James Seastrand Helping Hands of NLV is casting Seussical, a musical based on the works of Dr. Seuss. Kevin Cotton, artistic dir.; Kelly Burrows, dir.; Ryan Gourley, music dir.; Dena James & Kerri Maxey, choreos. Rehearsals begin in March; runs June 15-July 1 at the Summeriln Library Performing Arts Center in Las Vegas, NV.

Actors: males and females, all ages (including children), all ethnicities, all roles are available.

Auditions will be held Feb. 25, 6 p.m. at Coronado High School, 1001 Coronado Center Dr., Henderson, NV.
Additional auditions will be held Feb. 26, 10 a.m. (general), 1:30 p.m. (children under 10), and 4 p.m. (dancers) at the LDS Church, 2401 E. Tonopah Ave., N. Las Vegas, NV.
Children ages 5-10 should attend the children’s audition (Sat. at 1:30 p.m.). A song and dance will be taught at this audition.
Ages 11-17 should attend the adult audition and have a song prepared. Auditioners are strongly encouraged to prepare 32 bars from any Ahrens and Flaherty musical EXCEPT Seussical.
Bring a CD accompaniment track or sheet music in the correct key; accompanist provided. Bring schedule conflicts for March-June.
For more info, email kmburrows8@yahoo.com or visit www.LVFamilyTheater.org.

The Las Vegas Shakespeare Company is casting The Wizard of Oz. Dan Decker, artistic dir. Show opens May 13, and runs for two weekends, in the Henderson Pavilion in Henderson, NV.

Actors/Singers/Dancers: males and females, all ages, all ethnicities, children's roles will be played by adults.

Auditions will be held by appt. only Feb. 21-23. To schedule an audition appt, call (702) 220-5872 or email pix & resumes to
Some pay.
Craze Agency