Posted by Craze Agency on Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Hey, this is the third time we are trying, because
we still haven't found all supporting/lead characters.
SHARON 20 - Was 4
when her parents died. Very Rude and surly. Doesn't like most people. Kind of
Gothic, likes to go to parties to do drugs. Only respects Jason and is mean to
everyone else. Swears a lot.
THOMAS 45-50 Thomas Spade Dad to Mary
FATHER 25 - 30 Father to Jason, Sharon and David. (Possible to look in
40's if make-up)
JANE 18-23 Girlfriend in one episode
DAVID 7 David Hunter
Child David (5-9 year old boy needed)
We need a lot of extras! Call
801-502-4436 to schedule! Send resume and head shots to us at