Utah -Film “DANDELIONS” -fun opportunity for kids!
The sides are on the bottom of this posting just go for one of the parts below.
1. LUCY: lead, 6-7 years old, any ethnicity, must be able to run. Lucy is a little girl with the heart of a lioness.
2. SADIE: lead, 9-10 years old, slightly heavy, must be same ethnicity
as Lucy. Sadie is a little girl with the grace of a gazelle.
3. RYAN: supporting 9-10 years old, popular boy, any ethnicity, must be
able to run. Ryan is a little boy with the brutality of a hyena.
4. AMY: supporting, 9-10 years old, blond hair, Caucasian. Used to
being thought pretty, Amy is a little girl with the pack mentality of a
5. JOY: supporting, 9-10 years old, any ethnicity, wealthy. Joy is a little girl with the pack mentality of a hyena.
6. CLASSMATE 1: featured extra, any gender, any ethnicity.
7. CLASSMATE 2: featured extra, any gender, any ethnicity.
We will be shooting Saturday,
July 28th. Actors must be available that day as well as for a table
read the evening of July 25th for 2 hours.
Auditions are being held at Broadview University (located at 240 E Morris Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84115) Wed, July 18th
Please take a stapled back to back headshot and resume. Let Craze know if you are booked, this is all the info. Craze has. Good luck
If interested email Peggy at matheson_5@g.com
LUCY (a first-grader girl with mismatched socks) bends over some dandelions growing in the grass in the playground and plucks them like a bouquet.
What are you doing?
Lucy glances up at her sister, SADIE (a fashionable fourth grader, who is big, beautiful, and sassy).
I’m picking flowers.
Dandelions aren't flowers, dear.
Sheesh. They’re weeds.
Lucy smooths the glorious mane of yellow.
No, they're lovely and I’m giving
them to mom!
Lucy! They’re ugly.
The two walk toward home, in step with each other.
No, they’re not.
Yes, they are. Infinity.
What? You can’t just call them
The dictionary does. You can’t
argue with a dictionary.
RYAN, fourth grader, most popular boy in school, shouts again:
RYAN (cont)
Hey fatty, I’m talking to you.
(under her breath)
Go away, Ryan!
Two girls giggle, nudging each other. AMY (fourth grader, glossy blonde hair, perfect blue eyes, bad 80’s make-up), JOY (fourth grader, plain short, fashionable, bad 80’s make-up). Joy pulls away from Amy and stalks Sadie.
Hey, I saw you looking at Sam!
Quit following him. Are you in love
or something? You stalker!
Well, if it isn’t Joy!
Sam doesn’t want you to talk to him.
He thinks you’re repulsive.
Amy giggles on the sidelines. Sadie is embarrassed.
We’re friends. Just leave me alone.
He said you make him sick you’re so
Well, at least I can go on a diet. You
can’t change your ugly face.
Sadie grabs Lucy’s hand and they march away. Ryan follows behind
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Sister’s shoelaces are undone. Her footsteps quicken and she steps on her shoelace and falls on the cement.
Classmates swarm in like a flock of hateful vultures.
You're gonna break the cement,
Sadie’s composure breaks.
What have you been eating? Ding
dongs? You look like one.
Have you ever seen such an ugly
fat girl in your life?
Sadie flinches, a tear slides down her cheek. Too many to wipe away.
Stop it!
Ryan laughs. He opens his mouth to insult Sadie again, but before he can, Lucy plows him over. He falls and rolls over the ground. Lucy stands over him, her hands rolled into fists.
Amy and Joy look shocked.
I’m gonna kill YOU!
Ryan scrambles to his feet and runs. Lucy chases after him.