking to fill roles for 4 talent for a short film shooting principal photography June 10-12. Casting call Friday, May 29 at 1:00pm.

No pay. Copy and credit available.

Jim (Male) - 24, years old, no hair color preference, a lazy, complacent but decent person, struggling with commitment. Expereince with comedic timing is a must especially in a dramatic setting.

Connie (Female) - 24 years old, attractive, lighter colored hair prefered for this strong-minded, young woman ready to get married. Expereince with comedic material in a dramatic setting a must.

Greg - (Male) 28 years old, never settled with one relationship, trouble with graduating high school, does not like Jim's girlfriend. Talent expereinced with comedic timing.

Antoine - 24 years old, feminine Male, likes shopping. Expereince with Southern accents or Jamaican accents a plus. Expereince with comedic timing a must.

Please come to open call on Friday, May 29 between 1:00pm and 3:00pm at East Hollywood High School. 2185 South 3600 West, West Valley Utah.

BRING A HEADSHOT AND RESUME. Be sure to let Craze know if they are interested in Casting you.

Craze Agency



DO NOT SUBMIT A PHOTO UNLESS REQUESTED!!! This area is for Craze Agency signed talent only! If you are not represented by Craze call us at 801-438-0067, 702-530-9176 or 208-433-9511 Thanks! Disclaimer! Though Craze Agency does everything in it's power to screen clients and castings it is impossible to oversee every action. If there is ever anything you do not feel comfortable with please do not participate and let us know. Craze Agency is not legally responsible for clients actions posted on our site. If a client contacts you directly please let us know.




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