A local Utah Production Company will be putting on a seminar, geared towards actors called, "Acting: Landing the Role and Making an Impression."
Craze Agency recommends this training opportunity.
Here's the description for it:

"Most actors spend more time going from audition to audition than they do actually acting. Since the audition is essentially the "job Interview" that will determine whether or not you get the part, it is crucial to make a good impression and give the best performance possible. However, whenever we hold auditions for our projects, we are surprised at how few actors follow protocol and have a good audition.

"For those actors who can get through the audition process and land a role on a project, the process is just beginning. There is production set etiquette that needs to be followed to help ensure that you don't come across as an amateur, but instead are seen as a professional actor who deserves to be there."

There is more information at this website, where anyone interested can register and attend:


Craze Agency