Casting Breakdown: The Sixth Sense

MALCOLM CROW [30-40] Male, medium build, esteemed child psychiatrist.

COLE SEAR [6-10] Male, small for his age, big eyes, smart, and attentive.

(Females may also audition for these roles)

I am directing a scene for a class project at Brigham Young University from The Sixth Sense. The scene consists of a conversation between the two characters and does not have any ghosts or inappropriate material for children. You may see the attached scene (INT. DEN) for a reference. Please email if you would like to see the sides or have additional questions. Please do not watch the film to prepare.

Auditions will be held in room A410 in the Harris Fine Arts Center at BYU as follows:

Friday, March 1st - 5:00pm-7:00pm
Saturday, March 2nd - 10:00am-12:00pm

Please bring a headshot and resume if you have them. Please don’t come memorized.

Thank you!
Emily Steffensen