
Tuacahn Center for the Arts in beautiful Southern Utah (approx. 90 minutes northeast of Las Vegas) is casting their 2011 Broadway in the Desert Season featuring Disney's The Little Mermaid and Grease.


Bring headshot and resume. Prepare 16 bars from a song in the style of the shows & have a second, contrasting song if requested. Selections from the shows permitted. Accompanist provided. No tapes or cds. Potential ensemble should attend a dance call. Actors invited to call backs will be provided with sides to read. Performers of all ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to attend. Men and women bring character, jazz, and tap shoes and attire appropriate for dancing and movement.


Six month contracts: April, 26 2011 - October 22, 2011; some shorter contracts may be available. Because shows play in repertory, actors will be cast in both productions. First rehearsal April 26 in Ivins, Utah (120 miles Northeast of Las Vegas). All roles available. All roles are understudied. Some Equity contracts available. Earn EMC points with Actors' Equity. During our season, cast members will receive a private audition with a major entertainment company.

PLEASE NOTE- These are paid contracts. If you are cast and accept a contract, you will be required to 15% Talent Commission to Craze each time you are paid. It is important that you contact your Agent if you are cast so Craze can amake arrangements for you to be available for the six month contract.


Audition Dates and Times


Salt Lake City, UT Thursday January 20 AEA Open Call 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    Open Call 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      Dance Call 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Provo, UT Friday January 21 Open Call 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    Dance Call 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  Saturday January 22 Open Call 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
      Dance Call
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Ivins, UT                                                              Friday            February 11                                              Open Call                                                 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                   Dance Call                                               8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
                                                                            Friday            February 12                                                Open Call                                                   10:00AM- 11:30AM
                                                                                                                                                                   Dance Call                                                 11:30AM- 1:00PM

Cast Breakdown By Production

Disney's The Little Mermaid:

  • ARIEL: To play female in her late teens. A mermaid girl on the verge of maturity. A soon-to-be-siren with a frisky sense of fun. An innocent, headstrong and spirited, overflowing with feelings that are fathoms deep, and daring to dream about a different world, the world above the sea. Must move well, but need not be a trained dancer. Vocal range: Crystal clear flawless belt to E.

  • ERIC: To play male in his early 20’s. A prince among men, possessed of all the royal attributes that leave the girls breathless. But beneath the easy charm, the handsome face and the instinctive courage, lurks a reluctant ruler who’d happily trade his crown for a life on the bounding main, who’d gladly renounce his throne in search of something to fight for, someone to love. Vocal range: Must be able to sing in a very controlled lyrical tenor or baritenor. Gorgeous soaring sound to A.

  • TRITON: To play male in his late 30’s or 40’s. The Son of Poseidon, King of the Undersea World, with a profound belief that the Human World is dangerous and to be shunned. A powerful, uncompromising monarch, and the harried father of seven mermaid daughters. Commanding, regal, charismatic, sexy – and, when it comes to his girls, especially his youngest, Ariel – a doting and deeply devoted dad. Vocal range: booming baritone to strong E.

  • URSULA: To play female in her 30’s or 40’s. A Sea Witch and Triton’s estranged (and none-to-happy-about-it) sister, banished forever for dabbling in The Black Arts. Personality as huge as her ambition. Tentacles as numerous as her devilish spells. Wildly smart, sinister and sarcastic. Luxuriously sexy, sultry and statuesque. Desperate to overthrow her brother and reclaim the undersea realm once and for all! Vocal range: Dramatic alto down to E. Big Belt to C# with strong head voice to a G.

  • GRIMSBY: To play male in his 30s - 50s. Prince Eric’s British guardian. Long-suffering, no-nonsense and big-hearted. More a companion and confidant than a guardian, without whose astute counsel Eric would be lost, and at sea. A source of advice, a center of gravity. Occasionally exasperated by, but entirely devoted to, his young charge, the Prince. Vocal range: Light character vocals only, patter a la Gilbert and Sullivan.

  • SEBASTIAN: To play Caribbean male in his 20’s - 50’s. A crab. The court composer, world-class suck-up to King Triton, and a ‘side-stepper’ by nature. Ariel’s unwilling protector under the sea, and later, in the inhospitable world above. Speaks with a Caribbean accent. Good sense of comedy, good dancer and singer. Vocal range: Strong character calypso sound. Baritone to E.

  • SCUTTLE: To play male in his 30’s or 40’s. A seagull. Fancies himself the ocean’s Greatest Living Expert on humans and their peculiar (and often revolting) stuff. Full of confidence, positivity, and, of course, feathers. Ariel depends on him for the bird’s-eye view of the world and life. A real song and dance man-type, will tap. Vocal range: Very strong character tenor or baritenor with a solid high A.

