In this zombie short we will be having a cool twist of story telling. It's about survivors in different times during the zombie apocalypse. We have professional make up artists to make this look legit! PRINCIPAL CAST SURVIVORS: Woman age 25 and up Male age 25 and up Male 30 and up Male and female early 20s Male 18 and up (needs to be big) Female 18 and up (younger looking the better) Male 30s (skinny) Male 30-40s Principal zombies 3-6

Auditions will be the 11th of this month. At 6:30-9pm
The auditions will be held in level 3 conference room 3 of the salt lake city library. we are filming 22nd and 28th of this month.
This is all the info. Craze has let us know if they are interested thanks!