1800's Western Short Film - Looking for background talent.
Looking for men 18+ to be "western gunslinger" background for a comedic western short film set in the 1880s. Unpaid opportunity for credit.
Filming: Sunday, May 19th - Noon to 7:00 PM
... Location: This is the Place Monument
Dress: Button up shirts (White, cream, blue, burgundy); Flat front slacks are preferred, though plain jeans are acceptable;
Bringing 5-6 button vests would be a plus; Dress shoes or boots are preferred but solid-colored dark leather sneakers (black or brown) with dark socks are passable. If you happen to have period 1880s clothing that would be outstanding. Please bring 2-3 options if able.
Food will be provided.
For any questions, or to join the fun please contact izzi@metachron.com.