  • FLOUNDER: To play a boy fish of 10 - 12 who can sing and move well. A little fish in a big pond. A faithful friend small enough to look up to the little mermaid, Ariel. What he lacks in courage he more than makes up for in enthusiasm. Vocal range: Boy soprano with good pop sensibility. Belt to a strong D.

  • FLOTSAM AND JETSAM: To play 20’s or 30’s. Two eels, high-voltage low-lifes who are Ursula’s lackeys and partners in crime. Ssslippery, ssslimy sssnakes in the (sea) grass. Good comic actors and good movers. Vocal range: Light seductive tenor to B with falsetto to a high D.

  • LOUIS: A human, French Chef extraordinaire, a culinary perfectionist with a particular affinity for dishes with fishes. Must be a good dancer. Vocal range: Sings Les Poissons a la Maurice Chevalier. A character baritone.

  • ENSEMBLE: Excellent singers who move well to play sailors, merpeople, gulls, eels, seahorse, maids, waiters, citizens of the kingdom, and the prince’s maid, Carlotta.


  • DANNY ZUKO: male, tenor, 18–25, lead, the leader of “The Burger Palace Boys,” well-built, handsome, with an air of cool, easy-going charm. Strong and confident.  Able to play basketball and ride a motorcycle a plus!

  • SANDY DUMBROWSKI: female, soprano, 18–25, lead, Danny’s love interest. Sweet, wholesome, naïve, cute, like Sandra Dee of the “Gidget” movies.

  • FRENCHY: female, soprano, 18 – 25, lead, a dreamer. Good-natured and dumb. Heavily made-up, fussy about her appearance—particularly her hair. She can’t wait to finish high school so she can be a beautician.

  • KENICKIE: male, baritone, 18 – 25, lead, second-in-command of the Burger Palace Boys. Tough-looking, tattooed, surly, avoids any show of softness. Has an off-beat sense of humor.

  • RIZZO: female, mezzo, 18 – 25, lead, leader of the Pink Ladies. She is tough, sarcastic and outspoken but vulnerable. Thin, Italian, with unconventional good looks.

  • ROGER: male, tenor, 18 – 25, supporting, the “anything-for-a-laugh” stocky type. Full of mischief, half-baked schemes and ideas. A clown who enjoys putting other people on.  Able to ride a motorcycle a plus.

  • JAN: female, mezzo, 18 – 25, supporting, chubby, compulsive eater. Loud and pushy with the girls; shy with boys.

  • DOODY: male, tenor, 18 – 25, supporting, youngest of the guys. Small, boyish, open, with a disarming smile and a hero-worshipping attitude toward the other guys. He plays the guitar.

  • MARTY: female, alto, 18 – 25, the “beauty” of the Pink Ladies. Pretty, looks older than the other girls, but betrays her real age when she opens her mouth. Tries to act sophisticated.

  • SONNY: male, baritone, 18 – 25, Italian-looking with shiny black hair and dark, oily skin. A braggart and wheeler-dealer who thinks he’s a real lady-killer.

  • CHA-CHA: female, soprano, 18 – 25, a blind date. Slovenly, loud-mouthed. Takes pride in being “the best dancer at St. Bernadette’s.”

  • JOHNNY CASINO: male, baritone, 18 – 25, a “greaser” student at Rydell who leads a rock ‘n roll band and likes to think of himself as a real rock ‘n roll idol.

  • TEEN ANGEL: male, tenor, 27 – 35, cameo, a good-looking, falsetto-voiced Fabian-look-alike. A singer who would have caused girls to scream and riot back in 1958.

  • PATTY: female, 18 – 25, a typical cheerleader at a middle-class American public high school. Attractive and athletic. Aggressive, sure of herself, given to bursts of disconcerting enthusiasm. Catty, but in an All-American Girl sort of way. She can twirl a baton.

  • EUGENE FLORCZYK: male, 18 – 25, the class valedictorian. Physically awkward, with weak eyes and a high-pitched voice. An apple-polisher, smug and pompous but gullible.

  • VINCE FONTAINE: male, 35 – 50, cameo, a typical “teen audience” radio disc jockey. Slick, egotistical, fast-talking. A veteran “greaser”.

  • MISS LYNCH: female, 40 – 60, an old maid English teacher.

  • PINK LADIES: females, 16 – 25, chorus, the club-jacketed, gum-chewing, hip-swinging girls’ gang that hangs around with the Burger Place Boys.

  • BURGER PALACE BOYS: males, 16 – 25, chorus, a super cool, D.A.-haired, hard-looking group of high school wheeler-dealers…or so they think.
If you are interested, email or with your:
        Date you are interested in auditioning
We will email you additional info. for your audition
Craze Agency