This should be good paying we will have more details Monday
This is a commercial for Lagoon.

Shoot dates are:
Tuesday, September 11
Wednesday, September 12
Thursday, September 13

Spot 1 - "Let Fun Reign," with a smattering of family-types, in vignettes of memorable moments at the park, interspersed with beauty shots of the park; and an internet-only spot,
Spot 2 - "Best Friends" featuring a big tough muscle guy and a scrawny little geeky guy who inadvertently become best friends for a day.

I need a big buffed-out tough muscle guy and a scrawny geeky guy and wanted to give you a heads up.

None of these roles have lines!

The schedule will be a split shedule as there is NIGHT and DAY shooting needed

I will likely want to see people early on Wednesday.

If you are interested email us at
3-Which spot you fit Spot one or Spot Two
4-Put Lagoon in email header
We will submit you and let you know thanks!