Casting for a commercial shoot for corporate video and photo libraries. We will be shooting on location in Salt Lake on Thursday May 8 and Logan Friday May 9 for business/lifestyle photos and video. The rate is $100/day for an unlimited buyout of the photos and video. The images are generally used by non-profit healthcare companies for marketing purposes in pamphlets, on their website, TV commercials, and on YouTube.

Looking for mixed race and minority talent age 26-55 and one child age 6-10. Wardrobe will be business professional and nice casual.

Casting Profiles:

Ages 26-55

Female African American: one person Thursday, one person Friday

Male African American: one person Thursday

Female Asian: one person Thursday, two people Friday

Male Asian: one person Thursday

Child Asian age 6-10: one person Friday

Female American Indian: one person Thursday

Male American Indian: one person Thursday, one person Friday

Female Hispanic: two people Thursday,

Male Hispanic: one person Thursday, one person Friday

Female Caucasian: two people Friday

Male Caucasian: one person Thursday, two people Friday

Rate: $100/day: non-speaking acting/modeling

Usage: Unlimited Buyout; The images are generally used by non-profit healthcare companies for marketing purposes in pamphlets, on their website, TV commercials, and on YouTube.

Dates: 8 May 2014 in Salt Lake and 9 May 2014 in Logan

 email us at




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We will submit you thanks!