Please let Craze  know if you are cast
SLCC Student Film Audition - Copy/Credit only
"Patient 0"

Date: Tuesday, March 13th
Time: 6:00 – 9:00pm
Place: Salt Lake Community College
South City Campus
1575 South State Street, Salt Lake
Room N-290

Contact: Robyn Adamson: or

This is an SLCC Student Film compensation is Copy/Credit. Meals will be provided for work over 4 hours.

Speaking Roles:
Annika Petersson (45+) Female-CAST
Annika is a hard working Doctor of a small town. Her clinic is the only
source of medical help within 30 miles. She is always on call and knows
everyone by name. She moved to a small town with her husband, Brian when she
became overwhelmed with her career in the city. She wanted a simpler life.

She is passionate about her work and sometimes a little brash when
she has a specific agenda. Although her bedside manners far outshine her
social graces. She must work to contain a deadly out break when her small town becomes infected. She finds out her daughter is the carrier and must decide whether to turn her in or let her go.

Karen (15-18) – Female
Karen is a confused, rebellious teen who doesn't understand her
Mother’s devotion to work. She escapes reality with her boyfriend,
DJ and her two best friends Julie and Sarah. She loves her father dearly and is a little
protective of him but her relationship with her mother is strained
although she is exactly like her mother; she is strong willed and defiant.

DJ (17-22) - Male
Well intentioned boy friend of Karen. He is young and naive. He is the
reason Karen skips school and doesn't realize Annika knows this. He is
respectful to Annika despite his childish lies.

Brian (50+) - Male
Loyal, hard-working family man and novelist. Recently divorced. Has partial
custody of his 15 year old daughter and still supports his ex-wife emotionally.

Jim (25-35) – Male
Jim is a dedicated employee and a bit of a friend to Annika. He's her
right hand and manages much of her communication with the world
which he tries to smooth out for her and compensate for her abrupt

Nurse (20-25) – Female
Another small town girl, she is attached to all the patients and
townspeople. She has rarely ever had to deal with a real emergency
and is stunned completely by DJ's violent death. She's been born and
raised in this town and knows everyone.

Counselor (30-45) - Female
Well intentioned but a bit nieve to Karen's situation. She is a married, country
girl with two children and cares very much about her students. However, she
is a bit off track about how to solve the problem not only with Karen but her
disengaged mother, Annika.

CDC Agent #1 (30+) – Male
Has one primary agenda: to define and isolate the outbreak. He keeps a cold
and calculated manor despite the obvious emotional needs of those involved.

CDC Agent #2 (30+) - Male or Female
Concerned about the welfare of the town but knows he has a job to do. He
must reject his urges to personalize. Has some insight into what may have
caused this outbreak. His main concern is to find patient 0 and isolate them
from causing any further infection.

Child (5-8) - Female
Sweet, innocent country girl. Would rather be playing horses with her
friends than at the doctor's office.

Non-Speaking Roles (will require nonverbal acting skills)
Julie (15-18) - Female
One of Karen's best friends. She is a bit rebellious but only as a reaction
to Karen's behavior. She goes with the flow just to fit in.

Sara (15-18) - Female
Karen's best friend and confidant. She supports Karen in everything
she does and seems to be the only person who really understands her
strained relationship with her mom.

Grandmother (60+) Female
Obiously an independant woman. We see where Annika gets her strength
and beauty.

Concerned Neighbor (50+)
Small town blue collar attire.