I am a film student at the U producing a short ten minute film for my Video Production class. It's short notice, but I am in need of actors ASAP! The focus will be on the visual part of the story rather than the audio (memorizing lines won't be necessary), so what I please need is charismatic, sincere acting to tell the story. Your name will be in the credits and this will be good experience to help you build your acting portfolio and gain experience. If you are interested email me back with your picture and/or information about you. The due date for the film is in two and a half weeks.

Cast Needed:

20-30 years old. Attractive. Looks like she belongs with Hank/they fit well together (see attached picture of Hank). Preferably blond, but not required. Must be willing to kiss Hank and Mick - just a good, simple kiss. Time commitment: 30 hours.

Mick - 20-30 years old.
Black or brown hair. Sharp looking guy. Time commitment: 12 hours
Role: in Hank's film he plays Angela's love interest. Kisses Angela as part of Hank's film.

Camera Man - preferably bearded or some amount of facial hair.
Time commitment: 6 hours

Thanks for your help.



1 Int. Hank's office - morning

The papers in the office show he is a writer of some sort - the title of his script "Forever Love" by Hank Mills - grandson. Based on a true story. Their obituary is on his office wall, shown with other pictures he has hung all over of them in their younger days - this is where he has planned out the film and written the script.

Hank works on the production schedule at his desk. The phone rings, and he pays it no attention, keeps on working. On the answering machine his mom says, "Hi hank it's mom. I hope the pre production is going well. Love you. Oh and Hank, remember to go on dates. We need grand children Hank. We need grand babies." "Beeep" Hank shakes his head.

2 EXT. Street

Hank walks down the sidewalk downtown, carrying a messenger bag, looking good, bundled up. Heading to a shop. A good looking lady walks towards him in the opposite direction, giving him the look. Hank maintains eye contact, but doesn't seem moved either way. She passes. He turns around and walk after her, as if to go talk to her, but then turns into a store "there it is".


3 Int. casting room/auditorium

Hank sits next to the casting director at a table with a light on some papers. A woman is acting on the stage/front of room. Hank motions a thank you and a "that's all for now" with his hand and head. She walks off. The next candidate walks on. Hank is shown shuffling through some papers, paying no attention. He takes a quick glance up through his glasses, then back up again (a double take) and is completely stunned. The world is in slow motion. She is beautiful. He looks at the cast director and nods his head slightly.

4 The slap

Crew is getting set up. Hank rummages through gear.

Beautiful Angela is shown. She stands off set, just glistening as her hair dresser stands behind her, prepping her hair.

A Movie Scene Marker is shown in the frame "Scene 21, take 1". Angela and Mick study in the park, sitting on a bench. Mick goes in for the kiss, just goes for it. CUT! Mick doesn't have enough passion. He looses eye contact after the kiss! Goes again. CUT! Goes a third time, and when Hank cuts he gets frustrated, storms onto the stage, and just goes for it, shows him how it's done. Stairs into her eyes after the kiss, then gives her another, thinking that she feels the connection. A long pause between them, Hank smiling, Angela hard to read. We are unsure of how she will react. then SLAP!

A bit embarrassed, there is awkward silence on the set. Hank eventually breaks the silence by saying let's try again, and walks off the set so they can resume shooting. Mick slowly sits back down next to Angela, the film rolls, and Mick looks a bit uncomfortable/perplexed. It takes him a second to get back into it.

5 Int. Hank's House (night)

Hank sits in silence in his house. He gets something from the freezer. Sits again in the same place in silence, stares forward and slightly down. Still staring, he opens whatever it was he got from the freezer, begins eating it (creamy). Awkward silence. depressed and still shocked.

Sits in his office. Reads from his grandpa's journal. He reads, "Once, Mary (?) got mad at me because I was too physical with her. I was taking things too fast, she said, and neglecting to develop the relationship. At first I thought she was crazy and needy for saying that, but then I thought more about it, and realized she was exactly right." Hank looks back at the words "develop the relationship", then looks up, thinking on it.


6 EXT. railroad

train approaching. everyone gets ready. roll footage. cuts to actual film - Mick and Angela hurry and lie down next to each other. Mick motions for her to put her ear to the ground, both lying facing each other, face down. Train is shown whizzing by. They laugh excitedly.

The shoot is over for the day.

As Angela gets to her car she notices a note on her door. she opens the note

Sorry about yesterday Angela. Please let me treat you to some hot chocolate tonight at The Midget at 7:00. I'll meet you there.

Angela puts the note in her pocket, laughs, shakes her head, gets in her car. - viewer thinks she won't show

7 Int. The midget (night)

Hank waits for a long time.

Angela walks in and they give a polite hug, both smile.

At a table they drink hot chocolate while they talk.

8 Shoot location (day)

As the camera man is putting away a tripod into the trailer he cuts his thumb. Angela sees this, rushes up to him, and looks at the cut. She takes off her neckerchief and wraps it around his thumb. Quickly retrieves her purse and grabs a band-aid. rinses the cut with a bottle of water, dries it and puts the band-aid on. The camera cuts to Hank watching her do this. a slight grin on the side of his face(he is impressed by this), and a slight chuckle comes out, almost saying "hu! would you look at that" Cuts back to her- she smiles, grabs the man's hand, and gives it a kiss. walks away. camera man walks back to what he was doing. Hank still stands there with the same look on his face as he watches her walk away, nodding his head slightly, like hmmm, this girl might really have something.

Angela is shown at her car, again finding and opening a note on her door.


Shoot some pool?

Laughs and gets in.

9 Int pool hall

Angela hits a ball in. Hank looks at her and shakes his head.

10 Ext. angela's car

opens note.(montage begins)

11 Ext. park (night)

Walk in the park while they eat ice cream.

12 Angela's car

opens note

13 Int. hank's house (night)

Board game at the table.

14 Angela's car

opens note (shown doing this four or five more times)

15 date

pizza parlor/roof/bowling

16 note - changeup

bam. montage stops. hank finds note at his car and laughs - "dinner and a movie at my house - 8:00"

17 Snug Snug (NIGHT)

Hank and Angela do the dishes together. Hank pats his stomach, showing thanks, it was good.

Watching a movie, Hank with his arm up on the couch towards Angela about a foot and a half apart (friend distance). Angela moves in and snuggles up by him, smiling. Hank's face shows shock at first, then he smiles and leans his head on hers.

18 Clever

After another shoot Hank gets in his car and drives off. Angela gets to her car. She doesn't see a note, and gets a bit confused, then gets in. She stops for a minute, then starts her car, and of course, puts on her seatbelt. As she puts on her seat belt she finds the note attached to the seatbelt, smiles, and opens it. "Jazz game tonight 7:00"

19 The payoff

(Hank and Angela are wearing Jazz jersies, and Angela has a big foam number 1 sign on her hand/same type of bench setup as when he kissed her and got slapped)

They walk onto the trax station platform and sit on the bench. Hank drains the trey into Angela's fake hoop, then celebrates like Karl Malone. They laugh as Angela leans her shoulder into Hank. Once the laugh subsides, Hank looks at Angela and slowly moves in for a kiss. He doesn't break eye contact after the kiss. Looks for her response, but is unsure. She grabs his head and kisses him again! The train pulls up and blocks the shot of them kissing to end the movie.


The journal sits on Hank's desk with the same page open - develop the relationship* - then it slams closed.