"Nappi" Clothing Commercial Spot

This commercial will be filmed as a music video to local artist, Marcus Bently's song 'The Day Before'. Below is a link to the song and the script.

Character Breakdown: (Emphasis on classically attractive body types for the fit of the clothing. See www.nappiclothing.com)

Brandon (27-32) - Average build, classically handsome. Calm, often seeks peace before confrontation, devoted to his aspirations.
Christine (25-30) - Very pretty, but not in a super model or body builder way. Intellectual and pragmatic, slow to forgive and trust but loyal when committed.
Extras (25-40) - Male or Female working in Brandon's office.

Here's the link to the song: http://vimeo.com/37991682

<Nappi_Screenplay copy.pdf>

Please send headshots and resumes (and any links to reels) to:

Auditions by appointment only will be held on Monday March 12th from 3-7pm

Must be available for shoot dates:
Friday March 23rd 5:00pm-1:00am
Saturday March 24th 5:00pm-12:00am
Sunday March 25th 3:30-11:30

Compensation:$100 for the day for the lead actor and actress

Life and Times Media LLC
Producer Mark Medley
Director/DP Steve Greene
Casting Director Mia Tate