This casting is for CRAZE AGENCY TALENT ONLY. If we find that people are sharing privileged casting and booking info. with non Craze talent, they will be removed from the active database.



Senior Student Film Project of Mass Communication Department at Northwest Nazarene University is looking for talents.

This film project is design as a 20 min comedy tv pilot, and will be shot in HD. This is a professional & high value production. The filming schedule is set on all day Saturday 18-21, 25-27 of Feb. Looking for passionate actors who are willing to volunteer their time to be a part of this production.

This is a non-paid project. Copy and credit available.

·         Gabe:  Mid 20’s male who is a fairly clean cut appearance but has a witty and sarcastic sense of humor.

·         Marcia: Gabe’s mum, a middle aged lady who likes to be in control of business around the houses.

·         Dave:  A middle aged man whom is starting to bulge a little. He is light hearted and stern when he needs to be.

·         James: A tall, elderly man, (60’s and above is preferable) with white hair and is a little heavy set. Has a serious look like someone who has been through his share of war, but hasn't lost his childhood sense of fun.

·         John:  A tall elderly man (60’s and above is preferable) who appears strong and in good health. Has a warm smile and friendly voice. He is simple minded yet wise from his years, but sometimes spacey. 

·         Shari: Slim young mid twenties girl with a bright cheery personality.

·         Flo: Mid-fifties lady, with fearsome and unhappy face.

·         Sarah: charming, early twenties (tanned skinned is preferable) girl with a child like playfulness.

·         Sam: mid thirties man with an average build. Has a gruff personality and doesn’t mind telling people what he thinks of them. A little bit of a redneck.

·         Patients: Older ages, 60 years old and above is preferable.

Auditions will be held on school campus in Nampa January 28-29.

If interested email Minh at with your headshot and resume for consideration of an audition. If they are interested, they will let you know.

Craze Agency